参考資料6-3 スペインの包括的な最初の報告に関する最終見解(部分訳)

Concluding observations of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities


Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

19. The Committee welcomes the regulatory amendments introduced under Act 26/2011 that would abolish the need to have a disability certificate to bring a discrimination claim before a judicial body. However it regrets the lack of information on cases of discrimination, and it is concerned that persons with disabilities will still be marginalized. The Committee is further concerned by the lack of information on reasonable accommodation. It is also concerned that, in practice, disability affects parents’ guardianship or custody of their children and that legal protection against discrimination on the grounds of disability is not enforceable in cases of discrimination due to perceived disability or association with a person with a disability.

20. The Committee urges the State party to expand the protection of discrimination on the grounds of disability to explicitly cover multiple disability, perceived disability and association with a person with a disability, and to ensure the protection from denial of reasonable accommodation, as a form of discrimination, regardless of the level of disability. Moreover, guidance, awareness-raising and training should be given to ensure a better comprehension by all stakeholders, including persons with disabilities, of the concept of reasonable accommodation and prevention of discrimination.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

21. The Committee is concerned that public programmes and policies on the prevention of gender-based violence do not sufficiently take into consideration the particular situation of women with disabilities. The Committee is also concerned that employment policies do not include a comprehensive gender perspective and that unemployment, inactivity and training rates are significantly worse for women than for men with disabilities.
21. 委員会は、性別に基づく暴力を防止するための公的プログラムや政策が、障害のある女性の特定の状況を十分に考慮していないことを懸念する。委員会はまた、雇用政策が包括的なジェンダーの視点を含まず、失業や無活動、訓練の比率が、女性の場合、男性に比べより悪化していることを懸念する。

22. The Committee recommends that the State party:
(a) Include a more comprehensive consideration of women with disabilities in public programmes and policies on the prevention of gender-based violence, particularly so as to ensure access for women with disability to an effective, integrated response system;
(b) Include a gender perspective in employment policies, and particularly specific measures for women with disabilities;
(c) Elaborate and develop strategies, policies and programmes, especially in the fields of education, employment, health and social protection, to promote the autonomy and full participation of women and girls with disability in society, and to combat violence against them.

22. 委員会は締約国に対し、以下を勧告する。
(b) 雇用政策において、特に障害のある女性のための特別措置にジェンダーの視点を含める。
(c) 特に教育、雇用、保健、社会保障(social protection)の分野において、障害のある女性・女児の自立した、完全な社会参加を促進し、彼女たちに対する暴力に対抗する戦略や政策、プログラムを考案、開発すること。

Accessibility (art. 9)

27. The Committee takes note that Act 26/2011 introduces regulatory amendments that will shorten the timelines for meeting accessibility requirements in public facilities and with respect to goods and services available to the public. However, it remains concerned at the low level of compliance with these requirements, in particular at the regional and local levels, in the private sector, and in relation to existing facilities. The Committee is aware of situations of discrimination faced by air passengers with disabilities, including situations of denial of boarding. The Committee reminds the State party that article 9 of the Convention also requires States to ensure access to information and communication.
27. 委員会は、公共施設でのアクセシビリティ要件を満たすための期間を短縮し、公共で利用する物品やサービスに関する規制改正をAct 26/2011に導入することに注目する。しかし、これらの要件に対する低いレベルでのコンプライアンスが、特に地方・地域レベル、民間部門、既存の施設において存在していることを懸念する。委員会は、障害のある航空機利用者が、搭乗拒否などの差別に直面している状況を認識している。また、委員会は、締約国に対し、条約第9条では締約国に情報・コミュニケーションへのアクセスの保証を要求しているということを指摘する(reminds)。

28. The Committee recommends that sufficient financial and human resources be allocated as soon as possible to implement, promote and monitor compliance with accessibility legislation through national measures as well as through international cooperation.
28. 委員会は、国の法案、また国際協力を通じて、アクセシビリティ法案へのコンプライアンスを実施・促進・監視するために、十分な財政・人的資源をできる限り早く割り当てることを勧告する。

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

33. The Committee notes that Act 26/2011 allows a period of one year following its entry into force for the presentation of a bill to govern the scope and interpretation of article 12 of the Convention. The Committee is further concerned that no measures have been taken to replace substitute decision-making by supported decision-making in the exercise of legal capacity.
33. 委員会は、Act 26/2011が、条約第12条の範囲と解釈を決定するための法案の提示について、その施行から1年間与えていることに注目する。さらに委員会は、法的能力を行使する上で、既存の代理意思決定に代わって、支援された意思決定を導入するための措置がとられていないことを懸念する。

34. The Committee recommends that the State party review the laws allowing for guardianship and trusteeship, and take action to develop laws and policies to replace regimes of substitute decision-making by supported decision-making, which respects the person's autonomy, will and preferences. It further recommends that training be provided on this issue for all relevant public officials and other stakeholders.
34. 委員会は、締約国が後見人の任務、受託者の任務を与える法律を検証評価し、代理意思決定に代わり、個人の自立性、意思、選好を尊重する支援された意思決定を導入する法律や政策を開発する措置を講じるよう勧告する。さらに、この問題に関連するすべての公務員、関係者に対して、訓練を受けさせることを勧告する。

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

39. The Committee is concerned at the lack of resources and services to guarantee the right to live independently and to be included in the community, in particular in rural areas. It is further concerned that the choice of residence of persons with disabilities is limited by the availability of the necessary services, and that those living in residential institutions are reported to have no alternative to institutionalization. Finally, the Committee is concerned about linking eligibility of social services to a specific grade of disability.
39. 委員会は、自立した生活を送る権利を保証し、特に地方において、地域社会に含まれることを保証する資源やサービスの欠如を懸念する。さらに、障害者の居住地の選択が、必要なサービスの利用可能性によって制限されており、入所施設に住んでいる人々が脱施設化する代替案がないと報告されていることを懸念する。最後に、委員会は、社会サービスの受給資格が特定の障害等級に関連していることを懸念する。

40. The Committee encourages the State party to ensure that an adequate level of funding is made available to effectively enable persons with disabilities: to enjoy the freedom to choose their residence on an equal basis with others; to access a full range of in-home, residential and other community services for daily life, including personal assistance; and to so enjoy reasonable accommodation so as to better integrate into their communities.
40. 委員会は、締約国が、障害が効率的に適したレベルの経済支援を利用できるようにし、他の人と同じく、居住場所を選ぶ権利を享受し、個人援助を含む、日常の在宅サービス、施設サービス、その他の地域社会サービスのあらゆる領域へアクセスし、より良く地域社会へ統合されるために、合理的配慮を享受できることを保証するよう奨励する。

41. The Committee is concerned that the law for the promotion of autonomy limits the resources to hire personal assistants only to those persons who have level 3 disabilities and only for education and work.
41. 委員会は、自立を促進する法律が、障害等級3以上の障害者のみに、かつ教育や仕事のためだけに、個人援助者(personal assistants)を雇用するための資源を限定していることを懸念する。

42. The Committee encourages the State party to expand resources for personal assistants to all persons with disabilities in accordance with their requirements.
42. 委員会は、締約国が、すべての障害者に対して、彼らの要求に応じた個人援助のための資源を拡充するよう奨励する。

Education (art. 24)

43. The Committee welcomes the fact that the principle of inclusion governs the schooling of pupils with special educational needs; that discrimination in education is prohibited; and that most children with disabilities are included in the regular education system. It commends the enactment of Organic Act 2/2006 on education, which obliges the education authorities to provide specialist teachers, qualified professionals and the necessary materials and resources, as well as the laws that oblige schools to make necessary curricular adjustments and diversifications for pupils with disabilities. However, the Committee is concerned by the implementation of these laws in practice, in view of reported cases of failure to provide reasonable accommodation, of continued segregation and exclusion, of financial arguments used as justification for discrimination, and of the cases of children enrolled in special education against their parents' will. The Committee notes with concern that parents challenging the placement of their children with disabilities in special education have no possibility of appeal and that their only alternative is to educate them at their own expense or pay for the reasonable accommodation of their child in the regular education system.
43. 委員会は、包容の原則により特殊教育を必要とする子供たちの学校教育が行われていること、教育における差別が禁止されていること、障害のある子供ほとんどが普通教育制度に含まれていることを歓迎する。教育委員会(the education authorities)が、専門の教師、資格を持った専門家、そして必要な資料や教材を提供することを義務付け、障害のある子供たちのためにカリキュラムの修正や多様化を義務付ける教育基本法2/2006を制定したことを賞賛する。しかし、委員会は、合理的配慮を提供できない事例、継続する隔離と排除、財政を理由とした差別の正当化、親の意思に反した特殊教育への子供の就学といった観点から、これらの法律の実際の実施について懸念する。委員会は、障害のある子供の特殊教育への就学に反対する親が抗議できる可能性がなく、唯一の代替案は、自費で教育するか、普通教育制度において自分の子供の合理的配慮の代金を払うか、であるということを懸念する。

44. The Committee reiterates that denial of reasonable accommodation constitutes discrimination and that the duty to provide reasonable accommodation is immediately applicable and not subject to progressive realization. It recommends that the State party:
(a) Increase its efforts to provide reasonable accommodation in education, by: allocating sufficient financial and human resources to implement the right to inclusive education; paying particular attention to assessing the availability of teachers with specialist qualifications; and ensuring that educational departments of local governments understand their obligations under the Convention and act in conformity with its provisions;
(b) Ensure that the decisions to place children with a disability in a special school or in special classes, or to offer them solely a reduced-standard curriculum, are taken in consultation with the parents;
(c) Ensure that the parents of children with disabilities are not obliged to pay for the education or for the measures of reasonable accommodation in mainstream schools;
(d) Ensure that decisions on placing children in segregated settings can be appealed swiftly and effectively.

44. 委員会は、合理的配慮の否定は差別の構成要素となり、合理的配慮を提供する義務がただちに適用され、漸進的な実現(progressive realization)を前提としないことを繰り返し述べる。委員会は、締約国に以下を勧告する。
