International Collaboration
Moonshot R&D Program aim to achieve the ambitious goals (“Moonshot Goals”) by bringing together wisdom from all over the world under the direction of top researchers.
Example of International Participants

Goal | Project Manager | Counterpart | Country and Region | Detail |
1 | ISHIGURO Hiroshi
Osaka University |
Dubai Future Foundation | UAE | PDF:360KB |
2 | AIHARA Kazuyuki
The University of Tokyo |
State University of New York at Buffalo | United States | PDF:524KB |
3 | HARADA Kanako
The University of Tokyo |
The Australian National University | Australia | PDF:432KB |
4 | FUJIKAWA Shigenori
Kyushu University |
University of Illinois | United States | PDF:1247KB |
4 | ITO Kohzo
The University of Tokyo |
Chulalongkorn University
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) |
France |
PDF:765KB |
4 | KASUYA Ken-ichi
Gunma University |
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) | United States | PDF:747KB |
5 | YURA Kei
Ochanomizu University |
Harvard University
Living Aquatic Resources Research Center(LARReC), and others |
United States
Laos, and others |
PDF:456KB |
6 | MIZUNO Hiroyuki
Hitachi, Ltd. |
Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory | United Kingdom | PDF:263KB |
This is an example of collaboration. Each program/project has various collaborative efforts to achieve its goals.
Please refer to "R&D Projects" for more information.
Moonshot R&D Program will encourage international participation in different ways such as:
- (1) Participation as a project manager (PM).
- Calls for PM will be announced when it is open on “Topics” in official website for Moonshot R&D program.
- All nationalities are welcome to be a PM, but PMs are principally based in Japan after being appointed.
- -Currently no applications are available.
- (2) Participation with financial support from Moonshot R&D Program.
- (e.g., as a principal investigator or other type of participation under the supervision of the relevant PM)
- -Currently no applications are available.
- (3) Participation (Cooperation) without financial support from Moonshot R&D program.
- No official applications to calls are needed while the participation depends on the decision of PM and PD on whether international participation is necessary to achieve the relevant Goal after consultation.
For participations under (2) and (3), a base in Japan is not required.
Since specific process and arrangement depend on cases, potential international applicants are suggested to contact the relevant funding agencies (FA), i.e. JST, NEDO, BRAIN or AMED.
Contact FA