
Yuka NakamuraGroup2)【Japan(Yamaguchi)】

  Today, we tried dragon boating, and we visited the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. The dragon boating was really great! Actually, I don't really like sea, but this time, I enjoyed a lot. At first, I was afraid of getting on the boat, but from now on, I love dragon boating! I wanna try one more time!
  After that, we went to the Peace memorial museum. In fact, this was third time I went there, but there were still many things to learn. Every time I go there, my heart hurts. The pictures told me how sad the war was. I could hardly see the pictures, but it is important to learn about war. We must not forget about it.
  Now, I am getting used to speaking in English. I still can't express my feelings perfectly, but I feel happy when I speak in English with participants from foreign countries. This workshop is fantastic!

Yuki OnoGroup2)【Japan(Aichi)】

  I was a little nervous at the beginning of this program, but I talked with many new friends and could enjoy all the activities today.
  In the morning, we rowed the dragon boat. I learned how important it is to join forces as a group. Though we couldn't win, it was a lot of fun.
  In the afternoon, we visited the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. Before I went there, I didn’t know much about the war, or the history of Okinawa. This experience gave me new knowledge and viewpoint.
  I want to make full use of this opportunity and learn many things. This experience must be my treasure.

Mana WatanabeGroup2)【Japan(Saitama)】

  I was a little nervous at the beginning of this program, but I talked with many new friends and could enjoy all the activities today.
  In the morning, we rowed the dragon boat. I learned how important it is to join forces as a group. Though we couldn't win, it was a lot of fun.
  In the afternoon, we visited the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. Before I went there, I didn’t know much about the war, or the history of Okinawa. This experience gave me new knowledge and viewpoint.
  I want to make full use of this opportunity and learn many things. This experience must be my treasure.

Muhammad Badi'uzzaman Lattifgroup2)【Brunei

  Since I arrived, I was feeling slightly homesick as I was on a 3week program with numerous strangers, and this was also the longest time I had ever been away from home. However, the homesickness was certainly cured by today's events!
  After the wakeup call at 6am this morning, the nervous participants went down for breakfast after a well earned sleep. I was looking forward to today as we were going to experience “Harlee”:the traditional Japanese longboat. Already split up into 8groups, we strenuously raced each other and in the end, Group8 managed to come out victorious. It was a delightful and energy-filled morning, and the teamwork required in Harlee certainly got group members to know each other better, and form a tighter bond between all.
  A visit to the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum was scheduled directly after lunch. We attended a lecture, and all gained a historical background of Okinawa during World War II. Then, an exchange with the Youth Leader was held so we could relate to people who knew exactly what we were going through, and make us feel more comfortable in this program. All in all, today has been a very productive day, and I look forward to what else the program has in store for its participants.


  This morning I was woken up by a loud speaker playing classical music, which was really different to what I am used to in Australia! We folded up the bedding, the went down for a temperature check.
  Today we visited the Peace Memorial Museum at Okinawa and went to a beach to participate in Halee (which in Australia we call Dragon Boating). We went to participate in Halee first. We were taught how to row. Our team (group2) competed with group one and the OB's (the Old Buddy's). Our team were second and got very tired from rowing so hard! This was a lot of fun.
  We then went back to the Youth Hostel and had lunch which was this amazing chicken curry. Amazing.
  Then we went to the Okinawa Peace Memorial Museum Park. I found this very moving. All the stories were very sad and gave me great insight to Japanese culture in Particular Okinawan.
  We then had an opportunity to get to know and had conversation with the OB's. This was fun.
  Today has been a really great day.