Projects of Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP) (2018-2022)
- Big-Data and AI-Enabled Cyberspace Technologies Summary(PDF:555KB)
R&D Plan(PDF:1662KB)
- Intelligent Knowledge Processing Infrastructure Integrating Physical and Virtual Domains Summary(PDF:163KB)
R&D Plan 1(PDF:1538KB)
R&D Plan 2(PDF:1380KB)
- Cyber Physical Security for IoT Society R&D Plan(PDF:797KB)
- Automated Driving for Universal Services R&D Plan(PDF:1476KB)
- “Materials Integration” for Revolutionary Design System of Structural Materials Summary(PDF:324KB)
R&D Plan(PDF:1243KB)
- Photonics and Quantum Technology for Society 5.0 R&D Plan(PDF:1127KB)
- Technologies for Smart Bio-industry and Agriculture R&D Plan(PDF:1328KB)
- Energy Systems of an IoE Society Summary(PDF:268KB)
R&D Plan(PDF:1280KB)
- Enhancement of National Resilience against Natural Disasters Summary(PDF:183KB)
R&D Plan(PDF:615KB)
- Innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hospital System R&D Plan(PDF:1538KB)
- Development of Innovative Technologies for Exploration of Deep Sea Resources Summary(PDF:343KB)
R&D Plan(PDF:1523KB)