Part I. Current Status of Persons with Disabilities
Section 6. Health
With regard to the status of treatment of persons with physical disabilities for the past year, the rate of persons with internal organs disabilities who receive treatment for "31 days or more" is more than one-third of the total, and that is the highest rate.
(2) Patients in mental hospitals
Among patients in mental hospitals, 15.1% has been admitted for 20 years or more, while about 20% can be assessed by the hospitals to be discharge if the conditions of the community in which they live are arranged.
Figure 1-11: Rate of Patients in Mental Hospitals who can be discharged if the conditions of community in which they live are arranged
Source:Based on "Patient Survey (2002)", arranged by Department of Health and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities, Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau, MHLW
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