Attendance at the 'French-Japanese Innovation Year' Opening Event

October 05, 2015

Minister Yamaguchi delivers his speech

Discussion between Prime Minister Valls
(second from left) and Minister Mandon (left)

On 5 October 2015, Minister for Science and Technology Policy Yamaguchi attended the opening event of the French-Japanese Innovation Year held in Tokyo.

The French-Japanese Innovation Year is an innovation exchange program involving a wide range of educators and teams in the public and private sector in both countries. The goal of this program is to create opportunities that open up new prospects for this bilateral relationship, as well as to promote the innovation power of both countries.

In his speech at the opening event, Minister Yamaguchi mentioned that dancers from Tokushima had performed the Awa Odori Festival in Paris, and that Japanese pop culture continues to experience a boom in France, indicating that the bilateral relationship is being revitalized not only in science and technology, but also across a wide range of fields. In addition, as well as providing an update on the formulation of the 5th Science and Technology Basic Plan, Minister Yamaguchi stated his expectation of strengthened innovation power and a further deepening of the cooperative relationship between both countries in the field of science and technology.