Part II Measures Taken for Persons with Disabilities (Focused on FY2004)
Section 1. Comprehensive Approach to Measures for Persons with Disabilities
Government of Japanese promotes measures through taking a comprehensive and organized approach to facilitate enjoyment of persons with disabilities of their living independently and participation in the society in accordance with the Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities. Specific measures set out in the "Basic Programme for Persons with Disabilities (FY2003-FY2012)" and the "Five-Year Plan for Implementation of Priority Measures (FY2003-FY2007)" are steadily taken by relevant ministries in close cooperation with the "Headquarters for Promoting Measures for Persons with Disabilities" headed by the Prime Minister.
[Principal measures taken]
(1) The Law for Amending the Basic Law for Persons with Disabilities was promulgated and entered into force on 4 June 2004. The main points of amendments are that concept of non-discrimination on the basis of disability is explicitly spelled out, the "Week of Persons with Disabilities" (3-9 December) is established, and preferectual governments are required to establish programme for persons with disabilities.
(2) In June 2004, the "Outline of Promotion of Accessible Environment" was decided by the Ministerial Meeting on Accessible Environment.
(3) Four working groups consist of staff of relevant ministries to consider key issues were established under the Headquarters of Promoting Measures for Persons with Disabilities: there are "Working Group for promoting raising awareness regarding disability" , "Working Group for promoting provision of appropriate public services", "Working Group for promoting employment of persons with disabilities in public sectors" and "Working Group for promoting consideration of the Draft Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities".
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