


Question 7 (第5条)
7. Please indicate whether discrimination based on “future impairment” is covered by the Canadian Human Rights Act.
7. カナダ人権法で“今後の(次世代の)障害”に関する差別が対象になっているかどうか示してください。

1. Future impairment, denoting a genetic or other predisposition to disability, is understood to be covered by the prohibited grounds of “disability” or “handicap” in domestic human rights legislation and the Charter. The Supreme Court of Canada confirmed this in Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v Montreal (City); Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v Boisbriand (City), [2000] 1 SCR 665, 2000 SCC 27.
1. 遺伝子性のものであるか、あるいはその他の障害の要因であることを示す、今後の(次世代の)障害については、国内の人権法及び憲章において、“障害”あるいは“ハンディキャップ”に基づく禁止事由に網羅されていると理解している。カナダ最高裁判所は、次の判決の中でこれを確認している:Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v Montreal (City); Quebec (Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse) v Boisbriand (City), [2000] 1 SCR 665, 2000 SCC 27.

2. In that case, the applicants brought a claim under the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, alleging they were denied employment or dismissed when their employers learned of their medical conditions, despite presenting no limitations to their jobs. The Supreme Court agreed that this amounted to discrimination based on “handicap”, noting that the analysis under this ground centers on the effects of the distinction, exclusion or preference, and not on whether the complainant can demonstrate discrimination on the basis of an existing functional impairment. The Court further noted that “the Charter….prohibits discrimination based on the actual or perceived possibility that an individual may develop a handicap in the future.”
2. この事例では、申請者は、ケベック人権事由憲章の下、雇用者が彼らの病状を知ったとき、仕事に支障がなかったにもかかわらず、雇用を拒否、あるいは解雇されたとして権利を主張した。最高裁判所は、これが“ハンディキャップ”に基づく差別に当たることに同意し、この理由に基づく分析は、差別、排除、選好の影響に重点を置いていると述べ、原告が既存の機能的損傷に基づく差別を証明できるかどうかではないことを付け加えた。裁判所はさらに“憲章は、<中略>ある個人が将来ハンディキャップを有するかも知れないという、実際あるいは認知された可能性に基づいた差別を禁止している”とも付け加えた。

Question 8 and 10 (第5条)
8. Please provide information on legal remedies available and used regarding disability-based discrimination.
8. 障害に基づく差別に対して、利用可能な法的救済と実際に行われている救済について情報を提供してください。

3. Information on legal remedies for violation of human rights, including disability-based discrimination, is provided in Canada’s Core Document and in Canada’s First Report.
3. 障害に基づく差別を含む、人権侵害に対する法的救済についての情報は、カナダの共通基幹文書、最初の報告で提供されている。

4. The Canadian legal system recognizes the greater impact of combined multiple grounds of discrimination. The Charter and F-P/T human rights legislation allow for claimants with disabilities to bring equality claims based on multiple grounds. For instance, Section 3.1 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) explicitly prohibits discrimination based on multiple grounds or on their compounded effects. This is illustrated by a complaint under the CHRA alleging that Canada Border Services Agency engaged in a discriminatory practice on multiple grounds of discrimination, including disability, in two staffing processes. In its 2014 decision, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal found that the employer deemed the applicant unqualified based on a stereotypical assessment and concluded that the exclusion from the staffing competitions was discriminatory based on age, race, and perceived disability. The Tribunal awarded compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, and because the discriminatory practices were engaged in willfully.
4. カナダの法制度は、複合的な差別事由の結合がより大きな影響を与えていることを認識している。憲章及びF-P/Tの人権法は、障害のある申立人が複合的な事由を根拠に不平等の訴えを起こすことを認めている。例えば、カナダ人権法(CHRA)第3章 1は、複合的な事由あるいは複合的な影響に基づいた差別を明確に禁止している。このことは、カナダ国境サービス庁が2つの人員配置手続で、障害を含む複合的な差別事由に基づき差別的な行為を行ったとする、CHRAの下での苦情申立てによっても説明されている。2014年の判決では、人権裁判所が、当該の雇用者は偏見を伴った評価によって申請者を不適格とみなしたことを認め、雇用・労働市場からの排除は、年齢、人種、認知された障害に基づいた差別的なものであったと結論づけた。裁判所は失った賃金、苦痛及び苦悩、並びに差別行為が故意に行われたことによる賠償を裁定した。

5. F-P/T governments also consider intersectionality in policy development to account for the vulnerability of certain groups to multiple grounds of discrimination. For example, several governments apply Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) to their policy/program development.
5. F-P/T政府も、複合的な差別を理由に、特定のグループが攻撃されやすいことを明らかにするため、部門を横断した政策の作成を検討している。例えば、幾つかの政府は、政策/プログラム開発に、性別に基づく分析プラス(GBA+)を適用している。

Question 9 (第5条)
9. Please provide updated information on the status of Bill S-201.
9. Bill S-201の状況についての最新の情報を提供してください。

6. Bill S-201, An Act to prohibit and prevent genetic discrimination, seeks to address possible misuse of genetic information, particularly in the context of insurance and employment by: (1) enacting a stand-alone Genetic Non-Discrimination Act, creating criminal prohibitions on requiring genetic testing or to disclose genetic test results as a condition of providing goods and services or entering into a contract; (2) amending the Canada Labour Code to give employees the right to refuse to undergo genetic testing and to prohibit employers from discriminating based on genetic test results; and (3) amending the Canadian Human Rights Act to add “genetic characteristics” as a prohibited ground of discrimination in the context of actions taken by federal and federally-regulated works and industries.
6. Bill S-201、遺伝子差別禁止防止法は、特に以下による保険と雇用の文脈において発生しうる遺伝子情報の濫用に対する対処を求めている:(1) 独立した遺伝子差別禁止法を制定し、製品、サービスの提供、あるいは契約の締結条件として、遺伝子検査及び検査結果の開示を求めることの刑事罰化; (2)遺伝子検査を受けることを拒否する権利を従業員に与え、雇用者が遺伝子検査の結果に基づいて差別することを禁止するためのカナダ労働法典の改正; (3)連邦による、あるいは連邦によって規制されている事業や産業による活動状況に差別の禁止事由として“遺伝子特性”を追加するようカナダ人権憲章を改正する。

7. The Bill was passed by the Senate of Canada on April 14, 2016 and subsequently sent to the House of Commons. On December 5, 2016, Bill S-201 was passed, without substantial changes, by the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. It will now be further debated in the House of Commons.
7. 法案は2016年4月14日に上院を通過し、その後下院へ送られた。2016年12月5日、Bill S-201は大幅に変更されることなく、司法と人権に関する常設委員会によって可決された。今後は下院にて引き続き議論が行われる予定である。

10. Please elaborate on measures to eliminate multiple and intersectional discrimination against persons with disabilities, including indigenous persons with disabilities. Please elaborate on effective remedies and redress provided at all levels.
10. 障害のある先住民を含めて、障害者に対する複合的で幾つかの分野に横断的な差別をなくすための措置について詳しく述べてください。すべてのレベルで提供される効果的な救済と補償について詳述してください。

Question 11 and 12(第6条)
第6条 障害のある女子

11. Please update the Committee on programmes designed and implemented to assist women and girls with disabilities in all aspects of life, in particular participation in employment, in protection from violence, including sexual violence, and in gaining access to sexual health, reproductive and parental rights.
11. 障害のある女性及び女児を支援するために立案され、実施されているプログラムについて、委員会に最新の状況を知らせください。特に、雇用への特別な参加、性的暴力を含む暴力からの保護、性と生殖に関する保健学、生殖、親になる権利を行使することについてなど、生活のすべての側面について、最新情報を知らせください。

12. Please provide information on measures for the advancement, development and empowerment of all women and girls with disabilities, in particular indigenous women and girls.
12. 障害のある女性や女児の昇進、発達、権限付与のための措置について、特に、先住民の女性や女児に対するものについて情報を提供してください。

20. Governments in Canada are committed to assisting women and girls with disabilities in all aspects of their lives. Persons with disabilities, including women, have access to income supports and pre-employment services, assisted living support, child and family services and education that are designed to meet their unique needs.
20. カナダにおいて政府は、生活のすべての側面において、障害のある女性や女児を支援することに関与している。女性を含めて障害者は、所得の支援や就業前のサービス、介護生活支援、彼らに特有なニーズに合わせて設計された子供や家族のサービスや教育にアクセスすることができる。

21. Governments support programs/projects that bring about equality and the advancement of women, including women with disabilities, by working to address or remove systemic barriers impeding women’s progress and equality.
21. 政府は、女性の進歩と平等を妨げる全体的な障壁に対処またはそれを取り除くことによって、障害のある女性を含む女性の平等と昇進を促進するプログラムやプロジェクトを支援する。

・For example, the Government of Canada supports the work of the DisAbled Women’s Network (DAWN) Canada, that reaches out to all women in Canada with disabilities, including: deaf, Indigenous, immigrant, racialized, LGBTTQ, and older women, women with chronic and episodic illnesses, in institutions and single mothers. The organization leads, partners and networks with other organizations within the disability, feminist, labour and human rights sectors to increase the development and the delivery of resources and information for women with disabilities in Canada.

22. Information on parental rights for persons with disabilities can be found in Canada’s First Report. For information on access to sexual and reproductive health services, see Canada’s response to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women’s List of Issues (CEDAW LOI). See Question 26 below for information on the protection of women and girls with disabilities from gender-based violence.
22. 障害者のための親の権利に関する情報は、カナダの最初の報告に記載されている。性的または生殖の健康サービスへのアクセスに関する情報は、女性に対する差別撤廃委員会(CEDA W LOI)の事前質問事項へのカナダの回答を参照のこと。性別に基づいた暴力から、障害のある女性や女児を保護することに関する情報は、下記の質問26を参照のこと。

Question 15(第9条)
Accessibility (art. 9)
第9条 アクセシビリティ

15. Please elaborate on measures to monitor the implementation of accessibility measures in all areas of the Convention and sanctions in case of lack of compliance with accessibility requirements.
15. アクセシビリティ要件の遵守が不足している場合には、条約や制裁のすべての領域において、アクセシビリティに関する措置の実施を監視する措置について、詳しく教えてください。

The following are F-P/T examples of monitoring measures to address non-compliance of accessibility requirements:

•F-P/T human rights legislation allows individuals to file complaints where they experience such barriers in employment and accessing goods, services and facilities or accommodation customarily available to the public;

•The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission regulates and supervises telecommunications and broadcasting accessibility. Compliance is monitored through complaints received from the public, industry reporting and sometimes during proceedings. Addressing non-compliance with the Telecommunications Act is done through various means, including reporting requirements and administrative monetary penalties;

•In Québec, regulatory requirements on the accessibility of public buildings built before 1976 are being developed. For buildings built after 1976 or converted since 2000, the accessibility requirements of the Quebec Construction Code apply. If instances of non-compliance with the accessibility requirements are found in the construction work carried out, the public may file a non-compliance complaint with the Régie du bâtiment du Québec, which may carry out inspections and apply penalties;
・ケベックでは、1976年以前に建設された公共施設のアクセシビリティに関する規制要件が作成されている。1976年以降に建設された建物や、2000年以降に改修された建物は、ケベック建築法のアクセシビリティ要件が適用される。実施された建設作業で、アクセシビリティ要件不履行の事例が発見された場合、検査を実施し、罰則を適用できるRégie du bâtiment du Québecに、公衆は、不履行の苦情を申し立てることができる。

•Under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), organizations in Ontario submit self-certified reports online indicating their compliance with provincial accessibility standards. Random audits are conducted on obligated organizations to confirm they are meeting their requirements under the AODA. When organizations do not file reports or do not comply with the AODA or its regulations, a number of enforcement tools can be used, including inspections, financial penalties and prosecution, which could include fines up to $100,000 upon conviction;

•The 2016 Accessibility for Manitobans Act requires all public sector bodies to create an accessibility plan every two years, which begins with a baseline report that requires self-monitoring and public updates. In addition, public and private sector organizations with more than 20 staff must document the measures they take to comply with the accessibility standards that serve as regulations. Administrative and monetary penalties can be applied in cases on non-compliance; and

•The Government of British Columbia publishes annual progress updates to monitor the implementation of the accessibility goals outlined in Accessibility 2024. With respect to non-compliance with accessibility requirements, its provincial Building Act and its accompanying Building Code, as well as its Guide Dog and Service Dog Act contain penalty systems.

Question 18(第12条)
Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)
第12条 法律の前にひとしく認められる権利

18. Please inform the Committee about the number of adult persons with disabilities, at the federal, provincial and territorial levels, who are under guardianship or a similar regime of substituted decision-making. Since 2010, what kinds of decisions have been made on behalf of persons with disabilities (e.g., medical treatment, financial affairs, housing and contracts) ? How many persons with disabilities receive supported decision-making services? Have there been any decreases in substitute decision-making since 2010? Are there any innovative projects or research planned in this regard?
18. 後見の保護の下にあるまたは、代理意思決定と同様の管理制度にある障害のある成人の人数について、連邦政府、州、準州の単位で知らせください。2010年以降、障害者に代わって(例えば、医療、金融業務や住居、契約について)どのような決定がなされてきましたか。何人の障害者が、支援付き意思決定サービスを受けていますか。2010年以降、代理意思決定は減少していますか。この点に関して、革新的なプロジェクトや研究はありますか。

Further to information in Canada’s First Report, the following outlines available data with respect to the number of adults under guardianship, substitute or supported decision-making regimes in 2016:

•Newfoundland and Labrador: Eight adults were under the care and custody of the Provincial Director of Adult Protection;

•Prince Edward Island: 68 adults were under guardianship, 330 adults were under public trusteeship and approximately 10 guardianship applications were pending. Since 2010, there has been an increase in young adults and transitional youth with complex needs and psychiatric and developmental illnesses;

•New Brunswick: 360 individuals were under guardianship and/or financial management;

•Quebec: 21,750 persons were under guardianship or curatorship, an increase of 2,500 individuals since 2010. 250 individuals received support decision-making services;

•Ontario: Approximately 18, 000 persons were under guardianship;

•Manitoba: 1883 persons were under substitute decision-making under The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act, a net increase of 206 persons since 2010. Substitute decision makers can also be appointed under Manitoba’s Mental Health Act;

•Saskatchewan: The Public Guardian and Trustee was property guardian for 1157 adults;

•British Columbia: Approximately 5, 874 adults had a property guardian and 2, 124 had a personal guardian. An adult may have both a property guardian and a personal guardian. Since 2010, there has been an overall decrease in the number of adults who have a guardian;

•Northwest Territories: The Office of the Public Trustee managed 79 “represented person” files, an increase of approximately 24 cases since 2010; and

•Nunavut: The Office of the Public Guardian had 218 active files. Since 2010, there has been a steady increase in the number of clients coming under guardianship and the caseload has more than doubled.

Since 2010, decisions made on behalf of persons with disabilities mainly deal with care and finances, including:

•Care: Housing, medical treatment, personal care; and
•Finances: Management of financial assets (financial, real property, investments, income, expenses, taxes, estates).


In terms of innovative projects or research planned on supported decision-making:

•New Brunswick is implementing a project to provide support services for adults with disabilities who want to manage their own supports but require some help to do so; and
•In 2016, the Public Curateur of Quebec undertook a stakeholder consultation on the relevance and feasibility of a new assisted decision-making process.

•2016年に、ケベック州の公認受託者は、新しい援助された意思決定手続(new assisted decision-making)の妥当性と実現可能性に関する利害関係者の協議に着手した。

Question 31 and 32 (第19条)
Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)
第19条 自立した生活及び地域社会への包容

31. Please indicate how many children and adults with disabilities live in residential institutions and how large these institutions are. Has the number of persons with disabilities in institutions decreased or increased since 2010, including at the federal, provincial and territorial levels?

32. What is the public budget spent on community-based services for independent living as opposed to residential services? Please inform the Committee about measures towards deinstitutionalization and the provision of community-based living arrangements since 2010. How many persons with disabilities receive independent living support, including personal assistance services? Please provide data disaggregated by sex, age and ethnic background at all levels.
32. 居住型サービスと対照的に、地域社会に基づく自立生活のためのサービスに支払われる公的な予算はどの程度ですか。脱施設化や地域社会に基づいた生活施設に対する2010年以降の措置について、委員会に知らせてください。何人の障害者が、個別の支援サービスを含めて、自立した生活を送るための支援を受けていますか。すべてのレベルで、性別、年齢、民族的背景ごとのデータを教えてください。

8. Data on persons with disabilities living in residential institutions shows that:
8. 居住型施設に入居している障害者についてのデータは次のことを示している:

・There are 219 beds in adult residential settings in Prince Edward Island;

・1010 adults are living in residential institutions in Nova Scotia, demonstrating a slight decrease from 1124 in 2010-2011;

・As of March 2015, there were a total of seven children (ages 0-17) and 213 adults with physical disabilities admitted to internats in Quebec. « Internats » are places where users are admitted to a rehabilitation center. The activities of the internats are intended to provide room and board as well as assistance and supervision for residential users. As of March 2016, there were 114 Continuing Assistance Residences for persons with intellectual and autism spectrum disorders offering services for approximately 703 persons;

・Manitoba has:

・20 children’s residential facilities with bed spaces ranging from 1 to 3 for a total of ‎49 beds. This number has increased slightly since 2010 from 10 facilities with bed spaces ranging between 2 and 6 for a total of 41 bed spaces;
・Two institutions for adults with an intellectual disability, one operated by the provincial government and the other by a non-profit agency; and
・329 vulnerable persons living in institutions compared to 490 in March 2010;


・In Alberta, approximately 245 adults are living and receiving supports in one of three government-operated facilities. The number of adults being supported in these facilities has been declining since 2010; and

・There is one residential care facility in Nunavut that specifically provides care to children and adults with disabilities and complex medical issues. It has 10 beds and current occupancy is 8 children and 2 adults. Nunavut also has 2 Adult Group Homes that provide placement and support for adults whose complexity of needs cannot be met by the family or within the community.

9.The Government of Canada’s Assisted Living (AL) program provides $104 million annually to support persons with disabilities, seniors, and individuals living on First Nations reserves who need temporary or long-term care, whether in-home or in residential institutions. Residential institutions range in size from two to 40 people depending on the needs of the community and are administered by private, provincial or territorial entities.
9. カナダ政府の生活支援(AL)プログラムは、一時的あるいは長期的に介護が必要な障害者、高齢者、ファーストネーションズの特別保留地に居住する個人に対し、在宅または居住型施設の利用者かどうかにかかわらず、年間1億400万ドルを提供している。居住型施設は、地域社会のニーズに応じて、2人から40人規模とし、民間、州または準州の機関が管理する。

10. Approximately half of the budget under the AL program provides social supports for people remaining in their homes, and the other half towards care in institutional settings. Data indicates that since 2010, the program has seen a steady demand for services. Nearly 9,000 in-home care, 900 institutional care and 70 adult-foster care clients are supported through federal funding. The program does not collect disaggregated data on clients based on ethnicity.
10. ALプログラムの予算の約半分は、自宅に居住する人に対する社会支援に、残りの半分は施設環境での介護に提供されている。データからは、2010年以降、このプログラムのサービスに対して一定の需要があることが示されている。約9,000件の在宅介護の利用者、900件の施設内介護の利用者、70件の成人里親制度の利用者が、連邦の基金によって支援されている。このプログラムでは、利用者を民族別に分類したデータを収集していない。

11. Available information on independent living support and residential services for persons with disabilities shows that:
11. 自立生活支援と障害者に対する居住型サービスについての情報を以下に示す:

・Since 2010, Saskatchewan has spent $89.5 million for residential services, and $7.4 million for independent living programs. 519 individuals are currently receiving independent living support;

・Currently, in New Brunswick: 1,135 males and 690 females are in special care homes with a budget of $89 million ($37 million increase since 2010-11); 314 males and 183 females in community residences with a budget of $14.5 million; and 1,928 males and 2,085 females receiving in-home services with a budget of $69 million ($17 million increase since 2010-11);

Manitoba’s Community Living disABILITY Services (CLDS) budget totalled $394.7 million in 2016-2017, an increase of $199 million since 2009-2010, for the delivery of community-based residential services, day services, transportation to and from day services, respite, clinical services and other supports;

Nova Scotia expended $232 million on community services for independent living in 2015-2016, compared to $84 million on residential institutions, an increase of approximately $57 million since 2010-2011. There are 745 adults receiving independent living support in 2015-2016, compared with 675 in 2010-2011; and

In 2015-2016, Alberta expended $834 million on service delivery costs for adults with developmental disabilities, with $47.2 million (5.2%) on government-operated residential services and $776.8 million (94.8%) on community living services.

12. P/Ts are taking measures toward de-institutionalization and the provision of community-based living arrangements for persons with disabilities. For example:
12. 州/準州は脱施設化と障害者の地域密着型の生活施設の提供に対する措置を講じている:

・Ontario closed its last three residential institutions for persons with developmental disabilities in 2009. About 1,000 people were moved into new community-based homes with the help of the province, families and agencies;

・Manitoba’s CLDS program supports participants living in the community where possible and develops service plans using a person-centered planning approach. Since April 2010, 55 residents have transitioned from the Manitoba Developmental Centre to independent community living;

・In Saskatchewan, the care institution for persons with intellectual disabilities has 130 residents, compared to the end of 2009-2010 when the population was 230. The centre is slated for closure in 2018 and residents are to be transitioned to community housing;

・British Columbia closed its last large residential institutions for individuals with developmental disabilities in 1996. A crown agency, Community Living BC, supports more than 19,000 individuals to live in the community by offering a range of services including residential, employment, community inclusion, respite and planning assistance. The options provide choice and allow services and supports to be tailored to the circumstances and preferences of each individual; and

・Nunavut continues to work towards increasing community-based services to ensure clients can remain in their communities and the territory, instead of being placed in out-of-territory residential care facilities. Under the Alternative Family Care Program, which commenced in 2013, eligible adults over the age of 19 and receiving support under Nunavut’s Guardianship and Trusteeship Act, can maintain residence in Nunavut with a relative instead of being placed in out-of-territory facilities. $125/day is provided in foster care per-diems to Alternative Family Care Homes as compensation for the care and supervision provided to clients.

Question 33(第21条)
Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information and communication (art. 21)
第21条 表現及び意見の自由並びに情報の利用とコミュニケーション

33. Please indicate whether information for the general public is accessible to persons with disabilities, i.e. sign language, easy-read, Braille, audio and augmentative and alternative communication.
33. 一般人向けの情報を、手話、わかりやすい版、点字、音声、補助的及び代替的なコミュニケーションなどによって、障害者が利用可能かどうか、示してください。

Further to information provided in Canada’s First Report and elsewhere in this response, governments continue to ensure the accessibility of information for the general public for persons with disabilities (i.e. alternate/augmented formats such as Braille, large print, accessible pdfs, open and closed captioning, audio recordings, assistive listening devices and technology, sign language interpreting services, etc.). For example, in 2016:

•Canada acceded to the Marrakesh Treaty, which aims to improve global access to print material for persons who are visually impaired or have a print disability;

•Supported by the Government of Canada, Video Relay Service was launched, which enables persons with hearing or speech disabilities who use American Sign Language and Quebec Sign Language to communicate with voice telephone users; and

•The Government of Canada implemented a new Policy on Communications and Federal Identity. It requires federal departments and agencies to provide published information on request in accessible formats. The supporting Directive on the Management of Communications requires that all communication products produced by or on behalf of the Government of Canada are clear, accessible and written in plain language.

Across Canada:

•100% of programming aired by Canadian English and French language broadcasters are required to be closed captioned;

•Under Newfoundland and Labrador’s Accessible Communications Policy, departments/agencies must ensure that, upon request published information is available in accessible formats;

•Similarly, Manitoba’s Accessible Customer Service Standard of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, ensures accessible customer service is provided;

•In Ontario, the requirement for large public sector organizations to provide accessible formats or communications supports for persons with disabilities upon request under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation, came in to effect in January 2015; and

•Yukon provides an accredited American Sign Language interpreter to support Yukon's Deaf community, including for medical/healthcare requirements, employment needs, education and training, community and cultural events and other individual needs. This service is available at no direct charge to local organizations and businesses.

Question 35 to 37 (第24条)
Education (art. 24)
第24条 教育

35. Please give an update about learners with disabilities who receive education in segregated settings as opposed to learners with disabilities who are in mainstream settings, across each of the provinces and territories.
35. 普通教育の環境で学ぶ障害のある学習者とは対照的に、隔離された環境で教育を受ける障害のある学習者について、各州、準州の最新情報を提供してください。

36. Please inform the Committee about the situation of deaf, deaf blind and blind learners with disabilities.
36. ろう者、盲ろう者、盲ろうの学習者の状況について、委員会に知らせください。

37. Please explain in detail how the State party is working towards inclusive education, in particular for children with high-level support needs across all provinces and territories; please also provide information about reasonable accommodation and support measures for students with disabilities, including blind, deaf and deafblind learners at all levels of the mainstream education system, with a particular emphasis on Aboriginal children.
37. すべての州や地域において、特に高レベルの支援が必要な子供に対するインクルーシブ教育に向けて、締約国がどのように働きかけているか、詳細に説明してください。また、普通教育制度のすべてのレベルにおいて、盲人、ろう者、盲ろうの学習者を含め、障害のある学生のための合理的配慮と支援措置について、特に先住民の子供を重視して、情報を提供してください。

13. Governments are committed to the academic and social success of students with disabilities, including blind, deaf, and deafblind children. Students with disabilities with diverse needs are provided with accommodations and appropriate supports to be integrated in to the mainstream classroom and only placed in segregated learning environments in extreme circumstances. For example :
13. 各政府は、盲人、ろう、盲ろう者の子供を含む障害のある学生の、学問的、あるいは社会的成功に関与している。多様なニーズを有する障害のある学生は普通学級へ統合されるよう配慮と適切な支援を提供されており、極端な状況においてのみ隔離された学習環境に置かれることになっている。例えば:

・The Government of Canada provides funding for First Nation students on reserve who are identified with high-level special needs, such as blind, deaf and deafblind learners, in order to help First Nations provide reasonable accommodation and support measures within inclusive school settings, such as: assistive technologies and equipment, speech, language and paraprofessional services, and modification of instructional/resource materials for adaptive learning purposes;

・In Newfoundland and Labrador, the last segregated school closed in 2010 (School for the Deaf). The province’s Service Delivery Model for Students with Exceptionalities directs that educational programming decisions be made in the student’s best interest, and be provided in the most inclusive, least restrictive setting, while respecting the dignity of the student;

・In Prince Edward Island, all students are mainstreamed, although there may be situations where, for the safety and well-being of the student or others, that a student may be removed from the educational setting as an interim measure. Also, for purposes of teaching pre-school children with autism, there are times when individual and intentional teaching is required (e.g. Intensive Behavioural Intervention)

・Quebec’s Policy on Special Education provides guidance to school networks on how to accommodate students with disabilities or with difficulties in adapting or learning (HDAA). Integration into regular classrooms is preferred for HDAA students when the assessment of their needs and abilities shows that this integration is likely to facilitate their learning and social integration and does not constitute undue hardship or does not materially affect the rights of other students. When regular classroom integration is not possible, several service arrangements may be offered. For some students with severe disabilities, the government has set up regional and supraregional education services; and

・In Nunavut, students are not to be placed in a segregated learning environment except under extreme circumstances as provided for under Section 45 of the Education Act, including the health or safety of the student, other students and staff; or that even with the adjustments and supports the student is entitled to in a regular instructional setting, the student's educational needs cannot be met or his/her presence would unduly interfere with the delivery of the education program to other students. Reaching and Teaching All Students – A model to guide the practice of inclusive education in Nunavut aims to ensure that the government is identifying and addressing the strengths and needs of all students, keeping in mind Nunavut’s unique Indigenous cultural and historical context.

14. With respect to blind, deaf and deafblind learners, in:
14. 盲人、ろう者及び盲ろうの学習者については、

・Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, the Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority, an inter-provincial co-operative agency, offers extensive programs and services to deaf, blind and deafblind learners with disabilities from birth to 21 years of age;


・15 regional education services have at least one class that addresses at least one of these clients;
・2 specialized private schools are aimed more specifically at deaf students;
・Braille teaching is offered for blind students; and
・Large sums are invested, notably in the production of braille material and adaptation of provincial examinations; and


・Saskatchewan, programming and supports are provided for students who are deaf or hard-of-hearing (DHH), in consultation with parents and/or guardians, in inclusive school settings through a needs-based model with a goal to enhance students’ personal well-being and capacity to function in, and contribute to, the broader community.

15. Available data shows that in:
15. データは次のことを示している:

・British Columbia, there are approximately 70 deafblind, 1,000 hearing and 300 visually impaired students;

・In 2015-2016:

・326 students were identified as DHH and 116 as blind and visually impaired in Newfoundland and Labrador; and
・In Northwest Territories, 0.8% of the K-12 student population (or 68 individuals out of 8,356) were reported to have medical needs such as hearing or visual impairment, diabetes, mobility concerns, etc. Of that group, 22% (or about 15 individuals) were reported to be hearing impaired and 12% (or about 8 individuals) were reported to be visually impaired; and

・ノースウエスト準州では、K-12105 の学生人口の0.8%が、聴覚障害や視覚障害、移動に対する懸念などで医療的ニーズを有していると報告された。それらのグループのうち、22%(あるいは約15人)は聴覚障害であり、12%(あるいは8人)が視覚障害であると報告されている。そして

・In 2014-2015, there were 646 blind and low vision and 2, 045 DHH students in Ontario.
・2014 – 2015年現在で、オンタリオには、646人の盲人及び弱視者、2,045人の難聴の学生がいた。

Question 43 (第33条)
National implementation and monitoring (art. 33)
第33条 国内における実施及び監視

43. Please provide information about any measures taken towards establishing an independent mechanism in compliance with article 33 (2). Please also provide information about measures to ensure participation of persons with disabilities in line with article 33 (3)
43. 第33条(2)に従った独立した仕組みを確立するためにとられた措置について、情報を提供してください。第33条(3)の条文に沿った障害者の参加を保証するための措置についても、情報を提供してください。

16. As described in Canada’s First Report and in its interpretative declaration to Article 33(2), Canada’s promotion, protection and monitoring framework is comprised of a variety of mechanisms at all levels of government, including designated offices responsible for disability issues and interdepartmental and intergovernmental fora. Canada continues to rely on these existing mechanisms to fulfill its obligations under Article 33(2).
16. カナダの最初の報告、及び、その第33条に対する解釈宣言に記述されているように、カナダの促進、保護、監視の枠組みは、指名された障害問題担当室、省庁間、政府間フォーラムを含む、政府内のすべてのレベルにおいて、様々な仕組みで構成されている。カナダは第33条(2)における義務を果たすために、引き続きこれらの既存の仕組みに信頼を寄せている。

17. Canadians with disabilities and organizations that represent them may take part in monitoring government initiatives through the mechanisms mentioned above, as well as others. Disability organizations may also independently conduct legal and information analysis on government measures and report the results publicly and to Parliament, government officials and/or the Committee.
17. 障害のあるカナダ人及びその代表団体は、他者と同様に、上記で言及した仕組みを通じて、政府の取組の監視に参加できるだろう。また、障害者団体は、政府の措置についての法的分析、情報分析を独立して行い、その結果を公的に、議会、政府官庁、委員会に対し、報告できるだろう。

103 CRPD/C/CAN/Q/1/Add.1
104 訳者註:LGBTTQとは、女性同性愛者、男性同性愛者、両性愛者、トランスジェンダー、Two-Spirit(北アメリカに住む先住民で、様々な性別役割を担う人)、同性愛者(セクシャルマイノリティ)http://www.gov.mb.ca/stoptheviolence/lgbttq.html
105 訳者註:K12とは幼稚園から高校卒業までの期間を指す。
