参考資料3-5 ハックニー・ロンドン特別区 多様性ピア・チャレンジ報告書仮訳(抜粋)
Diversity Peer Challenge London Borough of Hackney Report
1. Background
1. 背景
This report is a summary of the findings of an Equality Peer Challenge organised by the Local Government Association and carried out by its trained peers. The report satisfies the requirements of the Equality Framework for Local Government for an external assessment at the Excellent level. The Peer Challenge is designed to validate a council’s own self-assessment at the Excellent Level by considering documentary evidence and by carrying out a series of interviews and focus groups with employees and other stakeholders.
The basis for the Peer Challenge is a benchmark against five areas of performance. They are:
- Knowing your communities and equality mapping
- Leadership, partnership and organisational commitment
- Community engagement and satisfaction
- Responsive services and customer care
- A skilled and committed workforce
- 自治体内部のコミュニティを知ることと、平等マッピング
- リーダーシップ、パートナーシップ、及び組織コミットメント
- コミュニティにおける取組と満足度
- 迅速なサービスとカスタマーケア
- 訓練され、全力を尽くして働く従業員
The Peer Challenge is not an inspection, rather it offers an external assessment of a council’s own judgement of itself against the Equality Framework benchmark, by critical friends who have experience of delivering an equality/diversity agenda in their own councils.
Cllr Marie Pye (London Borough of Waltham Forest) |
Sophia Looney (London Borough of Lambeth) |
Carmel McKeogh (Blackpool Council) |
Pat Oakley (London Fire Brigade) |
Gill Elliott (Local Government Association) |
Sadique Miah (Local Government Association) |
Cllr Marie Pye(ウォルサム・フォレスト、ロンドン特別区)
Sophia Looney(ランベス、ロンドン特別区)
Carmel McKeogh(ブラックプール自治体)
Pat Oakley(ロンドン消防隊)
Gill Elliott(地方政府協会(LGA))
Sadique Miah(地方政府協会(LGA))
The team appreciates the welcome and hospitality provided by the Council and would like to thank everybody that they met during the process for their time and contributions.
Following this Equality Peer Challenge, we have reached the following conclusion:
The London Borough of Hackney has completed a satisfactory self-assessment against the criteria for the Excellent level of the Equality Framework.
The Council receives strong leadership on equality from the Mayor, the Chief Executive, Cabinet and Senior Managers and this ensures that equality is at the heart of everything the Council does. The Council plays a leading role in working with its strategic partners and the voluntary and community sector, acting as an advocate to set and achieve defined equality outcomes. It monitors the equality and diversity commitments performance of its contractors. Partners see the Council as “good at getting things done” with a noticeable whole council approach to problem solving. Work with the community since the 2011 riots in London has supported a positive process of change showing that Hackney is a learning organisation, able to respond to critical events effectively.
The Council has excellent information about the equalities profile of the Borough based on national and local data. It is measuring progress on equality outcomes, is able to disaggregate data on relevant performance indicators and can demonstrate real outcomes that have improved equality in services and employment. Huge improvements have been made over the past ten years in terms of resident satisfaction with services and the borough as a place to live. Achievements in the standard of schools and educational achievement are particularly notable.
The Council provides good customer care by ensuring that services are provided by knowledgeable and well-trained staff who understand the needs of their communities. Its Customer Services Centre is highly impressive. Front facing staff are really committed to customer care. The Council has improving satisfaction and perception indicators from most sections of the community and where it has identified groups of residents who are less satisfied it is starting to consider how to address their concerns.
Regeneration and economic growth in Hackney is hugely impressive and is across a range of spheres including the quality of the environment, transport infrastructure improvements and good quality schools. However regeneration and a rising population has also led to high house prices; lack of affordable housing for local people, and a growing gentrification amongst certain sectors of the community. A growing night time economy in some areas has also fuelled some resident discontent. The Council shows a high level of maturity in understanding and being prepared to have difficult discussions about these issues.
The Council’s staff are good advocates for Hackney Council. They are highly committed to the Council, are proud to work for it and have a strong customer service ethos. There is a largely representative workforce at all levels. The Council is an exemplar of good practice for other local authorities and agencies and works with others to share best practice such as paying the London Living Wage.
The Council now needs to become more confident at telling its equality story and achievements to a wider audience.
2. The Council made the following observations on the impact of the peer challenge:
2. ハックニー特別区は、ピア・チャレンジの効果について以下のような所見を述べている。
Becoming an excellent authority was a culmination of an intensive two year project. The process enabled us to get under the skin of the organisation and develop a sophisticated understanding of the Council’s corporate and service level practices and approaches to equality, diversity and cohesion. This understanding highlighted both our strengths which we can now build on and areas of improvement. To address our gaps we reviewed our corporate approach to community engagement, enhanced the corporate support for Equality Impact Assessments and introduced a workforce development programme to increase staff confidence and competencies in tackling complex equality issues. Recommendations from the peer challenge will further enable us strengthen our approach to equality and improve our practices.
この理解が進むことによって、我々が今構築できている強みと、改善すべき分野の両方を明らかにすることができた。我々のギャップに対処していくために、我々はコミュニティの仕事に対する組織の対処法を検討し、平等性影響評価(Equality Impact Assessments)への組織としての支援を強め、複雑な平等性の課題に対処する上で必要となる職員の自信と能力を高めるための従業員能力開発プログラムを導入することができた。ピア・チャレンジからの勧告によって、平等性に対する我々のアプローチをより強化し、我々の取組をより改善していくことができるだろう。
There were specific benefits of holding a peer challenge. The peer challenge required us to develop our equality narrative which will have long lasting benefits. Equality has always been at the heart of our vision and at the heart of the improvements we have made to public services and to Hackney as a place to live and work. This vision and these achievements are now articulated into a narrative which we will use to build confidence in telling our equality story to the wider public, as recommended by this peer challenge.
The peer challenge also raised awareness of equality and cohesion across the organisation and across the borough. The peer challenge engaged with staff at all levels and in all service areas, with partners, contractors and residents. This enabled us to share our equality narrative and have honest and reflectful conversations with a diverse range of stakeholders about our journey and continual areas of improvement.
The audit style approach of the Ef:ect website and the self assessment template were significantly less useful and extremely time consuming. We found discussing the framework’s main themes the most beneficial way of engaging with staff and partners as it made them reflect on their own practices rather than getting lost in the detail of the framework.
The overall process of using the Equality Framework for Local Government and the peer challenge has been immensely beneficial. The most useful elements have been using the framework as a self assessment tool, as a way of engaging staff and partners on equality issues and using the narrative and case study reports as a way of enhancing our knowledge about specific projects and practices and articulating our equality story.
3.4 Responsive services and customer care
27. It is evident that equality is considered as the job of everyone at Hackney Council and is seen as “the way in which we do things around here”. Service teams make effective use of data to shape their services and do so consistently and across the whole council. There is clear evidence of a wide range of services targeting groups which are a priority and which demonstrate real impact.
27. ハックニー特別区で働く全員にとって、平等に対応することが「この職場での自分たちの仕事のやり方」であると考えられていることは明白である。サービスを提供するチームは、情報を効果的に使ってサービスの改善に努め、自治体全体にわたって常に平等に対応している。優先度の高いグループを対象とした幅広いサービスがあることは明白であり、それが実際に影響を及ぼしていることが分かる。
28. The economic benefits of growth are being secured by ensuring jobs are made available to local people, e.g. through the ‘Ways into Work’ job brokerage programme. The Fashion Hub is a particular example of success, although on a relatively small scale so far.
28 成長の経済的な利益は、例えば、“Ways into Work”の職業仲介プログラムを通じて、地域の人々に仕事を得ることができるようにすることによって確保されている。Fashion Hubは今のところ比較的小さな規模ではあるが、注目すべき成功事例である。
29. Other good examples of responsive services include:
- Work on understanding and mitigating the impact of welfare reform is strongly driven by equality priorities and protecting the vulnerable e.g. the approach to digital inclusion included work with the Gypsy and Traveller community to ensure on-line access
- Children’s social care and public health amongst the Jewish community
- Work to resettle the Traveller, Gypsy and Roma communities before the Olympics allowed re-provision to be co-designed with the community
- Work in the lead-up to the Olympics to ensure opportunities were extended to more excluded communities, such as volunteering opportunities for people with mental illness
- The leadership by young people of the bid for resources to redesign and develop the youth hubs
- Libraries have changed membership criteria to encourage people staying in hostels to use them, for example proof of address is no longer necessary
- I-Care website was co-designed with key groups of vulnerable adults to ensure the website is user friendly and accessible.
29 迅速なサービスとしての他の良い事例は以下のものがある。
- 福祉事業改革の影響を理解し軽減する取組は、平等性の優先順位に従って強力に進められ、弱者を守るものである。(例えば、デジタルの多様性を取り込む方法として、ジプシーや旅行者がオンラインのアクセスをできるようにこのようなコミュニティとの協業が含まれている)
- 子供たちの社会的なケアや、ユダヤコミュニティにおける公衆衛生
- オリンピック前に旅行者、ジプシー及びローマ・コミュニティを再び定住させる取組は、コミュニティとともに共同でデザインする際の再構築を可能にした。
- 若者の拠点を再設計し、開発するための資源を企画する若者たちのリーダーシップ
- 図書館は、簡易宿泊所に滞在する人々にも利用できるように、メンバー要件を変更した。例えば、図書館利用の際に、住所の証明書の提出は必要なくなった。
- I-Careのウェブサイトは、成人弱者の主要なグループとともに、サイトが利用者にとって使い勝手が良く、アクセス可能かどうかを確認しながら共同で設計された。
30. The Council’s approach to service delivery extends to the relationship with providers and partners and there were clear partnerships allowing services to be designed and developed to really improve access. This includes the active women’s programme with Greenwich Leisure Ltd and segregated swimming for men and women.
30. サービス提供における区のアプローチは、サービス供給者とパートナーとの関係にも及んでいる。明確なパートナーシップがあることで、サービスへのアクセスがしやすいように実際に改善され、そのように設計されている。これには、Greenwich Leisure Ltdの活動的な女性向けのプログラムや、男女別に分けられた水泳も含まれる。
31. Customer care is generally very good. The Hackney Service Centre (HSC) is highly impressive as a one stop customer services shop. The existing call centre has been integrated with face to face delivery allowing flexibility in the way staff are deployed to deal with busy periods. HSC staff are well trained including sign language accreditation. Certain staff are designated customer champions and there are floor walkers around the Centre to assist customers. Space within HSC is used for a range of other services and activities such as campaigns on smoking cessation and diabetes and the library service runs story-telling sessions during school holidays to help occupy children while their parents are waiting to be seen.
31. カスタマーケアは一般的に大変良い。ハックニー・サービス・センター(HSC)は、ワンストップの利用者サービスを提供している部門として、大変印象的である。既存のコールセンターは、対面式のサービスと統合されたことにより、忙しい期間にも職員が対応できるような柔軟な対応が可能となった。HSCの職員は、手話の認定を含めて大変よく訓練されている。特定の職員が利用者対応のコンテストの優勝者として任命されており、センターの周りには利用者を支援するためにフロアを歩き回って対応している人がいる。HSCの内部の空間は、禁煙や糖尿病に関するキャンペーンのような他の幅広いサービスや活動で利用されており、図書館サービスは、学校の長期休み期間の間、親が迎えに来るまでの間、子供たちの時間を埋めるのを助けるために話の読み聞かせを実施したりしている。
Areas for consideration:
32. The monitoring and analysis of complaints data needs to be improved. The pattern of differential satisfaction from residents should be known. Complaints are analysed by equality group but monitoring data is not always collected because residents and service users just want to log the complaint and don’t fill out additional forms. In the longer term the Council will be encouraging residents to register their details onto a secure database (Citizen’s Index) and then log in to make requests or a complaint. This should provide more in depth intelligence about complaints.
32. 苦情データのモニタリングと分析は、改善する必要がある。住民からの異なった満足度のパターンは、知っておかなければならない。苦情は、平等性グループによって分析されるが、モニタリングデータはいつも集められているわけではない。なぜなら、住民やサービス利用者は、ただ苦情を伝えたいのであり、追加のフォームを記入したりはしないからである。長期的観点では、区は住民に対して、その詳細を安全なデータベース(市民のインデックス)に登録して、要望を出したり苦情を記録するように促すだろう。これにより、苦情についてより深い情報が提供されるにちがいない。
33. There is a growing sense that some difficult discussions still need to happen about competing needs and Hackney’s long term growth, e.g. conflicting needs of cyclists and disabled people in parks, the developing night time economy and the needs of residents in the identified growth areas. These issues have been identified and addressed in the Growth Strategy and it is important these discussions happen openly, both internally and with residents, so community tensions are fully understood.
33. 競合するニーズやハックニーの長期的な成長について、幾つかの難しい議論がまだ行われる必要がある。(例えば、公園での自転車利用者と障害者のニーズの競合についてや、夜間の時間帯の経済成長と特定の成長地域に住む住民のニーズとの競合である。)これらの課題は、成長戦略(Growth Strategy)の中で認識され指摘されている。そして、コミュニティの緊張が完全に理解されるように、これらの議論が内部と、外部(住民)との間の両方で広く行われることが大切である。
132 訳者注:focus group(フォーカス・グループ)とは、対話形式で、ある話題について自由に発言し、情報を収集するためのグループのこと。