
Kan Yamane (Group1)【Japan(Tokyo)】

  Everybody hates writing a diary. Seeing as I'm one of the first to write it, I'll try and keep the hurdle down by keeping it nice and short.
  Our friends from Asia and Australia and New Zealand came today. This was an event we were looking forward to since yesterday, and it was very exciting.
  I'm still amazed at how easily we got over the awkward silences and started to hang around together. Everyone was very friendly and eager to talk. We played basketball together, and everyone was SO GOOD! Sports are wonderful. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow.

福田 かおり(グループ1)【日本(岩手)】


富村 賢人(グループ1)【日本(沖縄)】


Chita Jain (Group1)【India

  The arrival in Japan was as refreshing as its first rays. Leaving Narita and its spick-and-span roads and the lush greenery was as heartening as was the enthusiasm to begin AYEPO2010 in Okinawa. The bus ride to Itoman Youth House was smooth, if not fun and the cherry and grand welcome, echoing with cries of “Kon niche wa” and “welcome”, was exhilarating. After the short session of small talk and formal introductions with fellow roommates and participants, the guidance meeting took place with a few laughs and light-hearted jokes. The dinner followed at 6, not to mention the photograph session! Packed with Japanese delicacies and western delights, dinner with fellow group mates was, indeed, an ice-breaker. It was awkward to be eating in strange slippers, but I guess, I’ll get the hang of it. Yuka, my roommate and Mana, fellow participant showed me around the beautiful complex of Itoman Youth House, brimming with plump plants and sleak architecture. After loitering around for quite a while, we and a group of participants from Japan and abroad huddled together to play UNO, which surprisingly bound us all by a common thread of innocent fun. Japan’s hospitality and the logistics and learning support teams’ efforts and cooperation have been heartrending. I gotta feeling that the next 16days are gonna be SUGOI!

Timothy Mann (Group1)S【Australia

  This morning we (the foreign exchange students) woke up in Tobu hotel, Tokyo at 6:00am, still sleep. I was trying to speak to the pre-recorded message which was my alarm. After breakfast we went to Haneda Airport. The flight to Okinawa was 2.5hours, and we went over beautiful countryside. I took many photos. When we arrived, we were filmed by TV crew. Okinawa is a beautiful place with amazing, unpredictable weather. As we were driving to Itoman Youth House, it began to rain. I was feeling a little disappointed, but within 10minutes the extreme humidity strong winds fought the rain back the rest of the day.
