参考資料4-3 韓国の包括的な最初の報告に関する最終見解(部分訳)

Concluding observations on the initial report of the Republic of Korea

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

11. The Committee is concerned about the lack of effective implementation of the 2008 Anti-discrimination against and remedies for persons with disabilities Act. The Committee is particularly concerned that the majority of complaints seeking remedies have not been resolved. The Committee notes that the courts need to appreciate the injunctive powers bestowed upon them.
11.委員会は、2008年の障害者差別禁止及び権利救済等に関する法律(the Anti-Discrimination against and Remedies for Persons with Disabilities Act)が、効果的に実施されていないことを懸念する。委員会は特に、救済を求めようとする申立ての多くが解決されていないことを懸念する。委員会は、裁判所が自らに与えられた差し止め命令権(the injunctive powers)を理解する必要があることに注目する。

12. The Committee recommends that the State party increase the human resources and independence of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. It is further recommended to exempt or reduce the cost of lawsuits for victims of disability discrimination in order to ensure the access to remedies through court, and lower the requirement for the order for correction by the Minister of Justice (Article 43 of the ARPDA). The Committee also encourages the State party to raise awareness among judges on the need to effectively implement the 2008 Anti-discrimination against and remedies of persons with disabilities Act and to appreciate the injunctive power bestowed upon them.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

13. The Committee is concerned that legislation and policies concerning persons with disabilities do not include a gender perspective. The Committee is also concerned about the lack of sufficient measures to prevent domestic violence against women with disabilities, as well as sexual violence against women with disabilities both inside and outside residential institutions. It is further concerned at the difficulties faced by women and girls with disabilities in participating in lifelong education programs and at the lack of sufficient support for women with disabilities during pregnancy and child-baring.
13.委員会は、障害者に関する立法や政策が性別の視点を含んでいないことを懸念する。委員会はまた、障害のある女性に対する家庭内暴力、及び入所施設(residential institutions)内外における障害のある女性に対する性的暴力を予防するための十分な手段がないことを懸念する。さらに、障害のある女性や女児が生涯教育プログラムに参加する上で直面する困難、及び、障害のある女性の妊娠、出産に際し援助が不足していることも、懸念される。

14. The Committee recommends that the State party mainstream a gender perspective in its disability legislation and policies and develop specialized policies for women with disabilities. The Committee also recommends that the State party take effective measures to address violence against women with disabilities, both inside and outside residential institutions, in particular by introducing a disability-sensitive perspective when formulating educational programs on preventing sexual and domestic violence. The Committee further recommends that the State party ensure that women with disabilities receive appropriate lifelong education according to their choices and needs, regardless of whether they have finished or were excluded from mainstream education. It also recommends that the State party increase its support to women with disabilities during pregnancy and child-baring.
14.委員会は、締約国が、性別の視点を、障害に関する立法や政策に組み入れ、障害のある女性に特化した政策を開発することを勧告する。委員会は、締約国が、性的暴力、家庭内暴力を予防するための教育プログラムを策定する場合に、特に、障害に配慮した視点(disability-sensitive perspective)を取り入れることによって、入所施設の内外で、障害のある女性に対する暴力の解決に取り組むために、効果的な措置を講ずるよう勧告する。委員会はさらに、締約国が、障害のある女性が、主流教育を終了したかあるいは排除されたかにかかわりなく、選択やニーズに合わせて、適切な生涯教育を受けることを保証するよう勧告する。さらに、締約国が、障害のある女性の妊娠、出産における援助を増やすよう勧告する。

Accessibility (art. 9)

17. The Committee is concerned about the low number of accessible buses and taxis in rural and urban areas. The Committee is further concerned that accessibility standards for buildings are restricted by minimum size, capacity or date of construction of the buildings and have not yet been applied to all public buildings. The Committee is further concerned that many websites remain inaccessible for persons with visual impairment, and that web accessibility catering to each disability type, such as hearing impairment as well as intellectual and psycho-social disabilities, remains weak.

18. The Committee recommends that the State party review current public transportation policies, in order that persons with disabilities can use all types of public transportation safely and conveniently. The Committee encourages the State party to apply accessibility standards to all public facilities and workplaces, regardless of their size, capacity or date of construction, in accordance with article 9 of the Convention and General Comment No. 2. The Committee further recommends that the State party amend relevant laws in order that all persons with disabilities could access information via Internet websites on an equal basis with others and facilitate access to smart phone for persons with visual and other impairments.

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

21. The Committee is concerned that the new adult guardianship system, which started in July 2013, permits guardians to make decisions regarding property and personal issues of “persons deemed persistently incapable of managing tasks due to psychological restrictions caused by disease, disability or old age”. The Committee notes that such system continues to advance substituted decision-making instead of supported decision-making, contrary to the provisions of article 12 of the Convention, as elaborated in General Comment No. 1.

22. The Committee recommends that the State party move from substitute decision-making to supported decision-making, which respects the person’s autonomy, will and preferences and is in full conformity with article 12 of the Convention and General Comment No. 1, including with respect to the individual's right, on their own, to give and withdraw informed consent for medical treatment, to access justice, to vote, to marry, to work, and to choose their place of residence. The Committee further recommends that the State party provide training, in consultation and cooperation with persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, at the national, regional and local levels for all actors, including civil servants, judges, and social workers on the recognition of the legal capacity of persons with disabilities and on mechanisms of supported decision-making.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

37. The Committee is concerned about the lack of efficiency of the deinstitutionalization strategies and the lack of sufficient measures aimed at including persons with disabilities in the community, as reflected by the increase in the number of institutions for persons with disabilities and residents, and the lack of policies for inclusion in the community with all necessary support services, including personal assistance services.

38. The Committee urges the State party to develop effective deinstitutionalization strategies based on the human rights model of disability and to significantly increase support services in the community, including personal assistance services.

39. The Committee is concerned that the amount of money that the person with disabilities need to pay to receive personal assistant services is calculated based on the “degree of impairment” rather than on the characteristics, circumstances and needs of the person with disabilities and on the income of the family rather than the income of the person concerned, resulting in the exclusion of some persons with disabilities from receiving personal assistant services.

40. The Committee encourages the State party to ensure that social assistance programmes provide sufficient and fair financial assistance so that persons with disabilities can live independently in the community. The Committee recommends, in particular, that the State party base the amount of payment of the personal assistant services on the characteristics, circumstances and needs of the persons with disabilities, rather than on the “degree of impairment”, and on the income of the person with disabilities concerned, rather than on the income of his/her family.

Education (art. 24)

45. The Committee is concerned that, despite the existence of an inclusive education policy, students with disabilities in regular schools return to special schools. The Committee is further concerned about reports that students with disabilities enrolled in regular schools fail to receive education that is suitable to their impairment-related needs.
45.委員会は、包容教育戦略が存在するにもかかわらず、障害のある生徒が、普通学校から特別学校(special schools)に戻ることを懸念する。委員会はさらに、普通学校に在籍する障害のある生徒が障害に関するニーズに合った教育を受けることができない、とした報告を懸念する。

46. The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Conduct research into the effectiveness of the current education inclusion policy;
(b) Step up efforts to provide inclusive education and reasonable accommodation in schools and other learning institutions by providing, inter alia, assistive technology and support in classrooms, accessible and adapted educational materials and curricula, as well as accessible school environments; and
(c) Intensify training for education personnel, including teachers and administrators in regular schools.

