Moonshot Goals

About Moonshot Goals

To realize “Human Well-being”, ten Moonshot goals (MS goals) were decided in the area of society, environment, and economics.

  • Society:Turning the aging society into the innovative and sustainable society by harnessing diversity through techno-social transformation.
  • Environment:Recovery for global environment and growth of civilization
  • Economics:Exploring frontiers with science and technology
MS goals were decided at:
Goals 1-6 : Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. (Jan.23, 2020)
Goal 7 : Headquarters for Healthcare Policy. (Jul.14, 2020)
Goal 8 and 9:Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. (Sep.28, 2021)
Goal 10 : Council for Science, Technology and Innovation. (Dec.26, 2023)

Introduction of each goal

View all goals in PDF file ↓
Moonshot R&D Brochure.