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参考資料7-5 オーストラリア人権委員会による独自報告(部分訳)

Information concerning Australia and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 11 MARCH 2013215

Table of Contents

1......... Introduction.

2......... Summary.

3......... Legal framework for human rights protection (article 4)

3.1...... National Human Rights Consultation.

3.2...... National Human Rights Framework.

3.3...... National Human Rights Action Plan.

3.4...... Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

(a) Public transport

(b) Access to premises.

(c) Access to services.

(d) Education.

3.5...... Consolidation of Australia’s discrimination laws.

3.6...... National Disability Strategy.

3.7...... National Disability Insurance Scheme.

4......... Discrimination on the basis of disability.

4.1...... Violence against people with disability in institutional settings(articles 3, 4, 5, 15, 16, 17)

4.2...... Access to justice (articles 3, 4, 5, 13, 14)

4.3...... Involuntary and non-therapeutic sterilization(articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23)

4.4...... Employment of people with disability (articles 3, 4, 5, 27)

1 Introduction 

1. This submission is made by the Australian Human Rights Commission, Australia’s national human rights institution. It outlines a number of issues that the Commission suggests should be considered by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as it develops a List of Issues Prior to Reporting ahead of the consideration of Australia’s initial report regarding the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Disability Convention).
1. この提出(物)はオーストラリアの国家人権機関であるオーストラリア人権委員会によって作成された。これは、オーストラリア人権委員会の提言が国連障害者権利条約特別委員会によって考慮されるべきであるような幾つかの問題の概要を説明している。これは障害者権利条約の実施に関するオーストラリアの最初の報告を検討する前に優先して報告すべき事前質問事項を展開しているからである。

2. In these comments, the Commission aims to provide the Committee with information on a number of key issues that the Commission believes may be relevant to the Committee in considering Australia’s implementation of the Disability Convention. This submission does not provide a complete assessment of Australia’s compliance with the Disability Convention, but rather draws on the relevant recent and current areas of Commission work.
2. これらの解説の中で、人権委員会は国連障害者権利条約特別委員会に、人権委員会がオーストラリアの障害者権利条約の実施を検討するなかで国連障害者権利条約特別委員会に関連すると思う鍵となる幾つかの問題に関する情報を提供することを目的とする。この提出(物)は、オーストラリアの障害者権利条約の遵守を完全に評価するものではなく、むしろ関連する最近の委員会の仕事の分野を利用するものである。

3. The Commission notes the Civil Society Shadow Report to the Committee, and urges the Committee to give due consideration to the issues contained within the report in accordance with article 33 of the Disability Convention.

4. The Commission thanks the Committee for inviting it to submit information pursuant to Rule 51 of the Rules of Procedure and looks forward to further engagement in the Committee’s review of Australia’s initial report.

2. Summary

5.  The legal framework for the protection of human rights of people with disability in Australia is the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth), (Disability Discrimination Act) supplemented by State and Territory legislation and a combination of the National Human Rights Framework, the National Human Rights Action Plan, and the National Disability Strategy. The National Disability Insurance Scheme, when implemented, will also contribute to the protection of human rights.
5. オーストラリアの障害者人権保護の法的枠組みは、1992年障害者差別禁止法と、州・地域の法律(legislation)によって補充された障害者差別禁止に関する法律、そして、国家人権枠組みや国家人権活動計画や国家障害者戦略の連携である。国家障害者保険制度が実施されるならば、これもまた人権保護に寄与するものとなるであろう。

6. March 1st 2013 marked the twentieth anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act. The Commission acknowledged the occasion with the launch of Twenty Years: Twenty Stories by Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO.

7. Through the Disability Discrimination Act definite areas of achievement include accessible public transport, access to premises, access to services and education.

9. The Commission notes however, that there is less evidence of progress in areas not addressed by the Disability Discrimination Act such as violence against people with disability in institutional settings, access to justice and involuntary and non-therapeutic sterilisation of people with disability and in the protected area of employment.

3. Legal framework for human rights protection (article 4)

9. Australia’s federal Disability Discrimination Act commenced on March 1st 1993. Protection against discrimination on the basis of disability is also available at state level. In recent years, the Act has been supplemented by the National Human Rights Framework, the National Human Rights Action Plan and the National Disability Strategy. The National Disability Insurance Scheme, when implemented, will also contribute to the legal framework for human rights protection.
9. オーストラリア連邦の障害者差別禁止法は1993年3月1日に有効となった。障害に基づく差別に対する保護は、州レベルでもなされている。ここ数年、本法は国家人権枠組み(the national Human Rights Framework)、国家人権活動計画(the National Human Rights Action Plan)、そして国家障害者戦略(National Disability Strategy)によって補完された。国家障害者保険制度が実施されるならば、これもまた人権保護の法的枠組みに寄与するものとなるだろう。

3.1 National Human Rights Consultation 

10. Many of the international human rights standards agreed to by the Australian Government, including those set out in the Disability Convention, have not been fully incorporated into Australian law. People with disability who experience human rights violations can be left without legal remedies.
10. オーストラリア政府によって承認された国際的な人権基準の多くは、障害者権利条約で制定されたものも含めて、オーストラリアの法に十分に組み込まれていない。人権侵害を経験した障害者は法的救済のないまま放置されている。

11. During 2009, the Australian Government undertook a National Human Rights Consultation, seeking a broad range of views regarding the protection and promotion of human rights. The Commission, and thousands of other individuals and organisations, contributed to the Consultation.  The Consultation Committee report, released in October 2009, recommended, among other things, that the federal Parliament adopt a Human Rights Act.
11. 2009年の間に、オーストラリア政府は国内で人権に関する協議を開催した。これは人権の保護と促進に関して幅広い見解を求めるものであった。人権委員会、そして多数のその他の個人や組織は、協議に参加した。2009年10月に提出された協議の報告は、とりわけ、連邦議会が人権法(a Human Rights Act)を採択することを推奨していた。

12. In April 2010, the Australian Government responded to the national Human Rights Consultation report by announcing that it would not introduce a Human Rights Act. Instead, it announced Australia’s Human Rights Framework, which commits to a variety of measures to strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights in Australia. While the Commission strongly welcomed the measures included in the Framework, these measures alone are not sufficient to address all of the weaknesses in Australia’s system of human rights protection for people with disability.
12. 2010年4月、オーストラリア政府は人権法(a Human Rights Act)を導入しない旨の発表をもって国内の人権協議報告に応答した。その代わり、オーストラリアにおける人権の保護と促進を強化するために幅広い手段(measure)を講じることを約束するオーストラリアの人権フレームワークを発表した。人権委員会はフレームワークに導入された諸手段を高く評価する一方で、これらの手段は単体では、障害者の人権保護に関してオーストラリアのシステムに内在するすべての弱点に対処するには十分ではないと考える。

3.2 National Human Rights Framework

13. As noted above, in April 2010, the Australian Government responded to the national Human Rights Consultation report by announcing Australia’s Human Rights Framework. The Framework is informed by seven core human rights treaties, including the Disability Convention, and outlines the key measures to guide the Governments human rights work. These key measures include:

  • human rights education for the community
  • establishing a federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights to scrutinise existing and new legislation for compliance with Australia’s human rights obligations
  • requiring that all new federal legislation be accompanied by a statement of compatibility with Australia’s human rights obligations
  • developing a consolidated federal anti-discrimination law
  • a National Action Plan on Human Rights.

13. 上述したように、2010年4月、オーストラリア政府は国内の人権に関する協議報告にオーストラリア人権フレームワークの発表をもって応答した。このフレームワークは障害者条約を含む7つのコアの人権条約からなり、政府の人権活動を導くための重要な手段の概要を説明するものである。これらの重要な手段は次のような内容を含む。

  • コミュニティのための人権教育
  • オーストラリアの人権に関する義務を遵守するための現行の、又は新たな法律を精査するための、人権に関する連邦議会合同委員会の設立
  • すべての新たな連邦の法律がオーストラリアの人権に関する義務に適合するという声明を公表することの要求
  • 統合された(consolidate)連邦の差別禁止法の作成
  • 国内における人権行動計画

14. The Australian Government has invested over $12 million in a range of education initiatives to promote a greater understanding of human rights across the community. This has included an education and training program for the Australian Government public sector which has comprised the development of resources and materials and the training of over 700 public sector employees on human rights principles. Tailored and targeted human rights training to specific sectors of the public service will also take place in 2013.

15. The Commission welcomes the above initiatives, however notes that such training needs to be comprehensive across agencies and embedded into public service practice. In particular, the Commission encourages the Australian Government to ensure that specific Disability Convention training be undertaken with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Launch Transition Agency (section 3.7 below).

16. The Commission believes that the Human Rights Framework would be significantly strengthened by a greater integration of human rights in primary and secondary education. The Commission has been working with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority to ensure:  

  • human rights are reflected in the national school curriculum, and
  • the adoption of language in the national school curriculum, which includes the learning needs of all students with disability as part of the diverse learning needs of all students.

17. The Commonwealth Parliament passed the Human Rights (Parliamentary Scrutiny) Act 2011 (the Scrutiny Act), which came into force on 4 January 2012. The Scrutiny Act provided for the establishment of a Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. This Committee was established on 13 March 2012, and has been very active in its scrutiny of the compatibility of bills and legislative instruments with Australia’s human rights obligations. The requirement that all bills and disallowable legislative instruments be accompanied by a statement assessing their compatibility has largely been complied with. The most recent example of this is the Statement of Compatibility that accompanied the draft National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 (section 3.7 below).

3.3 National Human Rights Action Plan

18. The Australian Government released the country’s third National Human Rights Action Plan on 10 December, 2012.  Although Australia was the first nation to develop a Human Rights Action Plan (in 1994, following the 1993 World Conference on Human Rights), the 1994 Action Plan and its 2004 update have been widely acknowledged as having had very limited impact. In the development of a new Action Plan, the Australian Government has followed a much improved process, with substantially increased conformity with the Handbook on National Human Rights Action Plans available from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
18. オーストラリア政府は2012年12月10日に国家の3番目の国内人権活動計画を発表した。オーストラリアは人権活動計画を作成した世界で最初の国だが(1994年、1993年の世界人権会議を受けたものだった)、1994年の行動計画、そして2004年のアップデート版は非常に限定された影響しか及ぼさなかったと広く認識されている。新たな行動計画を作成するに当たり、オーストラリア政府はより改善されたプロセスに従い、国連人権高等弁務官事務所から出ている国内人権活動計画に関するハンドブックとの整合性をより実質的に高めた。

19. The Action Plan contains specific actions to address the human rights of people with disability and indicates that ‘[a] key priority for the Australian Government will be continuing work on implementing the National Disability Strategy.’ The Commission noted in its submission to the Consultation on the exposure draft of the National Human Rights Action Plan that it may be possible to update the National Human Rights Action Plan in relation to people with disability when the initial annual report to the Council of Australian Governments on implementation of the National Disability Strategy became available (then scheduled for February 2012) (section 3.6 below).
19. 活動計画は障害者の人権に対処するための固有の活動を含み、「オーストラリア政府にとって(1つの)主要な優先事項は、国家障害者戦略の実施に引き続き取り組むことであるだろう」ということを示した。人権委員会は、国内人権活動計画の公開草案に関する協議への提出物の中で、国家障害者戦略の実施に関するオーストラリア政府間評議会への最初の年次報告が利用可能になったら、障害関係の国内人権活動計画をアップデートすることが可能となるであろうことを指摘した。

3.4 Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

20. The Disability Discrimination Act provides that it is unlawful to discriminate, directly or indirectly, against a person with a disability in the protected areas of public life, including employment, education, the provision of goods, services and facilities, and accommodation. It further provides that it is unlawful, in certain circumstances, to fail to make reasonable adjustments for a person with a disability. In addition, it is unlawful to discriminate against an associate of a person with a disability.
20. 障害者差別禁止法は、雇用、教育、モノ・サービス・設備の提供、施設を含む、公的生活(public life)の保護された領域における障害者に対する直接又は間接の差別を違法であるとする。障害者差別禁止法は更に、一定の状況下で、障害者のための合理的な調整に失敗した場合も違法であるとする。更に、障害関係者への差別も違法である。

21. The Disability Discrimination Act also provides for the appointment of a Disability Discrimination Commissioner. The present incumbent is Commissioner Graeme Innes AM.
21. 障害者差別禁止法はまた、障害差別コミッショナーの任命も行う。現職者はGraeme Innesである。

22. Disability is defined broadly in the Disability Discrimination Act. The definition of disability includes ‘the malfunction, malformation or disfigurement of a part of the person’s body’ and ‘a disorder, illness or disease that affects a person’s thought processes, perception of reality, emotions or judgment or that results in disturbed behaviour’.  The Disability Discrimination Act covers a disability that presently exists, previously existed but no longer exists, may exist in the future, and is imputed to a person. 
22. 障害は障害者差別禁止法の中で広く定義されている。障害の定義には、「人の人体の一部の機能不全、先天性異常、損傷」や「人の思考プロセス、現実や感情、あるいは判断の認識に影響を与え、又は精神障害の症状をきたすような疾患、疾病、病気」も含む。障害者差別禁止法は現在存在する、以前存在したがもう存在しない、将来存在する可能性のある、そしてある人に帰属させられた障害をカバーする。

23. If a person is discriminated against because of a disability that exists, previously existed, may exist in the future, or is imputed to him or her, however that disability was caused, that person may lodge a complaint with the Commission. On an annual basis the largest number of complaints received by the Commission have consistently been in the area of disability (average 951 per annum over the last 4 years), with the majority of these complaints in the protected areas of employment and the provision of goods, services and facilities. The Commission notes that these statistics indicate that there remains substantial disability education and awareness to be undertaken in the broader community in addition to government, business and service provision.
23. 既存の、以前存在した、将来存在する可能性のある、又は彼・彼女に帰せられた障害を理由として差別された場合、その人は人権委員会に苦情申立てをすることができる。例年、人権委員会が引き受ける最も多くの苦情申立ては相変わらず障害の領域におけるもので(ここ4年間で、1年当たり平均951件)、これらの苦情申立ての多くは、雇用やモノ、サービス、設備の提供に関するものである。人権委員会は、これらの統計は、実質的な障害教育や、政府やビジネス、サービスの提供に加え、より広いコミュニティにおいてなされるべき意識が手つかずのまま残っていることを示していると指摘する。

24. March 1st 2013 marked the twentieth anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act. The Commission marked the occasion with the launch of Twenty Years: Twenty Stories by Governor-General, Ms Quentin Bryce AC CVO. This collection of twenty short films demonstrates how the lives of those with disability have changed under the Act and in some cases, how change has not eventuated. These twenty short films are available here.
24. 2013年3月1日は障害者差別禁止法の20周年である。

25. The purpose of the twenty short films is to show that the biggest hurdle facing Australians with a disability is not disability itself but negative attitudes towards disability. The films illustrate that people with disability can make rich contributions to society if barriers in Australian schools, universities, employment, buildings and retail stores are removed.

26. Through the Disability Discrimination Act definite areas of achievement include accessible public transport, access to premises, access to services and education.

3.5 Consolidation of Australia’s discrimination laws

41. As part of its implementation of the National Human Rights Framework the Government has made efforts to consolidate all Commonwealth anti-discrimination laws into a single Act. The exposure draft legislation for the consolidated anti-discrimination law, the draft Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 (the Bill) was released in November 2012. On 21 November 2012 the Senate referred the exposure draft of the Bill to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee for inquiry and report. Submissions on the exposure draft were requested by 21 December 2012. The Inquiry report was released 21 February 2013.
41.国家人権フレームワークの実施の一部として、政府はすべての連邦の差別禁止法を1つの法にまとめる努力をしてきた。まとめられた差別禁止法の公開草案である、2012年人権と差別禁止法案(the Bill)は2012年11月に発表された。2012年11月21日に上院は、the Billの公開草案を審議し報告するため、上院の法と憲法に関する委員会(the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affair Committee)に上程した。公開草案の提出締め切りは2012年12月21日であった。調査報告は2013年2月21日に発表された。

42. The Commission welcomes the report of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee on the Bill to consolidate the five existing Commonwealth anti-discrimination acts, including the Disability Discrimination Act, into a single comprehensive law.
42. 人権委員会は、障害者差別禁止法を含めた5つの現行の差別禁止法を1つの包括的な法にまとめるための人権と差別禁止法案に関する上院法と憲法に関する委員会の報告を評価している。

43. The Committee made 12 recommendations to improve the Bill and to ensure that it meets the aim of providing anti-discrimination laws that reduce unnecessary overlap, address inconsistencies and provide for a more user friendly system. The Commission commends the Government for the level of stakeholder engagement that was employed in the drafting process, and encourages Parliament to ensure the Consolidation Bill is passed.

44. The Commission notes that the Bill would not diminish existing rights under the Disability Discrimination Act.

45. The Commission has sought inclusion of a range of measures to improve consistency in practice and access to justice, including in relation to standing to bring discrimination matters before the Federal Court. For example, consideration of provision for initiation of matters by representative organisations and other bodies with a sufficient interest, but only by leave of the court with regard to appropriate criteria.  At the time of writing this range of measures are under consideration.

3.6 National Disability Strategy

46. The National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 (National Disability Strategy), was formally endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) on 13 February 2011.  The focus of the first year of the National Disability Strategy was to be on the development of an implementation plan, with Community and Disability Services Ministers to report on their implementation plans to COAG after the first 12 months.
46. 国家障害者戦略2010-2020は2011年2月13日にオーストラリア政府間評議会によって正式に承認された。国家障害者戦略の初年度の焦点は実施計画の作成であり、最初の12か月後、Community and Disability Services Ministersとともに実施計画を政府間評議会に報告する。

47. The Commission notes that the National Disability Strategy is to play an important role in ensuring that the principles underpinning the Convention are incorporated into policies and programs affecting people with disability, their families and their carers and play an important role in protecting, promoting and fulfilling the human rights of people with disability.
47. 人権委員会は、国家障害者戦略が、条約を支えている諸原則が障害者やその家族、介護者に影響を与える諸政策やプログラムに取り込まれることを保証するのに重要な役割を果たし、また障害者の人権を保護し、促進し、全うするに当たって重要な役割を果たすことを指摘する。

48. The National Human Rights Action Plan (see section 3.3 above) provides that the Australian Government would continue to work on preparing a national action framework for implementing the National Disability Strategy.
48. 国家人権活動計画(§3.3参照)は、オーストラリア政府が国家障害者戦略の実施のための国内の活動枠組みを作成に引き続き取り組むことを規定している。

49. The National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 Report to COAG 2012 was presented to COAG on 15 January 2013. The report incorporates Laying the Groundwork 2011-2014, the first of three implementation plans that establish the foundations for delivering and reporting on the National Disability Strategy.  Periodic reporting on a bi-annual basis has been introduced to monitor the progress of implementation of the National Disability Strategy.
49. 2012年の国家障害者戦略のオーストラリア政府間評議会への報告は2013年1月15日に政府間評議会に提出された。この報告は、国家障害者戦略に関して職務を果たし報告する基礎を築く、3段階の最初の実施計画であるLaying the Groundwork 2011-2014を含んでいる。2年に1度ごとの定期的な報告が、国家障害者戦略の実施の進捗をモニタリングするために導入された。

50. The Commission welcomes the release of the first implementation plan. At the same time, the Commission is deeply concerned that the delayed release of the implementation plan has placed significant delays on the National Disability Strategy.
50. 人権委員会は最初の実施計画の発表を高く評価する。同時に、人権委員会は、実施計画の発表が遅れたことが国家障害者戦略の大幅な遅れに繋がるのではないかと憂慮している。

51. The Commission notes that the draft trend indicators included in the implementation plan and identified in the initial strategy will be utilised to demonstrate change over time. The Commission acknowledges that work with respect to the draft trend indicators will be conducted in the early part of 2013. However, the Commission is concerned at the lack of development of performance indicators to demonstrate change over time in the six outcome areas of the National Disability Strategy.  
51. 人権委員会は、実施計画に含まれ最初の戦略において確認された動向指標案が時間とともに変化を示しつつ利用されるだろうと指摘している。人権委員会は動向指標案に関する作業が2013年の初期まで実施されるであろうことを認識している。しかしながら、人権委員会は国家障害者戦略の6つの成果領域における変化を示すための評価指標が欠けていることを憂慮している。

3.7 National Disability Insurance Scheme

52. The Commission welcomed the announcement of the first stage of a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) from July 2013 which will provide people with disability to access care and support services. The Commission notes that it will be essential for there to be active engagement with people with disability, their families and carers in the development, implementation and monitoring of the NDIS to ensure that the scheme is comprehensive, robust and responsive to the needs of people with disability.
52. 人権委員会は、ケアやサポートサービスへのアクセスを障害者に提供することになる、2013年7月からの国家障害者保険制度の第1段階の発表を歓迎している。…

53. The draft legislation for the NDIS, the National Disability Insurance Scheme Bill 2012 was released on 29 November 2012. The Bill was referred to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee and submissions were requested by 25 January 2013. The reporting date is 13 March 2013.

54. The Commission welcomed the Bill and congratulated the Australian Government on the extent of consultation undertaken in the development of the Bill and of the NDIS in accordance with article 4.3 of the Disability Convention.

55. The Commission’s submission focused on areas of employment of people with disability, independent review and complaints mechanisms, standard setting by the NDIS Launch Transition Agency, and the importance of individual and systemic advocacy on the part of the Agency. A copy of the Commission’s submission is available here.

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