V. Transportation and Traffic

4. Inspection System for Small Boats


I understand that jet skis, leisure boats and the like which are imported must be inspected as "small boats". What kind of inspection is required? 


Ships are required to take regular inspection (periodical and intermediate inspections) and occasional inspection during conversions, etc. These inspections also apply to small-sized imported ships (limited to Japanese vessels).

(Ship Safety Law)

1. Ships are inspected by the government to verify that they provide structure and equipment etc., necessary to ensure safety (except for rowboats (less than seven prescribed numbers of passengers) and some other boats). There are periodical inspections (undergo detailed inspections every 5 or 6 years), intermediate inspections (undergo simple intermediate inspections conducted every 1 to 3 years) and occasional inspections (undergo inspections conducted during renovations, etc.).

2. Imported jet skis, motor boats, yachts with engines and yachts without engines that can travel at more than 20 sea miles should take the above-mentioned ship inspections (periodical and intermediate inspections). Furthermore, boats of less than 20tons gross tonnage (except for hovercrafts and some other special boats) are inspected by the Japan Craft Inspection Organization.

Small ship inspection such leisure boats