Council for Regulatory Reform
- Japanese
- English
The Council for Regulatory Reform was established under cabinet order according to the provision of Article 37 (2) of the act on establishment of Cabinet Office on April 1, 2001.
Promotion of regulatory reform had been examined and deliberated at the Regulatory Reform Committee of the Headquarters for promotion of Administrative Reform until FY 2000.
For the promotion of regulatory reform in the future, the Comprehensive Program for Administrative Reform (under the cabinet decision of December 1, 2000) provided that "it is necessary to consider establishing a new deliberative organization within the Cabinet Office in order to monitor the conditions of implementation of the new three-year program for promoting regulatory reform as well as to promote regulatory reform in various fields taking economic and social structural reforms into account, and concrete results should be obtained by the end of FY 2000 based on the remarks of the Regulatory Reform Committee."
The "Remarks on Regulatory Reforms" published by the Regulatory Reform Committee (December 12, 2000) also stated that "in order for the government to promote further regulatory reform in the future, it is desirable to establish a deliberative organization that will be led by members from the private sector and be able to present objective recommendations as a regime for working on this task with cooperation between the government and the private sector under the leadership of the Cabinet, especially the prime minister."
As a result of these movements, the Council for Regulatory Reform was established within the cabinet office as an organization to comprehensively investigate and deliberate basic issues on necessary reforms from the perspective of promoting economic and social structural reforms at the request of the prime minister.
Composition of the Council
Ministers in Charge
Minister of State for Regulatory Reform / Senior Vice-Minister/ Parliamentary Secretary
"Regulatory Reform" Measures Taken
- December
- "Third Report Regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform >> Brochure(PDF:54KB)
- March
- The "Three-Year Program for Promoting Regulatory Reform (new Revised)" decided by the Cabinet
- December
- "Second Report Regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform " prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform >> Summary / Brochure(PDF:57KB)
- July
"Interim Report on the prioritized Regulatory Reform plans for economic vitalization" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform
- March
- The "Three-Year Program for Promoting Regulatory Reform (Revised)" decided by the Cabinet >> Summary ( PDF:159KB
/ HTML )
- December
- "First Report Regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform >> Summary
- September
- Advancement of regulatory reform issues in the "Reform Schedule"
- July
- "Interim Report on Regulatory Reform in Six Priority Areas" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform
- April
- The "Council for Regulatory Reform" (President: Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and CEO, ORIX Corp.) was newly established within the cabinet office as an advisory council of the prime minister.
List of council members
"Regulatory Reform" Measures Taken
Regulatory reform, Jan. 2013-(Japanese only)
Office for Council for Regulatory Reform, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan
3-1-1 Kasumigaseki,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8970
Tel. 03-5253-2111 (main switchboard)