Sustainable Safety
- “infrastructure that is adapted to the limitations of human capacity”
- Safety policy considering human capacity in Road Design and Traffic management
Safety in Urban Areas
- Wisdom of Europe on Transport policy
→ Strongly, always influenced on Japan
Safety in Urban Areas
・Buchanan report, 1963, UK
-Road network
-Hierarchy of Road network
-Environmental area
ブキャナンレポート 1963、英国
Safety in Urban Areas
Safety in Urban Areas

Tatami culture and Japanese Woonerf

Safety in Urban Areas

Community Zone - Japanese Zone30 |

Effect of Community Zone Change of Yearly Accidents (total of 19 zones)

Problems of Japan
- Characteristics of Japan
- Pedestrian Accidents
- about 30% of fatalities are pedestrians
・ total | : 28.6% |
・ under 15 | : 48.1% |
・ over 65 | : 50.1% |
About 60% of Pedestrian Accidents are occurred in neighborhood
About 17% of total fatalities are “pedestrians killed within 500m from their homes”

“Vehiclization”, not “Motorization” in Japan
Motorization in Europe


Motorization= replacing horse by Motor
“Vehiclization” of Japan

No vehicles to install Motor |
Characteristics of Japan Problem
- Problems of Narrow Streets
- Problems of Pedestrians
- Problems in Neighborhood
Community Zone without boundary
Boundary Arterial, Plan |

Chicane on street with no sidewalk

Hump on narrow street

Hump at non-signalized intersection

Problems of Japan
- We should find more solutions
- Wisdom of Europe?