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参考資料7-8 政府間評議会への国家障害者戦略報告(部分訳)

2010-2020 National Disability Strategy:Report to the Council of Australian Governments 2012218



1. 行動に関する見取り図:障害に取り組むに当たっての包括的アプローチ

2. 基礎作業 2011-2014:最初の実施プラン

1. 国家合意とパートナーシップの概略

2. 障害者問題で主となる大臣

3. エビデンスベースの改善

4. 州・地域政府の障害者計画

5. 障害者の声を盛り込むこと

6. 国内地域の協調を通じた変化を盛り込むこと

3. ガバナンス

4. モニタリングと報告

5. 評価計画

6. 結論:将来を見据えて



In July 2008 the Australian Government ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the Convention). The Convention aims to:
promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.


Inherent in Australia’s commitment is an obligation to continually improve the lived experience of people with disability. For government, that not only means improving outcomes through the specialist disability service system but also ensuring that mainstream services, programs and infrastructure are responsive to their needs. A change in community attitudes is required.
オーストラリアの責任の前提としてあるものは、障害者の生の経験(the lived experience of people with disability)を持続的に改善する義務である。政府にとって、このことは、専門的な障害サービスシステムを通じた成果を改善するというだけでなく、主要なサービスやプログラム、インフラストラクチャーが彼らのニーズに対応していることを保証することも意味する。コミュニティの姿勢の変化も要求されている。

On 13 February 2011, the Council of Australian Governments endorsed the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (the Strategy).

The Strategy outlines a ten year national policy framework to drive improvement across mainstream policies, programs, services and infrastructure as well as the specialist disability services system, so that people with disability can participate as equal citizens.

The Strategy will help ensure that the principles underpinning the United Nations Convention are incorporated into policies and programs to improve access and outcomes for people with disability, their families and carers.

The Strategy provides a shared agenda to help achieve the vision of an inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to achieve their full potential as citizens. (National Disability Strategy 2010-2020, p.15)

Since the Strategy was released the focus has been twofold.

First, all governments acted immediately to lay the groundwork to be built upon over the life of the Strategy. For example, as part of the National Disability Strategy, the Australian Government asked the Productivity Commission to undertake a public inquiry into a long-term disability care and support scheme for people with disability. The Council of Australian Governments subsequently agreed to the need for major reform of disability services through a National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Australian Government is working closely with state and territory governments on the development of the scheme.

On 30 April 2012, the Prime Minister, the Hon Julia Gillard MP announced that the Australian Government would deliver $1 billion over four years to launch a National Disability Insurance Scheme. New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory have agreed to host National Disability Insurance Scheme launch sites and will also contribute funding to the launch of a National Disability Insurance Scheme in their jurisdiction. From July 2013, the first stage of a National Disability Insurance Scheme will start improving the quality of support for thousands of people with disability and their carers in the launch sites.
2012年4月30日に、首相であるJulia Gillardは、オーストラリア政府は国家障害者保険制度 (a National Disability Insurance Scheme) を立ち上げるために4年間にわたって10億(オーストラリア)ドルを調達することを発表した。ニューサウスウェールズ州、ヴィクトリア州、南オーストラリア州、タスマニア州、そしてオーストラリア首都特別地域は、国家障害者保険制度のサイトを立ち上げ管理することに同意し、それぞれの管轄で国家障害者保険制度に着手するための資金拠出も行う予定である。2013年7月より、国家障害者保険制度の第1段階が公開され、多くの障害者やその介護者へのサポートの質を改善され始めるだろう。

The Productivity Commission also identified the need for a National Injury Insurance Scheme that would seek to ensure consistency in catastrophic injury insurance arrangements across state and territory governments, and provide certainty of adequate lifetime care and support to those catastrophically injured in an accident.
生産性委員会はまた、一貫した大災害保険の手配を州・地域政府にまたがって保証し、そのような災害で負傷した人々の適切な生涯にわたるケアやサポートの確実性を保障するための、国家災害補償保険制度(a National Injury Insurance Scheme)の必要性も確認した。

Secondly, governments have developed a cohesive and strategic framework for implementing the Strategy and evaluating successes and shortcomings over its ten year horizon. This document is the first report of the Standing Council of Community and Disability Services on the National Disability Strategy. It outlines the approach to implementing actions over the life of the Strategy and includes the first implementation plan, Laying the Groundwork 2011-2014, as well as the evaluation framework for the Strategy.
第2に、行政府は、当該戦略を実施し、10年後に評価するための、まとまりのある(cohesive)そして戦略的な枠組みを開発してきた。本報告は国家障害者戦略に関するコミュニティ・障害者サービス常任委員会(the Standing Council of Community and Disability Services)の最初の報告である。これは、当該戦略の評価の枠組みに加え、当該戦略期間を通して取組を実施するためのアプローチについて概説し、またその最初の実施プランであるLaying the Groundwork 2011-2014を掲載している。

Laying the Groundwork 2011-2014 details actions to be taken in policies and programs across all areas of government. These actions represent the first round commitment to transform the experience of people with disability by improving the design and delivery of services and programs to achieve more inclusive communities. They will lay the groundwork for future actions across all six outcome areas of the Strategy:

  • inclusive and accessible communities
  • rights protection, justice and legislation
  • economic security
  • personal and community support
  • learning and skills
  • health and wellbeing.

Laying the Groundwork 2011-2014とは、あらゆる領域の行政府にまたがる諸政策や諸プログラムにおいてとられるべき活動を詳述するものである。これらの活動は、より包容力のあるコミュニティ(more inclusive communities)を実現するためのサービスやプログラムのデザイン提供を改善していくことによって、障害者の経験を変えていくための第1段階の義務を表している。彼ら(あらゆる領域の行政府)は、当該戦略の6つの成果領域すべてにわたる未来への活動のための下準備をすることになるだろう:

  • 包容的でアクセス可能なコミュニティ
  • 権利の保護、正義、法律
  • 経済的な安全
  • 個人のそしてコミュニティのサポート
  • 学習と技能
  • 健康と福祉

Governments will continue to promote the Strategy and take advantage of emerging opportunities to extend its influence across all public, private and community sector activities.

The ultimate goal is a more inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to achieve their full potential as citizens.


The National Disability Strategy was developed following extensive consultation with people with disability, their families, carers and representative organisations, community groups, disability and other organisations, service providers and all levels of government.

The consultations culminated in the report Shut Out: The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia (2009). Shut Out informed the policy outcome areas in the Strategy. It also delivered a clear message to governments that they must respond to the needs of people with disability with more comprehensive and coordinated planning at all levels of government and across all portfolios.
この協議は「Shut Out: オーストラリアにおける障害者とその家族の経験」(2009)という報告として結実した。「Shut Out」は当該戦略の政策成果領域についての情報を与えた。また、より包括的で協調的な計画立案をすべてのレベルの行政府で、またすべての大臣職にわたって求められる障害者のニーズへの対応を行政府が行わなければならないという明確なメッセージを行政府に届けた。

The Strategy sets out a ten year national policy framework to:

  • guide government activity across six key outcome areas
  • drive reform in mainstream and specialist disability service systems to improve outcomes for Australians with disability, their families and carers.


  • 6つの主要な成果領域にまたがり、政府の活動を導く
  • 障害を持つオーストラリア人やその家族、支援者の状況を改善するために主要な、そして専門的な障害者サービスシステムの改革を進める

The Strategy’s aim and purpose is to:

  • establish a high-level policy framework to give coherence to, and guide government activity across mainstream and disability-specific areas of public policy
  • drive improved performance of mainstream services in delivering outcomes for people with disability
  • give visibility to issues and ensure they are included in the development and implementation of all public policy that affects people with disability
  • provide national leadership toward greater inclusion of people with disability.


  • 一貫性をもったハイレベルな政策枠組みを設立し、公共政策における主要な、また障害者に固有の領域にまたがる政府活動を導くこと
  • 障害者の成果(outcomes)を出すに当たって主要なサービスのパフォーマンスを改善すること
  • 諸問題に対する見通しを与え、それらが障害者に影響を与えるすべての公共政策の発展や実施にあることを保証すること
  • より深い障害者の包容へ向けて国家としてのリーダーシップを提供すること

The Strategy is structured around six broad outcome areas based on feedback from the 2009 community consultations (Shut Out, 2009). They are also aligned to principles underpinning the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The six outcome areas are:

  • Inclusive and accessible communities-the physical environment including public transport, parks, buildings and housing, digital information and communications technologies, and civic life including social, sporting, recreational and cultural life
  • Rights protection, justice and legislation-statutory protections such as anti discrimination measures, complaints mechanisms, advocacy, and the electoral and justice systems
  • Economic security-jobs, business opportunities, financial independence, adequate income support for those not able to work, and housing
  • Personal and community support-inclusion and participation in the community, person-centred care and support provided by specialist disability services and mainstream services, and informal care and support
  • Learning and skills-early childhood education and care, schools, further education, vocational education, transitions from education to employment, and lifelong learning
  • Health and wellbeing-health services, health promotion and the interaction between health and disability systems, wellbeing and enjoyment of life.

本戦略は2009年の地域協議(Shut Out, 2009)からのフィードバックをもとにした6つの広範な成果領域から構築されている。これらの成果領域はまた、国連障害者権利条約を支える諸原則に沿うものである。6つの成果領域は以下のとおりである:

  • 包容的でアクセス可能なコミュニティ――公共交通機関、公演、施設や住居、デジタルな情報・コミュニケーション技術、社会生活・スポーツ・レクリエーション・文化生活などのような市民生活、これらを含む物理的な環境に関するもの
  • 権利保護、司法、法律――差別禁止法案、苦情申立てメカニズム、アドボカシー、電子・司法システムのような、法手続に関する保護
  • 経済の安全――職、ビジネスチャンス、経済的な自立、仕事や住居のない人に対する適切な収入サポート
  • 個人的な、そしてコミュニティのサポート――コミュニティへの包容や参加、専門的な障害者サービスや主要なサービスによって提供される人間中心的な(person-centred)ケアとサポート、日常的なケアやサポート
  • 学習と技能――幼児期の教育とケア、学校、継続教育(further education)職業教育、教育から雇用への移行、生涯教育
  • 健康と幸福(wellbeing)――公共医療サービス(health services)、健康増進、保険・障害制度、ウェルビーイングと生活のほかの楽しみとの相互作用

Within each outcome area a range of policy directions have been identified to guide actions over the life of the Strategy.The policy directions contain fifty-three areas for future action. These actions are at various stages of development and will be progressed during the life of the Strategy.

As these actions are completed or updated additional priorities may be identified or existing ones revised. Appendix 1 of this document highlights the work that governments are doing or have committed to doing during 2011-2014. The Strategy is a living document and will be updated and reviewed as each implementation plan is developed.

Implementation plans

The Strategy will be guided by three implementation plans developed over its ten year life span. This approach allows governments to embed objectives early in the development of new policies and initiatives while also ensuring that the Strategy remains relevant and responsive to the expressed needs of people with disability over time. It also outlines areas of national cooperation to give effect to Strategy objectives. People with disability will be consulted throughout each phase of implementation.


The Development Officials Working Group will support the Community and Disability Services ministers responsible for driving the implementation of the Strategy. This working group comprises senior policy representatives from departments with responsibility for disability services, and central agencies such as premiers’and chief ministers’departments, from each jurisdiction. The Australian Local Government Association is also represented.
開発担当作業部会は、当該戦略の実施を進める責任を負うコミュニティ・障害サービス担当大臣(the Community and Disability Services ministers)をサポートすることになるだろう。この作業部会は障害サービスに責任を有する諸官庁の上級官僚や、各管轄首相府及び州首相府の代表者たちで構成される。オーストラリア地方自治体連合も名を連ねている。

The following outlines the implementation and reporting framework and the steps governments will take to meet Strategy objectives over the next ten years.

Laying the Groundwork 2011-2014
This is the first implementation plan. It lays the groundwork for delivering and reporting on the Strategy over the next ten years. It includes six main actions (as detailed in Chapter 2) to influence all areas of policy and service delivery.


As well as this national implementation plan, each state and territory government will have its own disability plan to drive improved outcomes through mainstream policies, programs, services and infrastructure. At the end of this implementation plan in 2014, a progress report on achievements will be provided to the Council of Australian Governments.

Driving Action 2015-2018
This will be the second implementation plan. It will outline new priority actions as well as ongoing commitments. Development of this plan will draw on the results of the 2014 progress report to the Council of Australian Governments in addition to considering input from consultations with people with disability and their representative organisations. The plan will consolidate actions that are driving improved outcomes and identify where more effort is needed.

Driving Action 2015-2018

Measuring Progress 2019-2020
This is the third and final implementation plan. It will identify new and emerging priority outcomes to be implemented in the final years of the Strategy. Again, this plan will be informed by ongoing consultation with people with disability and their representative organisations and the results of the 2016 and 2018 progress reports to the Council of Australian Governments. The plan will present the opportunity to ensure we are on track to achieve the objectives of the Strategy.

Measuring Progress 2019-2020は3つめの、そして最後の実施計画である。本戦略の最終年度に実施すべき、新たに出現した優先事項の成果を確認するだろう。重ねて、本計画は障害者や彼らの代表組織との現在進行中の協議や、2016年、2018年の政府間評議会への進捗報告の結果を踏まえたものになる。本計画は、我々が本戦略の指標を達成する軌道上にいることを保証する機会を提供するだろう。

Each implementation plan will be underscored by the need for a change of attitude about disability by governments and the broader community; a change of attitude that promotes dignity and human rights, and supports participation in all aspects of community life. Attitudinal change is required to achieve lasting social change and to improve outcomes for people with disability beyond the life of the Strategy.
各実施計画は行政府や地域社会(the broader community)における障壁に対する姿勢の変化の必要性によって強調される。すなわち、個の尊厳や人権を推進し、地域生活のすべての側面に参加することを支援するという姿勢の変化である。持続的な社会変化を達成し、本計画の期間をこえて障害者の状況を改善するために、姿勢の変化が求められている。

Chapter 4 outlines how monitoring and reporting will be undertaken over the life of the Strategy.

Under the Strategy, a high-level report will be submitted to the Council of Australian Governments in 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020. These will track national progress against each outcome.

The progress reports will use draft national trend indicator data (including any changes to improve the draft indicators). They will also include:

  • feedback from Community and Disability Services Ministers on achievements under the Strategy
  • feedback from people with disability, their families and carers and their representative organisations on the implementation of the plans
  • specific reports from the disability champion ministers
  • sreview of progress of current actions.

Each progress report will be used to develop new implementation plans and inform future actions.

  • 本戦略の下で達成した事項に関する、コミュニティ・障害サービスに関する大臣からのフィードバック
  • 計画の実施に関する、障害者、彼らの家族や介護者、彼らの代表組織からのフィードバック
  • 障害担当大臣からの特別報告
  • 現在の活動の進捗レビュー


Chapter 5 sets out the approach to evaluating the Strategy, which will occur in 2021 using a combination of elements and drawing on progress reports.


1. influencing the mainstream support system through periodic reviews of Council of Australian Governments national agreements and partnerships-including specific strategies and performance indicators to address outcomes as appropriate
2. focusing on outcomes through the appointment of disability champion ministers
3. improving the evidence base
4. developing, reviewing and implementing state and territory government disability plans and/or initiatives
5. involving people with disability in the development and implementation of government policies and programs, not just disability-specific policies and programs
6. embedding change through areas of national cooperation.


Reviews of national agreements and national partnerships

  • オーストラリア政府間評議会を通じて承認された
  • 方針、成果、成果物、業績評価指標などに関するもの
  • オーストラリア政府間改革協議会(The Council of Australian Governments' Reform Council):国内合意で承認された成果に反する行政府のパフォーマンスを報告するための本部となる。これらの成果や指標は、だからこそ分析や協国内合意及び国内協調のレビューに関する、国家障害者戦略の事務局の活動プランを表 1に示す。

Disability champion ministers

Community and Disability Services ministers are responsible for driving the implementation of the National Disability Strategy. Ministers from mainstream portfolios such as Housing, Health, Early Childhood Education, Education, Justice and Transport have been invited to take a strong national leadership role to support implementation of the Strategy.They have also been invited to act as champions for disability issues within their particular sphere of influence and responsibility.

During 2011, the Chair of the Standing Council on Community and Disability Services invited the Chair of each Standing Council to nominate ministers willing to take on the role of disability champion. The role includes identifying and monitoring actions to ensure that mainstream service systems and regulatory frameworks become part of the solution to overcoming barriers. Disability champion ministers will also look to identify and promote the important contribution that non-government organisations, businesses and the wider community can make.

In addition to champion minister nominations from Standing Councils, the Australian Local Government Association has also provided a nomination for a disability champion from Local Government.

Disability champion appointments will be established and the role refined during 2012 and 2013.


Input to monitoring and evaluation
The views and experiences of people with disability and their representative organizations are central to the monitoring of the implementation plans and evaluation of the Strategy. Feedback will also be sought from other stakeholders including families, carers, advocacy and other organisations, service providers, academics and governments.


Input from people with disability will be sought through representative bodies such as the new National Disability Strategy Implementation Reference Group and each jurisdiction’s disability advisory body.

3. Governance

Governance arrangements
Responsibility for implementation of the National Disability Strategy sits with the Standing Council on Community and Disability Services. Reporting to the Council of Australian Governments over the Strategy’s life span is also a responsibility of the Standing Council. The Development Officials Working Group will provide support to the Standing Council.


Chapter 4 outlines how monitoring and reporting will be undertaken.

Overseeing implementation is the role of a dedicated unit within the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. The unit will also manage the Development Officials Working Group Secretariat. The unit can be contacted at nationaldisabilityst@fahcsia.gov.au or at the following address:
実施の監督(overseeing implementation)は家族・住居・コミュニティサービス・先住民省内に設けられた専門の部署の役割である。この部署は、開発担当作業部会の事務局も担当するだろう。この部署への連絡は nationaldisabilityst@fahcsis.gov.auのアドレス、あるいは以下の住所に行う。

National Disability Strategy Government Engagement
Disability and Carers Policy Branch
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
PO Box 7576
Canberra Business Centre ACT 2610

The Australian Government has also established an inter-departmental committee to implement the Strategy. All relevant Australian Government agencies are responsible for implementing the Strategy and will be asked to provide input to the progress reports to the Council of Australian Governments on how their policies and services align with the Strategy.
オーストラリア政府は国家障害者戦略の実施のための官庁間委員会(an inter-departmental committee)を設立した。関連するすべてのオーストラリア政府機関は戦略の実施に責任を有し、自らの政策やサービスがどのように戦略に沿うものか、オーストラリア政府間評議会への進捗報告に情報提供をすることが求められる。



The National Disability Strategy sets out a ten year national policy framework for improving the lives of Australians with disability, their families and carers. Progress needs to be clearly and regularly communicated to people with disability, their families and carers, governments and the wider community. The Strategy will be revised and updated over its ten year life span in response to progress reviews.

The Australian, state and territory governments have adopted a bold vision for the Strategy:
An inclusive Australian society that enables people with disability to fulfill their potential as equal citizens.


Achievements may not be immediately measurable because of the vision’s long-term focus. A key initiative is the introduction of a periodic high-level report using population trend data to track national progress. These reports will be prepared every two years for the Council of Australian Governments commencing in 2014, and will be publicly available.
ビジョンには長期的な視野が含まれるため、その達成度合いを直ちにはかることはできないかもしれない。鍵となるイニシアチブは、国家の進歩を追うための人口傾向データpopulation trend dataを用いた、定期的な高いレベルの報告の導入である。これらの報告は2014年よりオーストラリア政府間評議会に対して2年ごとに準備され、公開される。

Trend indicators
The two-yearly progress reports will monitor progress against the six policy outcomes using independent reporting and analysis of data on trend indicators.


The draft trend indicators presented in the Strategy were based on national data that was available at that time. (Refer to Figure 1 for a list of draft trend indicators and proposed data sources). As improvements have since been made to data, governments now have an opportunity to review the draft trend indicators and identify possible new ones.

Governments will be seeking advice on the draft trend indicators from stakeholders in the disability community and from data agencies. People with disability will be engaged in this review through each jurisdiction’s disability advisory body and peak bodies and the National Disability Strategy Implementation Reference Group.

Options for the final set of trend indicators will be considered by governments in February 2013. The results of a review of the National Disability Agreement performance framework, which was completed in July 2012, will be taken into consideration.

Additional monitoring tools
The two-yearly progress reports will also include:

  • other evidence of change, such as reporting from the Standing Council on Community and Disability Services about key achievements as well as reporting from disability champion ministers and, where appropriate, other portfolio ministers
  • outcomes of any reviews of national agreements and national partnerships
  • state and territory government information on their disability plans
  • Australian Government agencies’ policies and programs that are working towards achieving the Strategy’s vision
  • the views of people with disability, their families and carers and their representative organisations on progress-this may be through reports from jurisdictional disability advisory body and the National Disability Strategy Implementation Reference Group and may include case studies of how the Strategy is making a difference.


  • 変化に関するその他の証拠。例えば、鍵となる成果に関して、地域と障害者サービスに関する常任委員会からの報告と同時に、障害担当大臣と、必要に応じて、ほかの大臣からの報告
  • 国家的合意やパートナーシップに関するあらゆるレビューの成果
  • 州・地域政府の障害者計画に関する情報
  • 戦略のビジョンを達成するために実施したオーストラリア政府機関の政策やプログラム
  • 障害者、その家族や介護者、そして彼らが代表する機関の見解――これは管轄する障害者審議会や国家障害者戦略実施レファレンスグループからの報告を通じて、あるいは戦略がどのように状況を改善したかのケーススタディも含む予定である。

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Monitoring of the Strategy will contribute to the Australian Government’s reporting requirements under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


The Strategy will play an important role in protecting, promoting and fulfilling the human rights of people with disability. It will ensure that the principles underpinning the Convention are incorporated into policies and programs affecting people with disability, their families and carers.

In December 2010 Australia’s initial report under the Convention was lodged with the United Nations. After a report is lodged, States Parties appear before the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to answer questions about the report. The date for Australia’s initial appearance has not yet been set. Subsequent reports must be submitted at least every four years. Australia’s reporting will draw on data from the Strategy’s reporting and evaluation process.

Appendix 3. Consultation
Community engagement and consultation framework
Consultation on the framing of the National Disability Strategy

The development of the National Disability Strategy included the establishment of the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council comprising the chair, Dr Rhonda Galbally AO, and up to twenty-nine members.
国家障害者戦略の策定には、議長であるDr. Rhonda Galballyと最大29人のメンバーで構成される国家障害者・介護者評議会(the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council)の設立が含まれている。

Its formation creates a single advisory body on the inter-related issues of disability and caring relationships.
その構成は、障害とケアとに相互に関係する問題についての単一の諮問機関(a single advisory body)を形成する。

The National People with Disabilities and Carer Council works closely with the Australian Government on the implementation of a number of key reforms aimed at delivering improved care, support and choice for people with disability including the implementation of the National Disability Strategy and the National Carer Strategy.

The National Disability Strategy was developed in consultation with the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council and included an extensive public consultation process and ongoing engagement with people with disability and other community stakeholders. There was an overwhelming response to the initial consultations on the National Disability Strategy, with more than 2500 people attending capital city forums and focus groups in regional and remote areas and more than 750 written submissions received.

The National Disability Strategy consultation report, Shut Out: The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia was presented to the Australian Government by the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council on 5 August 2009.
国家障害者戦略の協議をまとめた報告である、「Shut Out: The Experience of People with Disabilities and their Families in Australia」は、2009年8月5日に国家障害者・介護者評議会によってオーストラリア政府に提出された。

The Shut Out report has informed the National Disability Strategy by helping governments identify the issues and policy priorities for people with disability, their families and carers. It also assisted in guiding the development of solutions.
Shut Out報告は、障害者やその家族、介護者に対する諸政策の優先順位を行政府が把握するために、国家障害者戦略に情報を提供した。

Accordingly, the Australian Government and its Council of Australian Governments partners view the Strategy as the voice of people with disability and they will be working together to implement it on this basis, in conjunction with ongoing engagement with people with disability.

Consultation on the first report to the Council of Australian Governments
Improving outcomes for people with disability requires a whole-of-government and community response. All governments, through the National Disability Strategy, committed to work together to achieve change across all mainstream and disability-specific policies, programs and services to improve the lives of people with disability, their carers and families.


The National Disability Strategy has been promoted by all jurisdictions and several thousand copies have been distributed nationally and internationally in mail-outs. It has also been downloaded in various formats.

In addition to drawing on the views of people with disability expressed in Shut Out, existing stakeholder forums were used to formally engage with people with disability about the implementation of the Strategy.
Shut Out

Consultation on this first report commenced in May 2011 with an initial meeting between the Chair of the Development Officials Working Group and the Australian Human Rights Commission to discuss the role of the Commission in implementing the Strategy. The working group met with the Australian Human Rights Commission on several other occasions during the report’s drafting.

The Development Officials Working Group convened its inaugural annual meeting with chairs of the national, state and territory disability advisory bodies in August 2011 to discuss policy priorities for implementing the Strategy. The working group convened an additional meeting with the chairs of disability advisory bodies in early December 2011 to consult further on the development of this first report.

In mid-December 2011 an exposure draft of this report was distributed to existing stakeholder groups including the Australian Human Rights Commission, the National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, state and territory disability advisory bodies and the network of national and state and territory disability peak organizations.

The National People with Disabilities and Carer Council and state and territory disability advisory bodies are funded by governments to ensure that disability policies, programs and services are appropriately and effectively informed and guided by people with disability, their families and carers who access these services and programs.

The National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, disability advisory bodies, peaks and other key stakeholders were invited to provide feedback on the draft report and to offer suggestions on their own role in advancing the Strategy, on behalf of people with disability.

218 http://www.dss.gov.au/sites/default/files/documents/01_2013/nds_summary_report-41.pdf(PDF形式:1.4MB)別ウィンドウで開きます

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