Part II Measures Taken for Persons with Disabilities (Focused on FY2004)
Section 3. Promoting the Base for Independence and Participation in Society
With regard to education for children with disabilities, specific education services tailored to conditions of individual disability is promoted at schools for blind children, schools for deaf children, and schools for children with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities and health impairments as well as special classes and Tsukyu classesiresource roomsj in elementary and lower secondary schools. In addition, institutional issues are considered so that appropriate instructions and necessary support can be provided to children with severe and multiple disabilities, Learning Disabilities (LD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD), and High-Functioning Autism.
With regard to measures for promoting work and employment of persons with disabilities, guidance or request is provided to enforce private enterprises and national and local governments to implement employment quotas in accordance with the "Law for Employment Promotion, etc, of Persons with Disabilities". In addition, extension of category for work appropriate for ability and expertise of persons with disabilities through establishing a manual for employment of persons with disabilities, making use of special subsidiary system, providing subsidies to private enterprises, and revising conditions for disqualifications relating to persons with disabilities.
[Principal measures implemented]
(1) In December 2004, an interim report on "Future Visions for Special Support Education System" was compiled by the Central Council for Education.
(2) A booklet for good practices in accordance with "Guidelines for Promoting Measures for Barrier-Free School Facilities" concerning basic principles for barrier-free school facilities, was established and distributed to the respective board of education.
(3) "Bill for amending the Law for Employment Promotion, etc. of Persons with Disabilities" covering strengthening of employment measures for persons with mental disorders, support for persons with disabilities working at home, and organic coordination between welfare measures and employment measures for persons with disabilities was submitted to the 162nd session of the Diet.
(4) "Handbook for Employment of Persons with Disabilities in the Public Sectors" was prepared by the Headquarters for Promoting Measures for Persons with Disabilities.
(5) According to increase of persons with disabilities who wish to work or to be employed, outsourced training is actively implemented nationwide by using diverse outsourcees such as local companies in the community in which persons with disabilities are living, and allow for such persons to receive vocational training in the community in which they live.
(6) According to progress of IT, a model project on remote education program through e-learning is implemented, in order to promote human resources development through using IT facilitating to expand job categories for persons with disabilities.
Figure: Employment Quotas and Actual Employment Rates of Persons with Disabilities
Employment Quotas |
Actual Employment Rate |
Private enterprises |
General private enterprises |
1.8% |
1.46% (1.48%) |
Government affiliated corporations |
2.1% |
1.71% (2.09%) |
Government and local governments |
Government bodies |
2.1% |
2.15% (2.19%) |
Prefectural bodies |
2.28% (2.49%) |
Municipal bodies |
2.20% (2.45%) |
Prefectural boards of education |
2.0% |
1.33% (1.24%) |
- The figures in parentheses are those as of 1 June 2003.
- Note: Measures for reducing the rate of exemption for alleviating employment obligation was taken in April 2004.
- Source: Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare
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