
大勲位菊花章 Supreme Orders of the Chrysanthemum
  大勲位菊花章頸飾   Collar of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
  大勲位菊花大綬章   Grand Cordon of the Supreme Order of the Chrysanthemum
桐花大綬章 Grand Cordon of the Order of the Paulownia Flowers
旭日章 Orders of the Rising Sun
  旭日大綬章   Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun
  旭日重光章   The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star
  旭日中綬章   The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
  旭日小綬章   The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette
  旭日双光章   The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays
  旭日単光章   The Order of the Rising Sun, Silver Rays
瑞宝章 Orders of the Sacred Treasure
  瑞宝大綬章   Grand Cordon of the Order of the Sacred Treasure
  瑞宝重光章   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star
  瑞宝中綬章   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
  瑞宝小綬章   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Rosette
  瑞宝双光章   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Rays
  瑞宝単光章   The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays
文化勲章 Order of Culture
宝冠章 Orders of the Precious Crown
  宝冠大綬章   Grand Cordon of the Order of the Precious Crown
  宝冠牡丹章   The Order of the Precious Crown, Peony
  宝冠白蝶章   The Order of the Precious Crown, Butterfly
  宝冠藤花章   The Order of the Precious Crown, Wistaria
  宝冠杏葉章   The Order of the Precious Crown, Apricot
  宝冠波光章   The Order of the Precious Crown, Ripple
褒章 Medals of Honour
  紅綬褒章   Medal with Red Ribbon
  緑綬褒章   Medal with Green Ribbon
  黄綬褒章   Medal with Yellow Ribbon
  紫綬褒章   Medal with Purple Ribbon
  藍綬褒章   Medal with Blue Ribbon
  紺綬褒章   Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon