参考資料3-4 ダービー市 多様性ピア・チャレンジ報告書(抜粋)

Derby City Council Diversity Peer Challenge Report


This report is a summary of the findings of a Diversity Peer Challenge organised by the Local Government Group and carried out by its trained peers. The report satisfies the requirements of the Equality Framework for Local Government for an external assessment at the Excellent level. The Peer Challenge is designed to validate a council’s own self- assessment at the Excellent Level by considering documentary evidence and by carrying out a series of interviews and focus groups with employees and other stakeholders.

The basis for the Peer Challenge is a benchmark against five areas of performance. They are:

  • Knowing your communities and equality mapping
  • 自治体内部のコミュニティを知ること平等マッピング131
  • Place shaping, leadership, partnership and organisational commitment
  • 地域形成、リーダーシップ、パートナーシップ、及び組織コミットメント
  • Community engagement and satisfaction
  • コミュニティにおける取組と満足度
  • Responsive services and customer care
  • 迅速なサービスとカスタマーケア
  • A modern and diverse workforce
  • 近代的で多様な従業員

The Peer Challenge is not an inspection. It offers an external assessment of an organisation’s own judgement of itself against the Equality Framework benchmark. This is undertaken by critical friends who have experience of delivering an equalities and diversity agenda in their own councils.

Peers were:

Cllr John Whelan (London Borough of Lambeth)
Simon Lee (Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council)
Nick Stephenson (Swindon Borough Council)
Banji Adewumi (Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust)

The team was most appreciative of the welcome and hospitality provided by the council and would like to thank everybody they met during the process for their time and contributions.

Following the challenge, Derby City Council is judged to have satisfied the criteria for the Excellent level of the Equality Framework.

1.1 Summary key messages and recommendations
1.1. 主要なコメントと勧告の概要

There is clear evidence of political leadership of the Equality and diversity agenda, utilisation of resident data and use of inclusive design for its buildings and facilities. This is clearly demonstrated across all of the council’s main political parties and benefits from a drive from the managerial leadership of the council.

The council has made strong progress with regards to the various protected characteristics with some particularly positive examples as regards engaging with disabled people, working with and supporting young people and national recognition for its work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender staff and other groups.

There is also strong evidence of the council’s commitment to delivering continuously improving equalities outcomes by the way in which it utilises its various partnerships. There is more detail to be found in the main body of the report but in terms of possible recommendations to ensure the council maintains its excellent practice the following recommendations are highlighted for consideration by the council:

Recommendation 1 - Derby City Council is committed to utilising Equality Impact Assessments (EIAs) as a means of testing and developing policy and strategy. However concerns were expressed that EIAs are not yet being used adequately in ensuring that elected members were fully advised of their equality duties when making decisions. The council would do well to identify means of ensuring that these are fully considered and may wish to consider practice from elsewhere which would assist in this being achieved.

Recommendation 2 - There is room for the overall EIA process to be strengthened in terms of communicating to the community at large precisely how they contribute to the decisions on delivering strategic outcomes. This would allow the council to demonstrate yet further how EIAs have a direct impact on the how the authority does business.

Recommendation 3 - Derby City Council’s EIAs are particularly strong in service improvement considerations with regard to people with a disability and these are demonstrated and communicated very effectively in the public realm. It is important that this positive focus is reflected as explicitly by the council across all equality constituencies with particular regard to religion and sexual orientation.

Recommendation 4 - Derby City Council’s approach to equality is characterised by the strong strategic leadership both politically and managerially. It is important that this is sustained to ensure the senior management team is at all times fully appraised of equality issues and the council’s designation of a senior manager to have lead responsibility for this is an effective way of doing this. The council could build on this further by ensuring that the membership of the Equality and Diversity Task Group always benefits from expertise and senior level input. This will ensure that the group is able to influence change within each service area or directorate on a sustainable basis.

2.4 Responsive services and customer care


54. Derby City Council has deployed a comprehensive and inclusive EIA programme on budget setting across the council as a whole. In determining its budget for 2011/12, Derby City Council consulted effectively with all its diversity fora in one meeting ensuring a level playing field of knowledge about service proposals.

55. Derby City Council uses procurement very positively in its commissioning of Children and Young People’s services utilising comprehensive consideration of equality at Pre Qualification Questionaire phase in the procurement cycle. It shows clear embedding of equality principles and relevant outcome based EIAs. This approach could be used as an example of excellent good practice which could be spread across the organisation as well as being applied elsewhere.

56. There is evidence that Derby City Council has deployed resources effectively with the aim of increasing access to information for various communities. For example the Migration Impact Fund (MIF) funded Polish residents to be trained and accredited as translators. The council’s initial intervention is to address the immediate need with a longer term approach to seek to improve English speaking skills.

57. The council uses data and customer feedback well in planning services. The Council’s customer contact centre is well designed and well thought out and it is clear that this was achieved through EIAs being carried out throughout the process considering both the external and internal effects. As a resource, this centre is clearly recognised as a partnership resource (e.g. National Health Service, ICAS (Health Advocacy) and Fostering and adoption services are utilising this resource jointly and effectively.

58. Derby City Council’s Children and Young People’s Plan was felt by the team to be an excellent example and model of best practice that could be applied across the council as a whole and replicated in other councils around the country. This is because it shows clear embedding of equality principles and relevant outcome based EIAs. There was clear evidence of responsive services demonstrated by annual CYP action plans with recognition of changing priorities of the CYP services in Derby year on year.

59. Derby City Council is using its EIA processes effectively in reorganising the CYPS service for young people. An example of this is the change to the service, informed by these EIAs, in ensuring that young people accessing various services are accompanied by appropriate adults, which is adding another layer of security for services users.

60. Derby City Council has EIAs to prioritise initiatives and improving health outcomes for young people targeting health education initiatives around diet and dental hygiene. This is a positive approach to ensuring that targeted needs are being addressed.

61. As a result of an EIA, Derby City Council has devised an action plan recognising the need to improve its knowledge of the needs of LGBT carers of older people. Also as a result of an EIA, Derby City Council established a befriending service to better support the needs of disabled people in Derby.
あるEIAの結果として、ダービー市は高齢者のLGBT介護人のニーズに関する知識強化の必要性を認める行動計画を考案した。また、同じくEIAの結果として、ダービー市は市内の障害者のニーズにさらに応えるため、ビフレンディング・サービス(befriending service)を設立した。

62. Derby City Council is offering responsive services to teenage girls to help them become physically active through Dance Classes supported by other partners. This is identified as positive proactive provision of appropriate services for young people

63. Derby City Council’s Youth Club provision by Darley Barn is very beneficial to young people effectively catering for service users from different backgrounds and differing levels of impairment. They target the vulnerable and enable young people to access other services. Some young people have become role models for other young people in the community after they themselves have been through the programme. One volunteer is now a trained youth worker at NVQ Level 2 and took part in the V talent project. This was evidence of an effective approach to using young people themselves as advocates for improved service provision and access.
ダーレイ・バーン(アウトドアアクティビティセンター)で行われているダービー市ユースクラブの活動は若者にとって極めて有益で、様々な背景を持ち、あらゆるレベルの機能障害を伴った施設利用者たちを対象にしている。彼らは弱者を対象とし、若者が他のサービスを利用できるよう手助けしている。このプログラムを一通り体験した若者たちの一部は同じコミュニティ内の他の若者にとっての手本となっている。あるボランティアは今やNVQ(National Vocational Qualifications全国職業資格) レベル2に相当する訓練された若手の労働者となっており、Vタレントプロジェクトに参加している。これによって、若者たちが自分自身をより充実したサービスの供給とアクセスの代弁者として活用するという、効果的なアプローチが証明された。

64. There was evidence of improved outcomes from vulnerable young people (including those with severe impairments) through using the Darley Barn. There was evidence from services users that the facility provides opportunities for whole family activity whilst building the confidence of young through their enhanced ability to develop friendships and their own sense of independence. Young people fed back that they felt they were being accorded the level of respect they would wish for.

65. Parents of disabled children are involved in decision-making via a number of groups which all enable parents to influence service provision for disabled children. The team received positive feedback on this as a result of a visit to the Lighthouse facility. The instigation of Lighthouse as a one stop facility with service providers and professionals under one roof is a notable positive approach to increasing access and ensuring services are fit and appropriate to meet various needs. This initiative was one which the team was particularly struck by and felt it to be a truly excellent facility.

66. Customer needs including those of disabled people are being proactively identified as plans for the new Council House move ahead ensuring that citizens of Derby are fully engaged with decision making. This development is an integral part of an ambitious transformation programme for the city.

67. Derby City Council is achieving a ninety percent pass returns on bullying as reported by schools. This is a notable success covering groups across race, sexual orientation and disability. It is clear that a climate has been created in Derby where schools understand the need for this monitoring.

68. Derby City Council based decisions for eligibility criteria for charges for Adult Care Services on EIAs demonstrating a clear consideration of equality issues.

69. In terms of communication ‘Derby live’ theatre has captioned and transcribed (audio and BSL) performance directly as a result of resident feedback. The Leisure services guide clearly shows facilities available at each centre thus improving possible access for a wider range of communities and stakeholders. This is a practice which is undertaken across the council as a whole.

70. Derby City Council has improved its knowledge of BME carers so the percentage of BME carers is more proportional to the percentage of BME people in the overall population.
ダービー市は黒人、マイノリティ民族コミュニティ(Carers from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities)向け介護人の知識向上に努めており、BME介護人の割合は全人口におけるBMEに属する人々の割合と釣り合っている。

71. Derby City Council has established a network of cafes for people with dementia and their carers including cafes for members of the Asian community. The council is also promoting the use of carers’ personal budgets so people from minority communities can buy what they want rather than what people think they need. More resources have been made available to engage with BME communities in relation to dementia outreach and community cohesion projects.

72. Derby City Council is proactively utilising engagement activities to promote disability sport (e.g. equipment loan scheme, specialist sessions and sign posting to other provision). This is good practice and is used well by the council. Overall leisure facilities and ability sports programmes in Derby are appropriately responsive and resulting in practical benefits to a wider number of people in the community.

73. Voices in Action, a forum for young people, identified a wish from young people in the Roma community to learn German instead of French as a second language again demonstrating that Derby City Council is adroit when it comes to responsive service provision.
若者向けのフォーラム「Voices in Action(現場の声)」では、ロマのコミュニティに属す若者がフランス語の代わりにドイツ語を再び第二言語として学びたがっていることが明らかにされた。このことは、迅速なサービス提供が発生した際のダービー市の機敏な対応を物語っている。

74. Derby City Council re-commissioned its day centres service for disabled adults changing a passive service to a proactive and supportive service for disabled people helping them into employment. The re-commissioning was based on an EIA and consultation with service users.

75. Derby City Council supports the fourteen thousand disability blue badge holders with proactive monitoring of illegal and forged badges by its civil enforcement officers and strongly supports the interests of disabled people using the service.

76. Derby City Council’s Safe Places scheme supports people with learning disabilities and is an exemplary model.

Areas for consideration:

77. Derby City Council’s view and use of EIAs is positive for the most part. There are however still some pockets in the council where the knowledge and value of EIAs could be deepened among managers and staff to ensure that there is a more uniform understanding and use across the organisation as a whole.

78. Derby City Council needs to fully embed equality and diversity considerations in emerging procurement and commissioning processes. Commissioned organisations will benefit from having equality embedded and included in the Service Level Agreements in order to partner with the council in promoting equality and diversity. In a wider corporate context there is limited experience of procurement contracts being divided into smaller parcels to encourage bidding from smaller organisations.

As mentioned previously this work in a Children and Young People’s capacity which is extremely positive and provides a very good benchmark for other parts of the organisation to learn from

79. Derby City Council’s current ICT initiatives that support equality and diversity polices and are under development need to be accelerated, continued and embedded (e.g. the customer relationship management system is still under development and the website was ‘locked down’ pending a review, for example).

80. Derby City Council would do well to keep under review the measures and indicators it uses for improving outcomes for service users across all services. While there is clear evidence of an outcomes focussed performance culture approach, there is still an opportunity for the council to assure itself that the change programme is having the influence on improved service delivery that the council is striving for. Part of this would be for the council to keep a close watch on trends as part of its ongoing analysis of the impact of the programme. This approach will make it help the council in achieving its aim to comprehensively evidence how has influenced and improved service delivery.

81. Derby City Council has made some good progress in its work with parents and carers for severely disabled children. There is an opportunity for the Council service to further improve its approach to adequately supporting families who are in greatest need by raising awareness of the available support to parents and carers (e.g. the Parent Participation Forum).

82. Derby City Council’s Change Champions initiative is an excellent idea. To ensure it is able to have a sustainable positive impact it will be important that they are developed and practically supported in a more comprehensive fashion. There is an opportunity for the council to work with this cohort to identify the kind of support which would have the greatest impact and benefit.

131 訳者注:平等マッピング(equality mapping)とは、地域社会への理解を深めることを目的に、入手可能なあらゆる情報を容易に理解できる形で表に整理する取組を指す。 http://www.bathnes.gov.uk/services/your-council-and-democracy/equality-and-diversity/equality-mapping
