1 国際調査

参考資料6-2 事前質問事項に対するロシア政府の回答(抜粋)

General obligations (art. 4)

 2. Federal Act No. 116 of 7 June 2017 amending the Federal Act on Social Protection of PwD was adopted to give effect to the powers described in paragraph 31 of the initial report.

 3. This Federal Act requires the competent federal and regional supervisory and monitoring bodies.

 5. State supervision and monitoring activities focus on compliance with specific mandatory conditions for ensuring access for PwD [...] since ratification of the Convention, by 40 federal and 715 regional legislative acts adopted in the period 2012-2017.

 10. In total, in 2015-2016, as a result of State supervision and monitoring, more than 39,000 violations of the rights of PwD were detected, 1,616 official challenges against unlawful legal actions were lodged by the procuratorial services, over 10,000 representations were made, as a result of which 6,000 persons were held responsible for disciplinary offences, 8,800 applications were filed with the courts, 1,200 cases involving administrative offences were opened, 167 officials received warnings that breaches of the law would not be tolerated and the investigative authorities opened 43 criminal cases based on case-files compiled by procurators during their monitoring.

 12. Pursuant to Federal Act No. 419, standards were incorporated into 25 legislative acts regulating access by PwD [...] The standards require State and local authorities to train specialists and staff members who work with PwD so that they comply with accessibility requirements when providing assistance and services for such persons.

 14. A comprehensive training manual for conducting training for specialists in all spheres of the lives of PwD is available on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

 16. The federal ministries have set up special educational institutions and optional workshops to provide specialized training for those working in sectors involved in the implementation of the Convention.

 17. Specifically:
 -The federal Ministry of Transport has set up a sectoral resource centre based at Moscow State University of Railway Engineering to train transport specialists in the provision of services for PwD [...]
 -In 2016, the federal Ministry of Education and Science set up three teaching resource centres at the Russian State Social University, Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University and the Bauman Moscow State Technical University to conduct activities to train higher-education teaching personnel to take account of the special needs of PwD in the educational process

 - 連邦運輸省は、障害者にサービスを提供する輸送の専門家を育成するため、モスクワ州立鉄道エンジニアリング大学に情報センターを設立した。
 - 連邦教育科学省は、2016年に、ロシア州立社会大学、モスクワ心理・教育州立大学、州立バウマンモスクワ技術大学において、高等教育機関の教員向けに、障害者の教育の過程における特別なニーズに対応するための研修を行う、3つの教育情報センターを設立した。

 27. [...] one way in which the legislation will be improved will be through consideration of future harmonization of the concept of a “person with a disability” with the definition set forth in the Convention.

 28. In various legislative acts [...] the concept of a “person with special needs”, which has legal status, is used alongside the concept of a “person with a disability”.

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

 32. In accordance with article 32 of the basic Federal Act, citizens and officials guilty of violating the rights and freedoms of PwD are liable for offences under the national law.

 33. Discrimination is a criminal offence. Article 136 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes that discrimination through the use of official positions is punishable by fines of 100,000 to 300,000 roubles ($1,710 to $5,130), deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for up to 5 years, correctional labour for up to 2 years, forced labour for up to 5 years or deprivation of liberty for up to 5 years.

 34. The Code of Administrative Offences, in article 5.62, also establishes liability for discrimination and applies administrative fines of 1,000 to 3,000 roubles ($17 to $51) to citizens and 50,000 to 100,000 roubles ($855 to $1,710) to legal entities.

 35. In the event of non-compliance with mandatory legislative requirements for accessibility of PwD to facilities and services, the following administrative actions may be taken:
 -A notice to comply may be issued
 -A licence to conduct a particular activity may be suspended [...]


 37. Thus, article 5.42 of the Code establishes administrative liability for an employer’s failure to fulfil the obligation to create or reserve positions for PwD in accordance with a quota and for an employer’s refusal to hire a PwD within an established quota. Such administrative offences attract administrative fines of 5,000 to 10,000 roubles ($85 to $171).
 37. 管理責任者規則第5.42条は、義務雇用率に従って雇用者が障害者を雇用するための職位を準備しないこと、義務雇用率に該当する障害者を雇わないことに関する、管理上の義務を定めている。違反に際しては、5,000~1万ルーブル(85ドル~171ドル)の課徴金を受ける。

 38. Failure to fulfil requirements to ensure disabled access to facilities and refusal to adapt public transport vehicles for use by PwD are punishable by an administrative fine of 2,000 to 3,000 roubles ($34 to $51) for responsible individuals and 20,000 to 30,000 roubles ($342 to $513) for legal entities (Code of Administrative Offences, arts. 9.13 and 9.14, respectively).

 39. The heads of public transport systems and other officials responsible for organizing such systems and operating vehicles who violate the legal requirement to include vehicles accessible to PwD are subject to an administrative fine of 2,000 to 3,000 roubles ($34 to $51) (Code of Administrative Offences, art. 11.24).

 41. When discrimination is brought to light, official challenges are lodged by procurators, notices to comply with the basic Federal Act are served, warnings are issued, citizens’ cases are brought to court, decisions are taken to institute administrative proceedings and the case-files prepared as a result of procuratorial monitoring activities are forwarded to the bodies responsible for pretrial investigations and initial inquiries.

 42. Annex 1 contains a breakdown, by article of the Convention, of the offences committed against PwD examined by courts of general jurisdiction over the period 2013-2017.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

 43. As at the end of 2016, the number of women with disabilities had fallen by 0.3 per cent. Women represented 57.3 per cent of the total number of PwD; 19.7 per cent of them were of working age and 76.9 per cent were of pensionable age.

 46. Between 2007 and 2016, the value of maternity (family) payments increased from 250,000 to 453,000 roubles (from $4,276 to $7,748).

 48. The national strategy for action for women for 2017-2022 was approved pursuant to Government Order No. 410 of 8 March 2017. It sets out the main lines of State policy for women [...]

Children with disabilities (art. 7)

 52. In 2014-2017, the Support Fund for Children in Difficulty supported 30 innovative social programmes and 30 packages of measures [...] aimed at:
 Ensuring the comprehensive rehabilitation of children with autism spectrum disorders [...] with a focus on diagnostics, early intervention, education and preparation for life in society
 Instituting social support for families that have children with disabilities or special needs
 Developing effective practices for educating children with disabilities and children with special needs prior to vocational training
 Integrating children with disabilities into local communities


 54. In the period 2016-2017, more than 9,500 interdepartmental services were set up at preschool education institutions to provide early intervention for children with disabilities and their families. Such services will be established in all municipalities by 2020.

 55. Federal resource centres have been set up to give advisory support for regional programmes aimed at providing comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities:

 56. In the national education system, there are 305 psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance centres that conduct remedial and rehabilitation programmes.

 57. In accordance with Federal Act No. 442 of 26 December 2013 on the Principles of Social Services in the Russian Federation, in the period 2014-2016, implementing legislation and regulations were adopted at the federal and regional levels, including standards and procedures for providing social services, with a view to developing a system of home-based social services for children with disabilities [...]

 59. The framework provides for the creation of the legislative, regulatory and organizational conditions for the earliest possible provision of comprehensive medical, social, psychological and pedagogical assistance to the families whose children with disabilities have the most severe health problems, including those caused by genetic disorders.

 62. As at the end of 2016, the number of adopted children was 112,985. Between 2011 and 2016, the proportion of adopted children who had disabilities rose from 2 to 4 per cent.

 64. Government Decision No. 649 of 9 July 2016 established rules on accessibility (or the adaptation) of residential units and common property in apartment buildings for the use of PwD, including children.

 65. In the Russian Federation, there are 144 inpatient social service institutions for children, including 131 homes for children with intellectual impairments and 13 homes for children with physical impairments. They accommodate 272,381 children, including 1,023 children with intellectual impairments (594 boys and 429 girls) and 271,358 children with physical impairments (146,128 boys and 125,230 girls).

 66. The number of children living in these institutions is falling, owing to an increase in the number of foster families and the development of adoption practices. This is a priority of social policy in the Russian Federation.

Accessibility (art. 9)

 70. Detailed information on the application of administrative penalties on facility owners and service providers for non-compliance with the mandatory requirements for disabled access to facilities and services is contained in the replies to questions 2 and 4.

 72. In 2016, as a result of monitoring of compliance with legislation relating to the protection of PwD and older persons, procurators identified more than 109,000 offences (more than 62,000 in the first six months of 2017; figures in brackets below relate to this period); 21,000 (15,000) representations were made with the aim of correcting such offences. This led to 14,500 (9,000) persons being held responsible for disciplinary offences, with over 5,000 (3,000) official challenges lodged against legal actions. Some 28,000 (12,500) statements of claim were submitted to the courts, over 2,000 (1,500) persons were held responsible for administrative offences, 800 (152) officials received warnings that they must desist from unlawful activity, and, following the submission of case-files compiled as a result of monitoring by procurators, in accordance with article 37 (2) (2) of the federal Criminal Procedure Code, 184 (61) criminal cases were opened.

 75. In order to encourage PwD to access new information and communication technologies and systems, including the Internet, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection issued Order No. 565 of 27 August 2014, which approved the establishment, as a system for the exchange of information, of the Internet portal of the awareness-raising campaign to disseminate ideas, principles and means for small businesses to create accessible environments for PwD and other population groups with reduced mobility.

 76. In accordance with Federal Act No. 34 of 28 March 2017, cinemas must ensure access for PwD and Russian artistic and animated feature films must be screened with captions and audio descriptions.

 77. Pursuant to article 25 of Federal Act No. 419 of 1 December 2014, a procedure was approved by Ministry of Internal Affairs Order No. 544 of 12 May 2015 to determine which positions in the country’s internal affairs agencies require proficiency in Russian Sign Language.

 78. Federal Act No. 267 of 21 July 2014 ensures that persons with visual impairments can carry out monetary transactions with the use of an embossed reproduction of a handwritten signature.

 79. In accordance with article 5.1 of the Federal Act on Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities, a federal Registry of Persons with Disabilities has been operational since 1 January 2017. It gives persons with disabilities the option of accessing essential information through their “personal space”, which provides information and communication facilities.

 80. Detailed information on the measures taken to train specialists who work with and on behalf of PwD is provided in the reply to question 3.

 82. A comprehensive training manual for conducting training for specialists in all spheres of the lives of PwD is available on the website of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

 83. In 2014, article 52 of Federal Act No. 126 of 7 July 2003 on Communications was amended to make it mandatory to make it possible for persons with hearing impairments to contact the emergency services by sending short text messages from mobile telephones.

 84. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media issued Order No. 607 on 1 December 2016. [...] Provision is made for deaf persons and persons with hearing impairments to be able to call the emergency services. On 14 July 2017, the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media approved a specially issued programme and methodology for monitoring the implementation of the Order of 1 December 2016.

 85. At present, the 112 emergency call system has been introduced in 43 regions, and by 2020 deaf persons and persons with hearing impairments will be able to call the emergency services via the 112 system throughout the country.

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

 90. New legal standards were established by Federal Act No. 302 of 30 December 2012 [...] The new standards are aimed at ensuring that measures providing opportunities for persons with mental impairments to exercise their legal capacity are more in keeping with their actual limitations on dispositive capacity, respect their will and preferences and are tailored to them, and that such measures are regularly subject to review by a competent independent body or court.
 90.法で定められる新しい基準が、2012年12月30日連邦法第302号によって定められた。新しい基準は、dispositive capacityに関する制限と一致し、彼、彼女らの意思と選好を尊重し、適合する形で、知的障害者が法的能力を行使する機会を提供するための措置であり、また、そのような措置が、独立機関や裁判所による調査によって定期的に審査を受けるための措置である。

 92. Respect for the rights, will and preferences of persons with mental disorders is ensured through the existing social and administrative institution of tutorship and guardianship.

 93. According to article 30 (2) of the Civil Code, citizens who, owing to a mental disorder, cannot understand the significance of their actions or control them without the help of other persons can have their dispositive capacity limited by a court in accordance with the procedure established in the criminal procedure legislation. Guardianship arrangements are established for such persons.
 93.民法第30条(2)において、精神障害(mental disorder)のために自らの行動の重要性を理解することができない、あるいは支援なしには行動を管理することができない市民は、方針を決定する能力(dispositive capacity)を刑事訴訟法において確立された手続によって裁判所により制限しうることが定められている。後見人はそのような者のために配置されている。

 94. Legal actions are conducted on behalf of persons without dispositive capacity by their legal guardians. Persons with limited legal capacity have the right to perform certain legal actions independently, but only with the written consent of their guardians.
 94.法的行為は法定後見人によって、方針を決定する能力(dispositive capacity)のない者に代わり行われる。法的能力に制限のある者は、法的行為を自立して行うことができるが、後見人による書面での同意が必要になる。

 96. This Federal Act (No. 67 of 6 April 2011) expressly stipulates that, when citizens are the subject of applications for a court to deprive them partially or fully of either their dispositive capacity or the right to dispose of their income, they must be informed of the time and place of the court hearing.
 96.連邦法(2011年4月6日第67号)は、裁判所が、市民の方針を決定する能力(dispositive capacity)を部分的、全面的に剥奪する場合、あるいは、彼らの収入の処分権を剥奪する場合、時間及び場所を本人に通知した上で法廷審問を行うことを明確に規定している。

 99. Citizens who have been declared to have no dispositive capacity have the right, either personally or through representatives of their choosing, to appeal in an appeals’ court, a court of cassation or a supervisory review body against the relevant court decision.
 99.方針を決定する能力(dispositive capacity)がないと判断された市民は、上告裁判所、大審院、その他司法監督審査機関に対して、本人、あるいは代理人から上訴することができる。

Access to justice (art. 13)

 100. The Supreme Court includes information on the decisions of the Committee on the Rights of PwD on individual communications involving third States in its periodic reviews of judicial practice, which are compiled, inter alia, with due regard to article 31 (3) (b) of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 23 May 1969.

 101. The Supreme Court compendiums of judicial practice approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Court in the period 2013-2017 contain information on the Committee’s Views on individual communications in the following cases: Michael Lockrey v. Australia and Marlon James Noble v. Australia; A.F. v. Italy; F. v. Austria; Marie-Louise Jungelin v. Sweden; S.K. v. Brazil; Szilvia Nyusti and Peter Takacs v. Hungary; and Zsolt Bujdoso, Janosne Ildiko Markus, Viktoria Marton, Sandor Meszaros, Gergely Polk and Janos Szabo v. Hungary.

Liberty and security of the person (art. 14)

 103. As at 10 October 2017, 19,771 PwD were serving sentences in correctional institutions of the penal correction system (versus 22,829 in 2015); 470 (2.4 per cent) of them had a category I disability, 8,230 (41.6 per cent) a category II disability and 11,071 (56 per cent) a category III disability. There were 127 PwD held in departmental psychiatric hospitals.
 103. 2017年10月10日時点で、1万9,771人の障害者が更生のための刑務所で刑に服していた(2015年は22,829人)。うち470人(2.4%)はカテゴリーIの障害者であり、8,230人(41.6%)はカテゴリーII、1万1,071人(56%)はカテゴリーIIIの障害者である。精神病院に拘留されている障害者は127人である。

 104. These persons were deprived of their liberty on the basis of court decisions by which they were found guilty of criminal offences.

 106. For convicted persons who are serving custodial sentences, the accessible environment principle is respected in living quarters (the sanitation facilities in prison blocks have been fitted with special lavatories and ramps have been installed to ensure that convicted PwD have unhindered access to buildings).

 111. Convicted persons who are blind or have visual impairments are provided with literature and documents in special formats: audiobooks, books produced in a tactile writing system (Braille) and large-print and regular-print books.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

 115. Information on measures taken to provide social accompaniment for PwD and home-based care and supervision for them is contained in the reply to question 7.

 116. In addition, rules for support from facilities’ staff for persons with visual or motor function impairments and the provision of assistance in overcoming barriers that they may face are set out in the procedures for ensuring access for PwD to facilities and services, which was approved in 2015 by federal government ministries, and in their corresponding administrative regulations.

 117. By law, services must be provided for the accompaniment of PwD when they travel to receive treatment or rehabilitation. The law on education was amended in 2017 to require the provision of assistants or tutors assist in the education of students with disabilities.

 118. With the adoption of a federal law in 2017, the legislation on employment was supplemented with standards calling for assistance to be provided to PwD who require support for job placement. The assistance is to be organized by the employment service offices, in accordance with a federal standard.

 119. PwD who are recognized as requiring care or the assistance of an attendant are provided with social services in the home in accordance with individualized programmes. The services are provided by the social service institutions present in each local community or municipality. Each year, more than 11 million services of this type are rendered.

 120. To ensure a legal regulatory framework with which to support PwD, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection has adopted the following legal enactments establishing standards for vocational specializations:
 -Order No. 871 of 16 November 2015, entitled “Attendants for PwD”;
 -Order No. 351 of 12 April 2017, entitled “Assistants and aids providing technical assistance to PwD”;
 -Order No. 575 of 17 October 2016, entitled “Tactile sign language interpreters”;
 -Order No. 687 of 18 November 2013, entitled “Family support specialist”;
 -Order No. 528 of 8 August 2014, entitled “Physical education and sport adaptation trainer-instructor”; and
 -Order No. 676 of 28 November 2016, entitled “Specialist in the provision of public employment services (for PwD)”.

 - 2015年11月16日指令第871号「障害者に対する介助者」
 - 2017年4月12日指令第351号「障害者に対する支援者及び支援機器の供給」
 - 2016年10月17日指令第575号「触手話通訳」
 - 2013年11月18日指令第687号「家族支援専門家」
 - 2014年8月8日指令第528号「体育教育及びスポーツ適応トレーナー・インストラクター」
 - 2016年11月28日指令第676号「公的職業安定所における障害者サービス専門家」

 125. In 2014 there were 246,965 children with disabilities, older persons and PwD living in residential social service institutions. In 2015 there were 247,947, and in 2016, 250,743. The number of men was 128,502 in 2014; in 2015, 130,226 and in 2016, 133,066.

 126. By age, in 2016, there were 291 persons under the age of 18; 75,036 between 18 and 60; 50,729 between 60 and 80; 6,496 between 80 and 90; and 514 over 90.

 127. The number of females in institutional facilities in 2014 was 118,463; in 2015, 117,721; and in 2016, 117,677. In 2016, the number under the age of 18 was 130; 49,697 were between 18 and 60; 44,515 between 60 and 80; 19,203 between 80 and 90; and 4,132 over 90.

 128. The number of PwD living permanently at such institutions in 2016 was 59,634.

 129. Of the total number of PwD in 2016:
 -65,814 were of disability category I
 -141,366 were of disability category II
 -8,379 were of disability category III


 130. The total number of persons at children’s homes was 14,183 on 1 September 2017:
 -1,490 were under 9 years of age
 -10,459 were up to 18 years of age
 -2,234 were 18 or older
 -Among these were 1,317 orphans; 4,000 children with parents; and 7,162 children without parental care

 - このうち、孤児が1,317人、親がいる児童は4,000人、親が育児放棄している児童は7,162人である。

Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information (art. 21)

 140. Changes to the Rules for the provision of Russian Sign Language interpretation for PwD [...] enter into effect on 1 January 2018. The number of hours for the provision of such interpreting services will increase as follows:
 For persons affected by high levels of visual impairments combined with a full hearing loss or an impairment rendering their hearing impractical, up to 84 hours of tactile sign language interpretation (thus, doubled);
 For persons whose vision and hearing are impaired either totally or in practical terms, or whose vision is impaired either totally or in practical terms in combination with a level III or IV hearing impairment, up to 240 hours of tactile sign language interpretation (a six-fold increase).


 141. As a result of implementation of the Accessible Environment Programme for 2011-2020, in the past five years:
 Over 18,000 facilities of particular importance to PwD have been adapted to their needs
 The number of captioned television programmes on television stations with mandatory national coverage increased from 3,000 hours per year in 2011 to 15,000 hours per year in 2016
 For persons with visual impairments, 1,790 books and academic texts have been published and 5 periodicals have been issued, either in Braille or in large-print editions
 13 periodicals have been published for PwD
 A video course has been developed for the self-teaching of the basics of Russian Sign Language, with multimedia facilities to help with basic communication skills. The course is recommended inter alia for members of the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies whose staffs provide services to the public


Education (art. 24)

 148. In the 2016/17 academic year, the number of children with disabilities enrolled in inclusive education was 71,210, or 15.1 per cent higher than in 2015.

 149. On the whole, in 2016, there were 9,339 inclusive schools in the country (or 21.43 per cent of the total number of general education schools, up from 2.5 per cent in 2011); they included classes and groups functioning with general education programmes adapted for students with special health needs.

 150. The inclusion of children with special health needs or disabilities in the inclusive education system begins at the preschool level, at kindergartens, special schools and psychological-educational and medical-social assistance centres.

 152. In order to establish a system of inclusive education in the regions, the following changes have taken place at schools: [...]
-Special State standards were drawn up and entered into force on 1 September 2017 for teaching students with special needs and disabilities, including intellectual disabilities or impairments

- 知的障害のある児童を含む特別のニーズや機能障害のある学生を教育するため、特別な国家基準が引き上げられ、2017年9月1日に施行された。

 153. The number of secondary vocational schools practising inclusive education has risen by 12 per cent since 2014, from 1,494 to 1,675.

 154. The number of students with special needs in inclusive education at institutions of higher education has increased. The number of students has risen by 30 per cent in comparison with 2014 (there are currently some 24,000 students with special needs or with disabilities). The number of institutions of higher education providing remote learning services has risen by 36.8 per cent since 2014.

Work and employment (art. 27)

 167. In practice, a number of measures are implemented in accordance with Russian law to provide PwD with “special posts” and to reserve and provide quotas for them on the basis of reasonable accommodation. There is currently a bill under consideration in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly on the establishment of assisted support for the employment of PwD, which would provide help for job placement and the consolidation of their posts.

 171. Under article 5.27 (1) and (3) of the Code of Administrative Procedure, employers who fail to create or allocate posts for PwD or who refuse to hire PwD in accordance with established quotas are subject to administrative liability in the form of a warning or a fine.

 172. As at 1 October 2017, the Federal Labour and Employment Service had carried out 226 inspections to verify employers’ compliance with the requirements of the Convention and had identified 432 violations by employers of the labour legislation and of other enactments containing labour law standards protecting PwD. The violations included 61 related to contracts; 59 related to occupational safety and health; 53 related to remuneration; and 259 related to other matters.

 173. Administrative fines were imposed on 272 guilty parties for such administrative violations. The fines totalled 6,143,000 roubles (or $105,080).

 174. The Tax Code provides the following benefits and other incentives for organizations or employers that hire PwD:
 Reduction of the tax base used to calculate profit taxes, with deduction of employers’ expenses related to the hiring of PwD
 Reduction of regional profit tax rates, to 13.5 per cent
 Under certain conditions, exemption from value-added tax for the sale of specific goods
 Favourable taxation rates for the payment of regional transport and land taxes and for property taxes


 175. Between 2012 and 2015, the Russian Government paid employers subsidies (through regional programmes) to establish special posts for PwD.

 177. Additionally, annual subsidies of some 1.5 billion roubles (about $25,660) are given to companies belonging to national organizations of PwD, mainly through programmes for the job placement of PwD.

 178. Thanks to these and other incentives for employers that hire PwD, the number of employees with disabilities in all age groups rose from 1,752,000 in 2006 to 2,543,000 in 2016.

Statistics and data collection (art. 31)

 202. In accordance with the Convention, a new system of indicators has been drawn up for statistical reporting. It makes it possible to assess the implementation of the Convention’s provisions that are most important for PwD. Changes have thus been made to 49 existing statistical report forms and a new series of forms has been adopted in order to monitor observance of the rights of PwD. The overall list of indicators for monitoring implementation of the Convention includes 248 parameters.

 203. To give effect to the standards in the Convention, Federal Act No. 419 establishes a legal basis for setting up and keeping a federal Registry of PwD.

 204. The Registry is a system for managing State information at the federal level. It entered into operation on 1 January 2017.

 205. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is responsible for operating the Registry. The establishment of the Registry was assigned to a wide range of participants, including representatives of federal ministries, extrabudgetary funds, regional administrations, medical and social assessment institutions and other bodies providing services for PwD at the State and municipal levels.

 206. All persons in the Registry are given access to an electronic personal space containing information on all monetary payments and other social support they receive and also on the implementation of their individual rehabilitation and habilitation programmes. Using the personal space, they can receive State services in electronic form, give feedback on them and, if necessary, file complaints.

 207. The Registry is being set up in phases. Most of the information was entered into it in 2017. The Registry will continue to be filled with information in 2018 as well.

 208. There are also plans to integrate the Registry with the Work in Russia job vacancy database, thus informing PwD about special categories of job openings.

 209. This Registry makes it possible not only to collect relevant statistics about PwD so that effective State measures can be drawn up for them, but also to keep the persons in question themselves better informed of the State services and social protection or support activities available to them.

National implementation and monitoring (art. 33)

 220. The independence of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation and the legal basis for its work are guaranteed by article 103 of the federal Constitution and Federal Constitutional Act No. 1-FKS of 26 February 1996.

 221. Article 2 of the Federal Constitutional Act specifies that the High Commissioner is independent and is not subordinate to any State bodies or officials. The High Commissioner is appointed by the State Duma and ensures the State’s protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms. The High Commissioner’s Office has A status under the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (Paris Principles).
