Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program Innovation of Automated Driving for Universal Services (SIP-adus)
- Press Release: Commencement of Registration for Participation in SIP-adus Workshop 2022(July 27, 2022)(PDF:133KB)

- Press Release: SIP-adus Workshop 2022 To Be Held(May 23, 2022)(PDF:126KB)

- Press Release: SIP-adus Mid-Term Results Report published(December 6, 2021)(PDF:101KB)

- Press Release: Results of SIP-adus Workshop 2021 and On-demand Streaming(November 30, 2021)(PDF:204KB)

- Press Release: Open call for participants to the operational test of DIVP(R), the safety evaluation
Open call for participants to the operational test of DIVP(R), the safety evaluation(November 22, 2021)(PDF:276KB)
- Press Release: FY2021 FOTs start in Tokyo waterfront area
Data utilization by V2N and safety assurance in virtual space(October 13, 2021)(PDF:86KB)
Press Release: SIP-adus Workshop 2021 Registration opened (September 9, 2021)(PDF:94KB)

Press Release: An Open Call for Participants to Experience the Simulation Model of Tokyo Waterfront City Area(August 4, 2021)(PDF:31KB)

- Press Release: Participants for FY2021 FOTs in Tokyo Waterfront Area Decided -For the distribution of traffic environmental data with V2N- (July 1, 2021)(PDF:142KB)
Press Release: Call for Participants for FOTs in the Tokyo Waterfront Area - Achieving Smooth Automated Driving by Distribution of Traffic Environmental Data through Public Wide Area Network - (March 25, 2021)(PDF:508KB)

- Launching field operational tests for automated driving in Haneda Airport Area (June 5, 2020)(PDF:120KB)

Joint Press Release: We strengthen the international research for more safety in autonomous driving
Japanese Cabinet Office and BMBF intensify Japanese - German research cooperation (June 2, 2020)(PDF:30KB)
- Launching field operational tests for automated driving on Metropolitan Expressway(March 16, 2020)(PDF:70KB)

- Overview of Field Operational Tests (FOTs)in the Tokyo Waterfront Area (PDF:725KB)

- Field operational tests on automated driving in the Tokyo waterfront area has commenced.(October 15, 2019) (PDF:256KB)

- Participants to FOTs in the Tokyo Waterfront Area are decided. (June 4, 2019)(PDF:30KB)

- Joint Press Release : "What does the car want to signal me?" Joint research of automated driving technologies between Germany and Japan has been enhanced (February 4, 2019)(PDF:96KB)

- Call for participant for FOTs in the Tokyo Waterfront Area- Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program Innovation of Automated Driving for Universal Services (SIP-adus)(January 22, 2019)(PDF:326KB)

- FOTs in the Tokyo Waterfront Area Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program Innovation of Automated Driving for Universal Services (SIP-adus)(November 13, 2018)(PDF:576KB)