Part I. Current Status of Persons with Disabilities
Section 2. Livelihood
(1)Place of residence
More than 80% of persons with physical disabilities are living in the house of their own or their family, while the rate of those who are living in rented house is low. Some persons with intellectual disabilities or mental disorders are living in group homes with support services.
(2)Persons with disabilities living in home
Less than 10% of persons with physical disabilities are living alone, and among them almost 60% have spouse. The rate of persons with intellectual disabilities living alone or having spouse is quite small, while most of them are living with their parents or relatives. Less than 20% of persons with mental disorders are living alone, and among them about 30% have spouse.
Figure 1-6: Persons with disabilities living in home
Figure 1-7: Marital Status
* The rate of married persons with physical / intellectual disabilities shows that they are living with their spouses.
"Survey on the Actual Status of Physically Disabled Children/Persons (2001)", MHLW,
"Comprehensive Survey on Children/Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (2000)",
"Survey on Needs for Rehabilitation Services for Persons with Mental Disorders (2003)", MHLW
(3) Rearing children with disabilities
With regard to places of activity for preschool, facilities for children with disabilities such as kindergarten and nursery school, as well as day-care center for children with disabilities are available. About 40% of children with disabilities are staying at home.
For children with physical disabilities, various facilities such as hospitals, child care centers, welfare offices, public health centers, and educational institutions are available. Similarly for children with intellectual disabilities, various facilities such as fellow workers, school teachers, doctors, staff of specialized agencies, and associations of persons with disabilities are available for consultation.
With regard to rearing children with disabilities, various facilities are available for support in the community. There is a need for a network for health care, medical care, welfare, and education to provide support to children with disabilities and their parents from an early stage.
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