May 21, 2007
Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Science and Technology Policy, Attends the Ministerial Meeting on Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) and Nuclear Energy Cooperation at Park Hyatt Hotel, Washington D.C.

State Minister Sanae TAKAICHI with Dr. Samuel W. Bodman, Secretary of Energy, USA |

Press Conference |

Session by theme |
Sanae Takaichi, Minister for Science and Technology Policy, visited USA from 20th May 2007 to 22nd May 2007, and attended the Ministerial Meeting on GNEP and Nuclear Energy Cooperation, which was held in Washington D.C. with Dr. Shunsuke Kondo, chairman of Atomic Energy Commission. This meeting is the first meeting by Ministerial-levels of GNEP participating countries. Japan, USA, France, China and Russia participated in this meeting. Also UK and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) participated in this meeting as the observers. In the meeting ministers and other senior officials have exchanged their opinions actively about the future of GNEP international cooperation concerning the peaceful use of nuclear energy. Minister Takaichi played the role of lead-off in the Session "Addressing Spent Fuel Management Challenges". At the end of the meeting, they have issued "Joint Statement on the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership and Nuclear Energy Cooperation"