>> Japanese

(Provisional Translation)

The Three-Year Program for Promoting Regulatory Reform (Revised)

April 2002 Cabinet Office

Positioning of the "Three-Year Program for Promoting Regulatory Reform (Revised)"

Decided by the Cabinet on March 29, 2002

The program developed in March 2001 was drastically revised based on the discussion at the Council for Regulatory Reform initiated in April.

Features of this revision

"Priority Planned Issues of FY 2001"

All of the individual regulatory reform issues included in the "First Report Regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform" ("respected to the utmost" under the cabinet decision of December 2001) were designated as the government program.

"Regulatory Reform" Measures Taken Last Year

2001 April

The "Council for Regulatory Reform" (President: Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and CEO, ORIX Corp.) was newly established within the cabinet office as an advisory council of the prime minister.

Profile of the council


"Interim Report on Regulatory Reform in Six Priority Areas" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform



Advancement of regulatory reform issues in the "Reform Schedule"



"First Report Regarding Promotion of Regulatory Reform" prepared by the Council for Regulatory Reform


Medical Care

Liberalization and computerization of examination of medical fee bills and reinforcement of the functions of the insurers

Promotion of liberalization of management of medical institutions

Review of the medical fee system

Welfare and Childcare

Competition on equal terms among various management bodies in in-facility long-term care

Expansion and qualitative improvement of childcare services

* In addition, "introduction of the direct subsidy method for users of childcare services (voucher system)" is also mentioned.

Review of regulations concerning social welfare corporations

Human Resources (Labor)

Securing smoother job transition (expansion of the job placement market)

Measures in response to the diversification of working patterns (increase of temporary workers and expansion of fixed-term work contracts, etc.)

Measures for dealing with new types of workers


Development of free competitive environments for higher-education

Reform of elementary and secondary education


Urban Renaissance (housing/land, public works)

Ensuring transparency of the real estate market

Review of various systems related to cities

Facilitation of condominium rebuilding, etc.

Competition Policy

Legal Affairs

Financial Sector





Standards Certification, etc.


Council for Regulatory Reform