The Cabinet Office, government of Japan > Top page of OTO > Flow of Complaints Procedures

How to file a complaint
Complaints can be filed in any form, by telephone, facsimile, e-mail, postal mail and/or going to the contact point in person.
The name, address and telephone number of the complainant along with an outline of the complaint should at least be indicated. Even when you fill in the "Format to Address Issues to OTO," you only need to complete those parts that you are able to fill out at the time. The Secretariat will contact you in due course.
Format to Address Issues to OTO
Proxy complaints
If you wish to remain anonymous, you can file complaints through proxies such as chambers of commerce or foreign diplomatic missions in Japan.
Where to file complaints
Complaints can be filed with OTO contact points either in Japan or overseas. If you cannot determine the appropriate contact point, please feel free to contact the Secretariat of OTO (Cabinet Office).
Explanation on the filed complaint
Within 10 days after the acceptance of the complaint, in principle, the complainant will be given an explanation on the status of complaint resolution through the Secretariat of OTO. If the complainant is not satisfied with the reply from the ministry/agency in charge, he/she can submit any questions or opinions to the ministry/agency.
Deliberation by the Grievance Resolution Meeting
When the resolution procedures do not end within three months, in principle, that complaint concerned will be submitted to the Grievance Resolution Committee of MAOC for deliberation. The complainant and the ministry/agency in charge can participate in the deliberation by the Grievance Resolution Committee, and directly state their opinions.
After the deliberation, the Grievance Resolution Committee states its opinions to the government concerning the direction of the complaint resolution, if so required.