An Overview List of Budget Related to Measures for Aging Society by Field

Items Budget

Primary budget

Compared with
the previous
  Million yen Million yen Million yen
1  Working and income 5,638,749 5,488,353 150,396
(18,366,807) (15,567,630) (2,799,177)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(1)  Securing older persons' opportunities of employment and working 16,003 18,258 -2,255
(252,323) (253,091) (-768)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(2)  Helping working people exhibit their abilities throughout their lives 2,210 2,322 -112
(121,662) (112,653) (9,009)
(3)  Stable operation of corporate pension system 5,616,115 5,463,155 152,960
(70,346) (69,481) (866)
(4)  Support of securing incomes for the elderly through self-help 4,421 4,619 -197
(17,922,475) (15,132,405) (2,790,070)
2  Health and welfare 5,913,106 5,586,196 326,910
(373,439) (374,585) (-1,145)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(1)  Comprehensive promotion of health improvement 103,363 103,945 -582
(4,980) (8,759) (-3,779)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(2)  Steady implementation of the Long-term Care Insurance System 1,511,595 1,438,350 73,245
(3)  Enhancing long-term care services 210,919 223,177 -12,257
(25,658) (34,303) (-8,664)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(4)  Innovation of the medical system for older persons 3,785,065 3,535,492 249,573
(13,929) (18,163) (-4,234)
(5)  Promoting comprehensive measures to support child care 302,164 285,232 16,932
(328,872) (313,360) (15,512)
3  Learning and Social involvement 35,470 35,568 -98
(1,661) (1,881) (-220)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(1)  Creating a lifelong learning system 24,900 26,032 -1,133
(1,321) (1,595) (-274)
(2)  Promoting social involvement 10,570 9,535 -1,035
(340) (286) (54)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
4  Living Environment 26,301 32,927 -6,626
(447,375) (457,257) (-9,882)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
[19,394] [27,566] [-8,172]
(1)  Ensuring stable and comfortable housing - - -
(40) (42) (-2)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(2)  Comprehensive promotion of creating a city in consideration of "Universal Design." 11,515 11,013 502
(436,616) (445,620) (-9,004)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(3)  Protecting older persons from traffic accidents, crimes and disasters 161 568 -407
(-) (-) (-)
(4)  Developing comfortable and energized living environment 14,625 21,346 -6,721
(10,719) (11,595) (-876)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
[19,394] [27,566] [-8,172]
5  Promoting Research 125,069 96,780 28,289
(14,176) (13,010) (1,165)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(1)  Promoting a variety of research activities 96,323 77,125 19,198
(11,660) (11,935) (-275)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
(2)  Improving the basis of research activities 28,746 19,654 9,091
(2,516) (1,075) (1,441)
Total 11,738,695 11,239,824 498,871
(19,203,458) (16,414,363) (2,789,095)
<        -> <        -> <        ->
[19,394] [27,566] [-8,172]

  1. Figures of budget amount:
    Figure only: general account, (  ): special account, <  >: treasury investment and loan, [ ]: loan limit
  2. Increasing rate of the total to the former fiscal year: General account 4.44%, Special account 16.99%
  3. Regarding the items budget amount and increasing (decreasing) amount are not identified are shown as - .
    Therefore, the total and the budget amounts by field are the total of only what is identified.