Part II Measures Taken for Persons with Disabilities (Focused on FY2004)
Section 4. Promoting the Base for Daily Life
With regard to measures for securing livelihood for persons with disabilities, a user-oriented life support system are promoted through assistance benefit supply system, setting up of accessible consulting support system, and promoting protection of the rights of persons with disabilities as well as measures for independence and social participation of persons with disabilities are promoted through organized development of in-home care services and securing of housing such as group homes. In addition, economic independence of persons with disabilities is supported through securing their income and supporting appropriate management of individual property, as well as promoting use of facilities in the community, holding various sports events, promoting R&D and diffusion of welfare equipment, and developing professionals for welfare.
With regard to measures for health and medical care, school safety is improved and measures for prevention of industrial accidents are promoted, in addition to prevention, early detection and intervention of diseases that cause disabilities through such as health checkups. In addition, medical treatment, medical rehabilitation, and health instructions for disabilities are provided. Furthermore, early detection and intervention of mental disorders are implemented through promotion of measures for mental health and health services in the community, and R&D is promoted for the purpose of preventing disabilities and establishing fundamental methods of treatment.
[Principal measures taken]
(1) In September 2004, a "Reform Vision for Mental Health, Medical Care and Welfare." was presented by the Headquarters for Measures for Mental Health and Welfare.
(2) A "Bill for Supporting Independence of Persons with Disabilities" was submitted to the 162nd session of the Diet. The bill aims at developing community in order to promote support for persons with disabilities to enjoy living independently in the community through such measures as unifying welfare services and medical care services subsidized by the public expense in accordance with types of disability.
(3) The "Law for Supporting Persons with Developmental Disabilities" to promote people's understanding of developmental disabilities and establish a comprehensive support framework for persons with developmental disabilities was established in December 2004.
(4) In June 2004, the "Law for Amending the National Pension Law, etc." , covering improvement of system of disability basic pension and extending the period of special measures for application for providing disability basic pension, was established. In addition, in December 2004, "Law for Provision of Special Disability Benefit for Specific Persons with Disabilities" was established, and according to this law special disability benefit was provided to persons with disabilities who were subject to join national pension plan voluntarily in or before fiscal year of 1991 taking into account of their special situations.
(5) Towards realization of a cohesive society, "Expert Meeting on Work Support for Persons with Disabilities" was established in Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, to promote mutual understanding between welfare administrative and private enterprises, and to exchange views on welfare measures for work support that both welfare administrative and private enterprises can provide.
(6) Delegation of Japanese athletes was dispatched to Athens Paralympics and Melbourne Deaflympics, and Special Olympics World Winter Games were held in Nagano Prefecture.
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