

竹本直一内閣府特命担当大臣(宇宙政策)と、ピーター・アルトマイヤ ードイツ連邦共和国経済エネルギー省大臣は、日本国、ドイツそれぞれにおいて、平和目的のための宇宙協力に関する両省の共同宣言に署名を行いました。


Signing of Joint Declaration of Intent between the Cabinet Office of Japan and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of the Federal Republic of Germany on Space Cooperation for Peaceful Purpose

The Joint Declaration of Intent on Space Cooperation for Peaceful Purpose was signed in Tokyo and Berlin respectively between Naokazu Takemoto,
Minister for Space Policy, Cabinet Office, and Peter Altmaier, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy. This purpose of the Joint Declaration of Intent is to promote cooperation between both countries in aspects of science, technology, industry and economy within the areas of exploration and utilization of outer space, application of space flight technology and systems and its commercialization for peaceful purpose, taking into consideration longstanding cooperation between the space agencies of both countries.

19th March, 2020
National Space Policy Secretariat, Cabinet Office

 参事官 森 浩久   電話03-6205-7036