IV. Household Products

5. Quality Labeling


Please describe a labeling system that is applied when importing or selling household goods. 


The labeling system is a system to provide consumers with a yardstick for properly selecting or utilizing products and to label ingredients, performance, usage and other items.

(Household Goods Quality Labeling Law)

1. With various products circulating in the market, it is difficult to distinguish the quality, performance and handling method of those products by their outer appearance alone. Therefore, the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law imposes appropriate labeling as a yardstick for consumers to select and use products properly.

2. Products subject to labeling in accordance with the Household Goods Quality Labeling Law are designated by cabinet order in consideration of the difficulty of the consumer to distinguish product quality at the time of purchase and the necessity for such labeling. Presently 89 products including textile goods (34 items), plastic manufactured goods (8 items), electric appliances (17 items) and miscellaneous manufactured goods (30 items) are subject to labeling.

3. For products subject to quality labeling, there are comprehensive labeling requirements (labeling standards). For each product, there are labeling requirements, which are a set of items to be displayed on the label such as ingredients, performance, use and cautions upon use, as well as compliance requirements, which are a set of requirements to be observed upon labeling by the entity putting the labels on the products.