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参考資料4-5 Fulfilling Potential Making It Happen Action Plan(部分訳)

Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen Action Plan
Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen行動計画)

7 Monitoring

This action builds on UN Convention Articles 31 and 33.

7.1 Actions
7.1 行動

Monitor and publish progress of the actions within this action plan


The work outlined in this action plan will be driven by the ‘Fulfilling Potential’ Strategy Group, and overseen and reviewed by the Social Justice Cabinet Committee. The Government will develop new arrangements for engaging disabled people and disability organisations in this process.
この行動計画に記載されている実際の職務は‘Fulfilling Potential’戦略グループによって進められる、そして、社会正義内閣委員会(Social Justice Cabinet Committee)によって監督、レビューされる。政府は、この過程に障害者や障害者団体を参加させるための新たな手配を行う。

The Government will identify where progress has been made, where further action is required and the direction of travel and will publish results each year to show achievement against the outcomes and indicator framework (Annex A in Part 1 of this document).

This will help fulfil the Government’s commitment to report to the UN periodically about the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Disabled

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