1 国際調査

参考資料7-2 事前質問事項への回答(抜粋)

Paragraph 4

 13. The Construction Act, which redefines the concept of the universal construction and use of buildings, is in the process of being adopted at the National Assembly. It provides that all publicly accessible parts of all public buildings must be designed and constructed in a way that guarantees the possibility of use to all, i.e. including all disabled persons regardless of their type and degree of disability. The act goes on to provide that all other buildings must be designed in a way that makes them accessible to all, with minor adaptations, so that these buildings are able to be used, without hindrance, by disabled persons after the adaptations have been made.
 13. ユニバーサルな建築と建物の利用の概念を再定義している建築法は、国民議会で採択の過程にある。この法律は、すべての公的な建物の一般人が利用可能な部分において、障害種別・程度にかかわらずすべての障害者を含む、全員が利用できることを保障するやりかたで設計及び建設が行われなければならないとするものである。この法律は、その他の建物も軽微な調整ですべての人にとって利用できるよう設計し、その軽微な調整を行った後は障害者が何事にも阻まれること無く利用できなくてはならないと規定している。

Paragraph 5

 16. The ZIMI is an anti-discrimination law that regulates discrimination on grounds of disability. It provides that discrimination on grounds of disability can be direct or indirect and refer to all instances of discrimination, exclusion or on grounds of disability whose aim or consequence is to reduce the equal recognition, enjoyment or exercise of all rights and obligations in all key areas of life.
 16. ZIMIは障害に基づく差別を規制するための差別禁止法である。この法律は、障害に基づく差別は直接的、あるいは間接的にもあり、生活のすべての主要な領域における平等の認識や、すべての権利と義務の享受、行使を妨げることを目的としているか、あるいはそのような結果をもたらす障害に基づいた排除または差別のあらゆる事例を指すと規定している。

 17. In principle, the ZIMI regulates discrimination on grounds of disability in operations of central government bodies, central and local government authorities, holders of public authorisations and services; equality of participation in procedures before these bodies and authorities; access to goods and services available to the public; the use of public facilities; and access to inclusive education, health, means of life, information, cultural assets and public transport.
 17. 原則的にはZIMIは中央政府機関、中央及び地方政府機関、公共機関やサービスの関係者の業務上における障害に基づく差別、それらの機関や組織を前にした手続参加の平等性、公共において利用可能な製品やサービスへのアクセス、公共設備の使用、インクルーシブ教育、健康、生活手段、情報、文化財や公共交通の利用を取り締まっている。

Paragraph 6

 18. The incorporation of the principle of gender equality is a strategy to which all ministries and government services in Slovenia are committed. This means that due regard is paid, in the preparation, planning, decision-making on, implementation and evaluation of policies and measures in specific areas, to the specific position of women and men. Therefore, sectoral strategic documents are those documents that are key to progress being made to achieve gender equality in a specific area.
 18. ジェンダー平等の原則を組み込むことは、スロベニアのすべての閣僚と政府職員が取り組んでいる戦略である。つまり、政策や措置の準備、計画、意思決定、実施、評価の各段階において、特定のある領域における特定の立場の女性及び男性に対し、十分な配慮がなされているということである。したがって、分野ごとの戦略的文書は、特定のある領域におけるジェンダー平等の達成を目指すにあたっての重要な資料である。

 19. The Resolution on the National Programme for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men 2015-2020 (ReNPEMŽM15-20)19 is a strategic document setting out objectives and measures and defining those responsible for policies that enforce gender equality in specific areas of life in the 2015-2020 period.
 19. 男女機会均等のための国家プログラム決議 2015-2020 は、2015-2020年の期間における、生活の特定の領域のジェンダー平等を徹底させる政策に対する目標と方法を定め、政府の責任を定義している戦略的文書である。

Paragraph 7

 20. In 2000 Društvo Vizija, a society for physically disabled persons, conducted a study of the needs of physically disabled women. The study led to the formulation of a social prevention programme on the subject of violence against physically disabled women.
 20. 身体障害者の団体であるDruštvo Vizijaは、2000年に身体障害のある女性のニーズについての研究を指揮した。この研究は、身体障害のある女性に対する暴力をテーマとした社会予防プログラムの体系化に繋がった。

 Within the programme, the society continued to collect data on violence in order to draw the attention of expert, political and other groups to the discrimination suffered by physically disabled women with experience of domestic violence. They were keen to prove that violence against physically disabled women was actually taking place and to point out the urgency of acquiring a safe space for the temporary accommodation of such women.

 21. In 2016 the Social Protection Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (IRSSV) carried out a study for the MDDSZ on violence against people with disabilities. It was established, on the basis of the data obtained, that men as well as women had had experience of violence. While the data from the online survey found that slightly more disabled men than disabled women (just over 52%) had been victims of violence, the data supplied by Social Security Centres (CSD) and providers of public social security programmes showed the opposite: 68% of the victims of violence against disabled persons dealt with by the centres were women, with this figure rising to 95% among providers of public social security programmes.24
 21. 2016年、スロベニア共和国社会保障研究所(IRSSV)は、スロベニア労働・家族・社会問題・機会均等省(MDDSZ)のために、障害者への暴力についての研究を行った。この研究で入手したデータから、男性は女性と同様に暴力を受ける経験があったことが認められた。オンライン調査では障害のある女性よりも障害のある男性の方が暴力の被害に遭う割合が若干高かった(52%を超える程度)が、「社会保障センター」(CSD)と公共の社会保障プログラムの提供者からのデータは逆の結果を示した。センターの扱った障害者に対する暴力の被害者の68%は女性で、社会保障プログラムの提供者によるデータでは、その数字は95%にまで上昇した。

 Persons with disabilities experience several forms of violence at the same time, most often physical (just over 56% of those surveyed) and psychological violence (50%). CSD and providers of public social security programmes alike found that there were many more disabled victims of violence than they had identified, as such violence was generally not reported and recorded. As a result, there is a need for assistance programmes to be designed that respond to the needs of disabled victims of violence.

 22. Slovenia took an important step in identifying the problem of violence in 2016 with the appointment of an inter-departmental working group responsible for collecting and compiling statistical data for the monitoring and implementation of the CRPD, and tasked with establishing appropriate records.

Paragraph 14

 37. Between 2009 and 2011 the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and the IRSSV carried out a study entitled “Measures for the implementation of the rights of persons with disabilities to barrier-free access: making an inventory of existing barriers in the built environment and publicly occupied buildings around Slovenia”.
 37. 2009年から2011年にかけて、スロべニア共和国都市計画研究所とIRSSVは、「障害者のバリアフリーアクセスの権利の実施のための措置段:建築環境並びにスロベニア国内の公共機関の入居する建物における既存の障壁の目録作成 」という研究を行った。

 38. The first part of the study consisted of an extensive empirical survey covering the field of disability care. It revealed that, to date, too little has been done in Slovenia to implement the rights of persons with disabilities. The latter are still faced with numerous barriers in the built environment and the communication environment.
 38. この研究の最初の部分は、障害者介護の分野を対象とする広範囲の経験に基づいた調査で成り立っている。この研究では、今日に至るまでスロベニアでは障害者の権利を実施するためにほぼ何もなされていないことが明らかにされている。後半部分は、依然として存在する建築環境お及びコミュニケーション環境における数多くの障壁にあてられている。

 39. Respondents made numerous useful proposals of measures that could help reduce architectural and communication barriers. Many of them are already contained in the Accessible Slovenia Strategy, which confirms that the authors of this document took real needs as their starting point. The ineffective implementation of measures is thus essentially the result of inconsistent or inadequate compliance with laws and other regulations regarding the rights of the disabled - or a failure to comply with them at all.
 39. 調査対象者は、建築上及びコミュニケーション上の障壁を軽減するのに役立つの数多くの有用な提案を行った。彼らの多くはアクセシブルスロベニア戦略に既に参加しており、このことからもこの文書の作成者が実際のニーズを原点として掲げていることが分かる。したがって、効果的でない措置の実施というのは、根本的には障害者の権利に関する法律やその他の規制の遵守に一貫性がないか、あるいは適切に守られなかった、もしくはそれらを遵守することに完全に失敗した結果である。

 The second phase of the study consisted of an accurate analysis of the accessibility of publicly occupied buildings in major centres around Slovenia; the creation of a database into which the entire inventory from the field research was entered; the drafting of a list of identified weaknesses to be eliminated; and the preparation of a basis for the creation of an online guide to the accessibility of public buildings in Slovenia for persons with disabilities.

 40. The final results of the study were as follows: the development of a tool to assess the accessibility of publicly occupied buildings, and the creation of an online guide for persons with disabilities. The latter consists of two main parts: an online guide for persons with disabilities and a forum for submitting suggestions. The online guide is being gradually supplemented as funds become available to carry out new accessibility assessments of publicly occupied buildings. The website is interactive, which means that as well as searching, viewing and printing information, users can also submit information, suggestions and warnings. The online forum thus functions as a public participation tool.
 40. この研究の最終結果は次の通りである:公共機関の入居する建物のアクセシビリティのツールの開発、そして障害者向けのオンラインガイドの作成。後者は障害者向けのオンラインガイドと提案を送信するフォーラムの2つの部分からなる。オンラインガイドは、公共機関の入居する建物に対する新たなアクセシビリティ評価を実行するために資金が調達されるに従って徐々に充実している。ウェブサイトは双方向性を伴ったものであり、これは情報の検索、閲覧、印刷が可能であるように、利用者は情報、提案や警告の送信も行えることも意味する。したがって、オンラインフォーラムは公共への参加ツールとして機能している。

Paragraph 15

 41. Supervision of implementation of the requirements deriving from the Construction Act (ZGO-1)46 is provided by the national environment and spatial planning inspectorate. There are generally no problems with new buildings, at least as regards wheelchair access and ensuring the usability of buildings for wheelchair users. Equipping buildings adequately for blind, partially sighted and deaf people presents more problems. Difficulties derive above all from a lack of understanding and knowledge of the issues involved, rather than from the fact that developers are unwilling to implement the necessary measures. For this reason the MOP last year funded the production of a handbook entitled Inkluzivno oblikovanje in dostop do informacij [“Inclusive Design and Access to Information”], aimed above all at developers, planners, contractors and all users of space.
 41. 建築法(ZGO-1)による要件実施の統括は国立環境及び空間プランニング調査団によって提供される。少なくとも車椅子利用者に対するアクセスと建物のユーザビリティの確保に関して、新築建築物に基本的には問題はない。盲、弱視、聴覚障害者に対する適切な設備の装備についてはより問題がある。開発業者が必要な措置を実施するのを望まないという事実より、むしろ関係する問題に関する理解と知識の欠如によって困難が起こっている。このためMOP(Ministry of environment and spatial planning)は昨年、すべての開発業者、プランナー、建設業者、そしてその空間の利用者すべてを対象とした、「包容的な設計と情報へのアクセス」というタイトルのハンドブックの制作に資金を提供した。

 42. While the MOP is aware that persons with disabilities still have many difficulties using public space and public buildings, the ZGO-1 does not regulate the elimination of architectural barriers in all existing buildings but instead limits itself to new buildings and refurbishments of existing buildings.
 42. MOPが、障害者が公共空間や公共の建物の利用にあたって依然として多くの困難を伴っていることを認識している一方で、ZGO-1はすべての既存の建物から建築上の障壁を取り除くことは義務づけておらず、新築と改装時のみに限定している。

Paragraph 18

 48. Since legal capacity is a constitutional right of the individual and free will is a fundamental human right, these rights may only be limited by a court of law. The procedure for the removal and restoration of legal capacity and the procedure for extending parental authority and terminating extended parental authority (in the case of adult children who, owing to a physical or mental handicap, are incapable of looking after themselves or defending their rights and interests) are laid down by the Non-Litigious Civil Procedure Act (ZNP).
In procedures for the removal of legal capacity, the court (at the proposal of various proposers) rules on the partial or full removal of legal capacity from persons who, owing to mental illness, mental retardation, alcohol or drug dependency or other cause affecting their physical and mental state, are not capable of looking after themselves or defending their rights and interests. Except in specific cases defined by law, the court must hear the person whose legal capacity is to be removed and order that the individual in question be examined by a medical expert.

 48. 法的能力は憲法で保障された個人の権利であり、また自由意志は基本的人権であり、これらの権利は裁判所によってのみ制限される。法的能力の剥奪と回復の手続、及び親権の拡張と拡張停止の手続(身体的あるいは精神的な障害によって、自分自身の面倒をみられず、自らの権利や財産を守ることができないアダルトチルドレンの場合におけるもの)は、非訴訟市民手続法(ZNP)で制定されている。

Paragraph 19

 49. Under the present regulation contained in the Family Code, the placing of an adult under the guardianship and the appointment of a guardian is no longer tied to the removal of legal capacity, as it was in the previous legislation. Following the amendment to legislation, the institution of removal of legal capacity is being abolished. In cases where a person is incapable of defending their own rights and interests without harm to themselves owing to a developmental disorder, mental health difficulties or other cause affecting their capacity for judgement, the court shall place such persons under guardianship and appoint a guardian for them.
 49. 家族法に規定されている現在の規則の下では、成人に対する後見人制度の適用と後見人の任命は、もはや以前の法律のように法的能力の剥奪とは結びつけられていない。法律の改正に伴って、法的能力を剥奪する制度は廃止されつつある。発達障害、精神保健の問題あるいは判断力に影響するその他の原因によって、自分自身に害を与えることなく自らの権利や財産を守ることのできない個人の事例については、裁判所はそうした個人に後見人制度を適用し後見人を指名することになる。

Paragraph 26

 75. Personal assistance in Slovenia is currently provided on a programme basis. The MDDSZ co-finances personal assistants, who are employed by contractors selected in public procurement procedures. The MDDSZ co-finances the salaries of personal assistants at a rate of EUR 620 per month. It currently finances 353 personal assistants, who offer personal assistance to approximately 1,000 clients. The programme-based financing of personal assistance will end at the end of 2018. Personal assistance is also funded through FIHO programmes.
 75. スロベニアのパーソナルアシスタンスは現在、1つのプログラムを基に提供されている。MDDSZは公共調達手続によって選ばれた契約者に雇用されているパーソナルアシスタンスを行う者に共同融資している。MDDSZはパーソナルアシスタンスを行う者の賃金として毎月620ユーロを共同融資する。現在約1,000人の顧客にパーソナルアシスタンスを提供し、353人のパーソナルアシスタンスを行う者に対し資金調達が行われている。このプログラムに基づくパーソナルアシスタンスの資金調達は2018年の末に終了する予定である。パーソナルアシスタンスはFIHOプログラムを通じても資金提供を受けている。

 76. The Personal Assistance Act (ZOA) was adopted this year, and will enter into force on 1 January 2019. The implementing regulations for the ZOA are currently being drafted, and computer support for the personal assistance system is being developed.
 76.  パーソナルアシスタンス法(ZOA)は今年採択され、2019年1月1日より効力を発揮する。ZOAに対する規則の実施は現在草案段階で、パーソナルアシスタンスシステムのコンピュータによる支援も開発中である。

 77. The ZOA defines personal assistance as assistance provided in all tasks and activities that users are unable to perform by themselves due to the type and level of their disability, but require at home and outside the home on a daily basis in order to live independently, actively and equally included in society. When providing personal assistance, users must have control over the provision and designing of personal assistance services, with respect to their personal requirements, capacities, life circumstances, living conditions and wishes. In the event of the inability to manage their own assistance, the user’s duties are assumed by their legal representative. The user is guaranteed free choice of their provider of personal assistance services and personal assistant.
 77. ZOAはパーソナルアシスタンスを、自立して、積極的に生活し、かつ平等に社会に包容されるために屋内、屋外問わず日々必要とされる課題や活動のうち、利用者の障害の程度や種類によって自分で行うことができないものすべてに対して提供される支援と定義している。パーソナルアシスタンスの提供にあたっては、サービスの提供、及び個人的な要件、能力、生活環境、生活状態、希望を考慮に入れた支援内容の計画を利用者が管理しければならない。自身でパーソナルアシスタンスを管理できない場合、利用者側の義務は法的代理人が引き受ける。利用者はパーソナルアシスタンスサービスの提供者とパーソナルアシスタンスを行う者を自由に選択することが保証されている。

 78. Personal assistance is provided to all under equal terms and conditions, irrespective of the user’s wealth or income.
 78.  パーソナルアシスタンスは利用者の財産や収入にかかわらず、平等な契約条件で提供される。

 79. The following forms of independent living within the community are recognised in Slovenia:
 79 スロベニアでは、以下のような形式の地域社会における自立した生活が認識されている:

 ・Group homes are small residential units for people with mental health difficulties who need occasional or permanent support for organising their everyday lives and for the transition to independent living.

 ・The treatment coordinators for people in the community with mental health difficulties provide assistance to people who no longer need treatment in a psychiatric hospital or supervised treatment, but still need assistance in psychosocial rehabilitation, their everyday tasks, living arrangements and inclusion in everyday life on the basis of the treatment plan.

 ・In the area of mental health, the MDDSZ also co-finances other support programmes in the community.

 ・One of the forms of home assistance to families is home social care, which is intended for people whose residential and other conditions for living in their own living environment are provided, but due to age, serious disability, chronic disease or serious physical or mental disability are unable to care for themselves by themselves, and their close relations are unable to or do not have the possibility to provide such care. There are various organisational forms of practical home care, through which the beneficiaries are at least for some time kept out of institutional care in an institution or other organisational form or with another family.

 ・Persons with disabilities who are entitled to 24-hour institutional care may instead choose a family assistant, who provides assistance in the home.88

 ・Monetary contributions (e.g. supplement for assistance and service, security supplement, disability allowance, supplement for care, partial loss of income, right to an interpreter).

 ・Foster care (data on children with special needs who are in foster care are given in the response to question 11).

Paragraph 27

 80. At the end of 2015 a study was carried out titled “Starting Points for Deinstitutionalisation in Slovenia” (commissioned by: MDDSZ, provider: Faculty of Social Work), which made a general estimate of the number of people receiving institutional care in the area of social care in 2014, i.e. in social care institutions, occupational training and safety centres, sheltered work centres and their residential units. The estimate was 4,392 persons; if we also include people younger than 65 who live in homes for the elderly, the estimate amounts to 5,300 persons.
 80. 2015年末に「スロベニア脱施設化の出発点」という研究が行われた。ここでは2014年の公的介護の領域、すなわちソーシャルケア施設、職業訓練と安全センター、保護労働センター、それに彼らの居住施設で施設による介護を受けている者の数について包括的な推定値を計算している。その値は4,392人となったが、もし老人ホームに入居する65歳未満の者も含んだ場合、数字は5,300人となる。

 81. More accurate, i.e. more personalised data for purposes of deinstitutionalisation of persons under the auspices of social care are not available. In 2017, the IRSSV (commissioned by: MDDSZ) developed a tool for identifying user needs with respect to the scope and content of services within the framework of long-term care.
 81. ソーシャルケアによる支援を受けている者の脱施設化を目的とした、より詳細な、つまりより個人に特化したデータはない。2017年、IRSSVは(MDDSZに委任されて)長期介護の枠組みの中での領域と内容を考慮した利用者ニーズを明らかにするためのツールを開発した。

 82. Slovenia is likely to continue the deinstitutionalisation process in 2018, when the establishing of a special project unit is planned at the MDDSZ.
 82. MDDSZは特別なプロジェクトユニットの設立を計画しており、スロベニアは脱施設化の手続を2018年も継続する見込みである。

Paragraph 31

Table 7 Number of children in preschool education with special needs by type of disorder and type of class (school year 2015/2016)

表7 幼児教育における特別なニーズのある幼児の数。障害の種別、学級別(2015/2016年度)
Regular classes 通常学級 Developmental classes 発達学級 Total
Children with mental development disorders
発達障害の児童 88 43 131
Blind/visually impaired
盲/視覚障害 16 4 20
Deaf/hard of hearing and children with speech-language disorders
ろう/難聴/言語障害の児童 521 53 574
Children with impaired movement
運動機能に障害のある児童 110 7 117
Children with emotional and behavioural disorders
情緒、行動障害のある児童 45 0 45
Children with long-term illnesses
長期間病気を患っている児童 124 4 128
Children with multiple disabilities
重複障害のある児童 234 130 364
Total 1,138 241 1,379

Table 8 Number of pupils with special needs number of pupils with special needs per type of deficit, impairment and disorder in basic schools with adapted implementation and additional professional aid, school year 2017/2018

Pupils with a mild mental disorder(1)軽い精神的障害のある生徒 33
Deaf and hard of hearing ろうあるいは難聴 172
Pupils with speech and language disorders 発話、言語障害のある生徒 1,056
Blind and pupils with low vision and visually impaired(2)盲及び弱視、視覚障害の生徒 61
Movement impaired 運動機能障害 159
Pupils with emotional and behavioural disorders 情緒、行動障害の生徒 283
With long-term illnesses(1)長期間病気を患っている児童 1,223
Pupils with deficits in individual fields of learning(1)個々の学習領域に障害のある生徒 4,726
Pupils with autism disorders(2) 自閉症の生徒 168
Pupils with multiple disorder(3)複合的障害のある生徒 3 196
Total 11,077

 (1) Changes in the definitions of deficits, impairments or disorders.
 (1) 不調、機能障害、疾患の定義によって変わる
 (2) A new group of children with special needs according to the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (ZUOPP-1).
 (2) 特別なニーズのある児童のクラス分け法(AUOPP-1)による特別なニーズのある児童の新たなグループ
 (3) Not an independent group of children with special needs according to ZUOPP-1, but a pupil can have multiple disorders identified.
 (3) ZUOPP-1によれば、特別なニーズのある児童の独立したグループではない。しかし1人の児童から複数の障害が特定されることもある。

Table 9 Number of secondary students in relation to the type of disability, impairment or disorder, school year 2017/2018

Students with minor disorders in mental development 軽い精神的発達障害のある学生 138
Deaf and hard of hearing ろうあるいは難聴 68
Students with speech-language disorders 発話、言語障害のある学生 101
Blind and visually impaired and students with visual function impairment(2)盲、視覚障害の学生 22
Students with impaired movement 運動障害の学生 61
Students with emotional and behavioural disorders 情緒、行動障害の学生 97
Students with long-term illnesses長期間病気を患っている学生 647
Students with deficits in individual fields of learning(1)個々の学習領域に障害のある学生 2,495
Students with autistic disorders(1)自閉症の学生 72
Students with multiple disabilities(2) 複合的障害のある学生 1,067
Total 4,768

(1) A new group of children with special needs according to the ZUOPP-1.
 (2) Not an independent group of children with special needs according to ZUOPP-1, but a pupil can have multiple disorders identified.

Paragraph 32

 To provide and promote the inclusive education policy, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MIZŠ) implements and participates in a number of projects under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 for children with special needs:
 インクルーシブ教育政策を提供し促進するために、教育、科学、スポーツ省 (MIZŠ) は、特別なニーズのある児童のためのEU統合政策の実施2014-2020の下で多くのプロジェクトを実施し、参加している:

 ・A network of professional institutions to support children with special needs and their families. The pilot project will help set up the expert centres for the support of children and youth with special needs and their families and form a national network of expert institutions.96

 ・The “Promoting the social inclusion of children and youth with special needs in the local environment” project is intended for children and young people with special needs in public institutions for the education of children and youth with special needs, basic schools with the adapted curriculum or short-term vocational education programmes.

 ・Integrated treatment of children with emotional and behavioural disorders in educational institutions. The project will test new methods and forms of work which will enable children and young people with emotional and behavioural disorder to return as soon as possible from the institution to the home environment, to independent life or, if the family situation or the child’s or youth’s problems prevent it, to one of the residential groups operating within the educational institution, but as an independent residential unit on another location. On the other hand, educational institutions will be encouraged to preventive to make such accommodations as low as possible in the future.

 ・Projects in the field of employment in support of educational institutions for working with children with special needs: Employing assistants for the work with children with special needs in educational institutions, Encouraging employment of young people in non-governmental organizations for the purpose of cooperation between educational institutions and non-governmental institutions in the field of work with children with special needs.

 93.MIZŠ is involved in the pilot project “A comprehensive early treatment of children with special needs and their families and strengthening the competencies of professionals (a public tender of the MZ)101 and in the Language integration of vulnerable groups of speakers in the Republic of Slovenia (a public tender of the MK).102
 93. MIZŠは社会実験である“特別なニーズのある児童とその家族の包括的早期対応”に関わり専門家の能力を強化しているのに加え(健康省の公開入札)、スロベニア国内での脆弱な発話可能者に対する言語的統合(文化省の公開入札)にも関わっている。
