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参考資料8-5 リハビリテーション法 106条、107条 職業リハビリテーションの指標、評価及びモニタリングについて(部分訳)

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Part A General Provisions

Sec. 106. Evaluation Standards and Performance Indicators
(a) Establishment
(1) In general
(A) Establishment of standards and indicators
The Commissioner shall, not later than July 1, 1999, establish and publish evaluation standards and performance indicators for the vocational rehabilitation program carried out under this title.


(B) Review and revision
Effective July 1, 1999, the Commissioner shall review and, if necessary, revise the evaluation standards and performance indicators every 3 years. Any revisions of the standards and indicators shall be developed with input from State vocational rehabilitation agencies, related professional and consumer organizations,recipients of vocational rehabilitation services, and other interested parties.Any revisions of the standards and indicators shall be subject to the publication, review, and comment provisions of paragraph (3).


(C) Bases
Effective July 1, 1999, to the maximum extent practicable, the standards and indicators shall be consistent with the core indicators of performance established under section 136(b) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.


(2) Measures
The standards and indicators shall include outcome and related measures of program performance that facilitate the accomplishment of the purpose and policy of this title.


(3) Comment
The standards and indicators shall be developed with input from State vocational rehabilitation agencies, related professional and consumer organizations, recipients of vocational rehabilitation services, and other interested parties. The Commissioner shall publish in the Federal Register a notice of intent to regulate regarding the development of proposed standards and indicators. Proposed standards and indicators shall be published in the Federal Register for review and comment. Final standards and indicators shall be published in the Federal Register.


(b) Compliance
(1) State reports
In accordance with regulations established by the Secretary, each State shall report to the Commissioner after the end of each fiscal year the extent to which the State is in compliance with the standards and indicators.


(2) Program improvement
(A) Plan
If the Commissioner determines that the performance of any State is below established standards, the Commissioner shall provide technical assistance to the State, and the State and the Commissioner shall jointly develop a program improvement plan outlining the specific actions to be taken by the State to improve program performance.


(B) Review
The Commissioner shall
(i) review the program improvement efforts of the State on a biannual basis and, if necessary, request the State to make further revisions to the plan to improve performance; and


(ii) continue to conduct such reviews and request such revisions until the State sustains satisfactory performance over a period of more than 1 year.

(c) Withholding
If the Commissioner determines that a State whose performance falls below the established standards has failed to enter into a program improvement plan, or is not complying substantially with the terms and conditions of such a program improvement plan, the Commissioner shall, consistent with subsections (c) and (d) of section 107, reduce or make no further payments to the State under this program, until the State has entered into an approved program improvement plan, or satisfies the Commissioner that the State is complying substantially with the terms and conditions of such a program improvement plan, as appropriate.


(d) Report to Congress
Beginning in fiscal year 1999, the Commissioner shall include in each annual report to the Congress under section 13 an analysis of program performance, including relative State performance, based on the standards and indicators.


Sec. 107. Monitoring and Review
(a) In General
(1) Duties
In carrying out the duties of the Commissioner under this title, the Commissioner shall


(A) provide for the annual review and periodic onsite monitoring of programs under this title; and

(B) determine whether, in the administration of the State plan, a State is complying substantially with the provisions of such plan and with evaluation standards and performance indicators established under section 106.

(2) Procedures for reviews
In conducting reviews under this section the Commissioner shall consider, at a minimum


(A) State policies and procedures;
(B) guidance materials;
(C) decisions resulting from hearings conducted in accordance with due process;
(D) State goals established under section 101(a)(15) and the extent to which the State has achieved such goals;
(E) plans and reports prepared under section 106(b);
(F) consumer satisfaction reviews and analyses described in section 105(c)(4);
(G) information provided by the State Rehabilitation Council established under section 105, if the State has such a Council, or by the commission described in section 101(a)(21)(A)(i), if the State has such a commission;
(H) reports; and
(I) budget and financial management data.

(3) Procedures for monitoring
In conducting monitoring under this section the Commissioner shall conduct


(A) onsite visits, including onsite reviews of records to verify that the State is following requirements regarding the order of selection set forth in section 101(a)(5)(A);

(B) public hearings and other strategies for collecting information from the public;

(C) meetings with the State Rehabilitation Council, if the State has such a Council or with the commission described in section 101(a)(21)(A)(i), if the State has such a commission;

(D) reviews of individual case files, including individualized plans for employment and ineligibility determinations; and

(E) meetings with qualified vocational rehabilitation counselors and other personnel.

(4) Areas of inquiry
In conducting the review and monitoring, the Commissioner shall examine


(A) the eligibility process;

(B) the provision of services, including, if applicable, the order of selection;

(C) such other areas as may be identified by the public or through meetings with the State Rehabilitation Council, if the State has such a Council or with the commission described in section 101(a)(21)(A)(i), if the State has such a commission; and
(D) such other areas of inquiry as the Commissioner may consider appropriate.

(5) Reports
If the Commissioner issues a report detailing the findings of an annual review or onsite monitoring conducted under this section, the report shall be made available to the State Rehabilitation Council, if the State has such a Council, for use in the development and modification of the State plan described in section 101.


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