Provisional Edition In English


Published December 2003

Measures for Persons with Disabilities (Focusing on FY2002)

Measures devised for persons with disabilities, particularly those implemented in FY2002, can be classified under one of four perspectives: "mutual understanding and exchange," "building the foundations for independent participation in society," "building the foundations for daily life" and "building the foundations for a comfortable living environment."

The principal measures devised, with a particular focus
on the new measures for FY2002, are described below.


Chapter 1.Comprehensive Approach to Measures for Persons with Disabilities

Chapter II.Mutual Understanding and Exchange (public relations activities and education for removing "mental barriers" necessary for further promotion of measures

Section 1.Public Awareness and Education

Section 2.International Cooperation

Chapter III.Building the Foundations for Independent Participation in Society (education, nurturing, employment, and work necessary for persons with disabilities to be independent)

Section 1.Education and Nurturing of Children with Disabilities

Section 2.Measures to Promote Employment

Section 3.Promotion of Sports, Recreation and Cultural Activities to Enrich the Lives of Persons with Disabilities

Chapter IV.Building the Foundations for Daily Life (health, medical care and welfare necessary to ensure a high quality of life for persons with disabilities)

Section 1.Measures to Ensure a Stable Livelihood

Section 2.Measures for Health and Medical Care

Section 3.Welfare Measures to Support Daily Life

Section 4.Securing of Specialists

Section 5.Promotion of Research and Development and Dissemination of Welfare Apparatus

Chapter V.Building the Foundations for a Comfortable Living Environment (including barrier-free town planning, housing, transportation, information services, crime and disaster prevention and other measures to enable persons with disabilities to move about freely outside the home and at work)

Section 1.Measures to Create a Comfortable Living Environment for Persons with Disabilities

Section 2.Measures Supporting Comfortable Living for Persons with Disabilities

Reference Material

Current Status of Persons and Children with Disabilities

Number of Children Attending Special Schools, Special Classes in Elementary and Lower Secondary Schools, or Children Provided Special Instructions at Resource Rooms

Current Employment Situation for Persons with Disabilities

  1.Current Employment Situation for Persons with Disabilities in the General Private Sector by Size of Enterprise

  2.Current Employment Situation for Disabled Persons in National and Local Public Organizations

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