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Table 1-2-54. Status of Targets Housing Standards in Elderly Households

(Unit : %)

Tenure of Dwelling Main households of a single elderly Main households with an elderly couple Total number of main households
Households above average Households below average Households above average Households below average Households above average Households below average
Total 70.8 29.1 76.6 23.4 46.5 51.1
Privately-owned house 86.7 13.3 84.2 15.8 58.2 41.0
Houses for rent 41.1 58.9 34.0 66.0 29.8 69.3

Public houses for rent

55.8 44.2 38.0 62.0 27.5 71.8

Houses for rent by public corporations

57.3 42.9 29.3 70.6 27.4 71.5

Private houses for rent (Wooden, Individual Equipment)

30.5 69.5 24.9 75.0 23.8 75.3

Private houses for rent (Wooden, Common Equipment)

2.7 97.7 8.7 91.3 2.7 97.0

Private houses for rent (Non-wooden)

48.1 51.9 51.5 48.5 34.6 64.4

Houses for employees

54.3 45.7 51.9 48.1 36.7 62.9

Source: Management and Coordination Agency, 'Housing and Land Survey,' 1998
Note 1: 'Total' includes 'The number of tatami mat by targets housing standards is unknown.'
Note 2: In case one household lives in one house, the household is a 'main household.' In case 2 or more households live in one house, the main one of them (ex. house owners or tenant households, etc) is a 'main household.'

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