Minister Shimajiri Attends the Science and Technology Diplomacy Symposium "A New Direction in Japanese Diplomacy through Science and Technology"

Minister Shimajiri making opening remarks at the symposium

Minister Shimajiri discussing the importance of science and technology diplomacy

On May 24, 2016, Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy, Ms. Aiko Shimajiri, attended the Science and Technology Diplomacy Symposium, " A New Direction in Japanese Diplomacy through Science and Technology."

As sponsor of the symposium, Minister Shimajiri welcomed the attendees. She reported on the proceedings of the G7 Science and Technology Ministers' Meeting in Tsukuba, Ibaraki held on May 15-17, where she served as chair. At the Ministers' Meeting, the minister advocated Society 5.0, characterized by sophisticated integration of cyberspace with physical space to better implement Japanese science and technology innovation throughout the world. Ministers at the G7 meeting debated six themes, releasing the Tsukuba Communiqué at the conclusion of the meeting.

The Tsukuba Communiqué details a number of specific actions for addressing issues, including establishing international networks, setting up working groups, and strengthening international cooperative frameworks. To ensure the real progress of these actions, the G7 representatives declared their commitment to initiatives for securing the cooperation of international organizations and government agencies. The Communiqué also pointed out the importance of balanced science and technology diplomacy.

The May 24 Science and Technology Diplomacy Symposium included a speech by Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and a keynote presentation on current activities and future outlook by Dr. Teruo Kishi, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Other addresses were given by Prof. Takashi Shiraishi, President of the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS), and Mr. Kazuo Todani, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. Dr. Hitoshi Murayama, Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, gave another keynote address titled, "Science and Technology Diplomacy and World Peace."

Following, Dr. Kishi and Dr. Murayama were joined by Dr. Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, Chairman, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation, Prof. Akihiko Tanaka, professor in the University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, and Dr. Miyoko Watanabe, Senior Director at the Japan Science and Technology Agency for a panel discussion. The discussion, on the topic of "A New Direction in Japanese Diplomacy through Science and Technology Diplomacy," was moderated by Prof. Atsushi Sunami, Vice President of GRIPS."