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参考資料4-7 Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen(部分訳)

Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen

1. TheGovernment Approach

1.1 The UKhas a proud history of furthering the rights of disabled people, but we knowmore needs to be done to support disabled people to participate in every aspectof society. Equality is at the very heart of the Coalition Government. It isfundamental to building a strong economy and a fair society where everyone hasopportunities to realise their aspirations and fulfil their potential.

1.2 Majorreforms to public services and welfare are underway - our plans are set out inthe Action Plan in part 2 of this publication. These aim to:

  • support disabled people to liveindependent lives;
  • personalise services;
  • give more choice and control; and
  • improve opportunities to work andplay a full part in society.


  • 障害者が独立した人生を歩めるように支援する
  • 各個人にあったサービスを提供する
  • より多くの選択と自己決定を与える
  • 働き、社会の中で完全に役割を果たす機会を改善する


1.3 Ourwelfare system is one of the most supportive in the world. However, we alsoneed to recognise its faults. Compared to other countries, our system is overlycomplicated - our customers tell us as much. They findit difficult tounderstand what they are entitled to. We also need to ensure support isaffordable - we spend 2.4 per cent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) ondisability benefits, a fifth more than the European average, and significantlymore than Germany, France, Italy and Spain, our major European competitors- andour spending grew by a third between 2005 and 2009.

1.4 Forthese valuable services to continue and prosper, they must be sustainable andkeep pace with the needs of disabled people today. Our reforms are essential tothese aims.

1.5 TheGovernment will act as a catalyst and for change, promoting opportunity,equality, and changes to attitudes to disability, working in partnership withbusiness, the voluntary sector and wider civil society, as well as withdisabled people’s organisations, individual disabled people and those thatsupport them.

1.6 We haveworked with disabled people, a wide range of disability and otherorganisations, and colleagues across Government to develop ‘FulfillingPotential’. This has ensured we are focusing on the issues most important todisabled people and that our approach is transparent and open.
我々は障害者の人々、障害者団体を含む様々な団体、そして政府内の様々な部署の仲間と共に、Fulfilling Potential(潜在能力の発揮)プロジェクトを立ち上げる為に取り組んできた。これにより、我々は障害者の方々に最も重要な問題に集中し、透明でオープンな手段をとる事を保証した。

1.7 We arenot simply concentrating on shortterm actions, but taking a long-term view:supporting choice and control to enable disabled people to live independently,have greater opportunities to work and be more active members of society.

1.8 This must all be consistent with the longerterm work to change attitudes andbehaviours - of the public, professionals, those involved in service deliveryand employers - and the aspirations of disabled people themselves.

1.9 So weknow that partnerships are key to delivery. This is a dynamic new approach anda vibrant and responsive way of working: action-based policy making involvingeveryone and constantly checking what works.

1.10 Aswell as reiterating the Government’s commitment to supporting disabled peopleto realise their aspirations, this document sets out to show what we have donesince the last ‘Fulfilling Potential’ publicationsand how we have sought tofulfil the commitments we made in ‘Fulfilling Potential - Next Steps’.
この文章は、障害者の人々が願望を実現していけるよう、政府が支援を行うことを再度約束するだけでなく、Fulfilling Potentialの前回の公表以降、我々が何を成し遂げてきたか、そしてFulfilling Potential - Next Steps(潜在能力の発揮-次のステップ)で約束した協力を実現していく上でどのような試みを行ってきたかについて示す。

2. Fulfilling Potential - the cross Government strategy
潜在能力の発揮 - 政府横断戦略

2.1 This is the fifth document in the‘Fulfilling Potential’ series. You can find allprevious documents on our website at www.odi.gov.uk/fulfilling-potential
これはFulfilling Potentialシリーズの第5番目となる文書である。その他の文書はすべてウェブサイトwww.odi.gov.uk/fulfilling-potentialにて閲覧できる。

2.2 Throughout the process we have taken a phased approach to ensure transparency, and that we are taking our stakeholders’ views into account in what we do.

2.3 Disabled people can still face significant barriers to fulfilling theirpotential and playing a full part in society. We have a real opportunity tobuild on the legacy of the 2012 Paralympic Games - which has dramaticallychanged the public’s awareness and attitudes to disability (81 per cent ofpeople said that it had changed attitudes to disabled people in a positiveway). And we can draw on new information from the ‘Life Opportunities Survey’and other sources to understand those barriers, and identify options forchange.

2.4 Now isthe time for action, with disabled people and their organisations at the heart;developing and implementing change. We have committed to a new way of working -forming partnerships across sectors to make a real and tangible difference todisabled people, their families and communities, and to wider society.Innovation and action are key - and the new Disability Action Alliance is atits forefront.
今こそ行動を起こすべき時であり、障害者の人々や彼らの団体を中心にして、変化を作り出し、実行するべきである。我々は新たな取組に全力を傾け、障害者の人々とその家族、コミュニティそして一般社会において現実的で具体的な違いをもたらすべく、様々なセクター間でパートナーシップを組んだ。革新と行動が鍵であり、新たなDisability Action Allianceはその最先端である。

5. Makingit happen now

5.1 TheAction Plan at Part 2 shows how we are:

  •  reforming public services to bettersupport the principle of independent living, giving disabled people greaterchoice and more control over the way services are delivered. This means more‘joined up’ provision aimed at improving outcomes for disabled people, withgreater focus on early intervention and prevention;
  •  reforming welfare and removing thebarriers to work to promote independence and reduce the risk of dependency;
  •  making sure that disabled peoplecan play a full role in society through the development of inclusive andaccessible communities, by removing barriers to participation in public lifeand by ensuring an effective framework of rights and duties;
  •  building on the strong positiveeffect of the 2012 Paralympics by supporting disabled people to have andachieve their aspirations, by working to promote positive attitudes andbehaviours; and
  •  finding new ways to work inpartnership with disabled people and their organisations, those that support orcare for them, and those in other sectors.
  • 5.2 We have made a lot of progress since we published ‘Discussions So Far’. For example,since September 2012:
    我々は”Discussions So Far”(これまでの議論)を発表して以降、かなりの進歩を遂げてきた。例えば、2012年9月以降では:
  •  The Children and Families Billwhich will transform the system for children and young people with specialeducational needs so that services consistently support the best outcomes forthem, is making its way through Parliament. Royal Assent is expected in 2014.
  •  The Care Bill, which aims totransform the social care system to focus on prevention and the needs and goalsof adults and their carers who require care and support, has been open topublic scrutiny and comment.
  •  We have made a range ofimprovements to Access to Work. For example, extending provision to youngdisabled people undertaking voluntary work experience under the Youth Contract,and to eligible disabled people undertaking business start-up activity on theNew Enterprise Allowance scheme. Recognising that DPULOs understand the needsof disabled people, we are also funding them to take forward a variety of peersupport projects which provide advice and support and help disabled peoplenavigate the Access to Work services.
    我々は「仕事へのアクセス」に幅広く改善をもたらした。例えば、ボランティア・ワークの経験を始めようとする若い障害者へはユース契約制度で提供を拡大し、事業立ち上げの取組を始めようとする適格な障害者には、新しい企業融資制度の提供を拡大している。DPULOs(Disabled People's User-Led Organisations)が障害者のニーズを理解していることを認識し、我々はDPULOsに資金提供した。これによって彼等は様々なピアサポートプロジェクトを進め、障害者が「仕事へのアクセス」サービスを利用できるよう助言、支援、援助を提供する。
  •  Fifteen colleges began triallingthe Supported Internship programme in September 2012, and are progressing well.So far, 154 young people have been recruited.
  •  In December 2012, we published‘Transport for Everyone: an action plan to improve accessibility for all’. Itsets out the priorities for improving disabled people’s experience of publictransport by building on the success of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
  •  We listened and acted on theconsultation on the proposed assessment for Personal Independence Payment (PIP)and have made changes as a result. For example, we will reassess peoplereceiving Disability Living Allowance (DLA) on a slower timetable, and anindependent review will report in 2014 before the majority of DLA recipientsclaim PIP. We have also started a further consultation on the “Moving around”activity.
    我々は個人自立給付金(PIP)の審査に関する協議の提案について耳を傾け、結果として幾つかの変更を加えた。例えば、我々は障害者生活手当(DLA)を遅いタイムテーブルで受けている人々を再審査し、DLA受給者の多くが2014年にPIPを要求するまでに、独立した再調査の結果が報告される。また、我々は「Moving around」活動についても更なる協議を開始した。
  •  The Disability Action Alliance hasbeen established and membership is growing daily. It has already seen some goodpartnerships emerge, and is working on five initial projects on travel,inclusive communities, financial advice, commissioning services and mentoringand advocacy for ex-offenders.
    DisabilityAction Allianceが設立され、会員数は日に日に増えている。既に幾つかのすばらしいパートナーシップが生まれており、最初の5つのプロジェクトに当たる旅行、包容的コミュニティ、財務に関する助言、サービスの委託、過去の違反者の指導及び弁護に取り組んでいる。
  •  The DPULO Programme has publishedthe ‘Making a Difference - Disability Hate Crime’ document. This publicationbrings together a collection of case studies to share best practices, andprovide practical advice on how DPULOs can provide support to disabled peopleto report hate crime.

5.3 Thereare also new areas of action taking place. Some by members of the Alliance andsome across Government, in partnership with disabled people and theirorganisations and other disability and carers’ organisations. One of the mostsignificant is the work building on the Sayce review of specialist disabilityemployment programmes that reported in June 2011: ‘Getting in, staying in,getting on’.

5.4 Theformal evaluation of the Right to Control pilot was published on 1 July 2013.The legislation that introduced the Right to Control has allowed us to test newways of working and learn how the principles of choice and control have givendisabled people greater flexibility over how their funding is spent by them, oron their behalf. Now is the time to use what we have learned as furtherpersonalisation initiatives across Government are delivered, making a realdifference to the daily lives of disabled people. The evaluation findings,together with a range of evidence, views and advice are being considered, andwill be used to inform future decisions on Right to Control, which will beannounced in due course.

5.5 Thereis also a major programme of activity to build on the legacy of the 2012Olympic and Paralympic Games, not only on sport but also to change attitudesand behaviours, and increase participation and community engagement.

5.6 Part 2of this document contains the full programme of action taking place, organisedby the outcomes that are most important to disabled people. It includes detailsof timelines and which organisations have lead responsibility for action.

5.7 We willmonitor the actions in the plan and report on them. Updates will be publishedon our website to ensure transparency.

5.8 We willalso publish progress on our outcomes framework annually.

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