1 国際調査

参考資料7-3 スロベニア政府への最終見解(抜粋)

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

 6. The Committee is concerned about:
 (a) The lack of public policies and measures focusing on and prioritizing equality, and the protection of persons with disabilities against all forms of discrimination, and the lack of recognition of the denial of reasonable accommodation as a form of disability-based discrimination;


 (b) The lack of capacity, coordination and measurable impact of focal points designed for combating discrimination, and the absence of effective affirmative actions in this regard;

 (c) Multiple and intersectional forms of discrimination against persons with disabilities, including Roma, Sinti and persons with disabilities of other ethnic groups, and the lack of information about discrimination against LGBTI persons with disabilities.

 7. The Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Enact legislation that explicitly recognises and sanctions the denial of reasonable accommodation, across all areas of life, as a form of disability-based discrimination;


 (b) Strengthen the capacity and role of the focal points designed for combating discrimination, including discrimination against persons with disabilities, and provide them with adequate resources and capacity to effectively respond to cases of disability-based discrimination, including the denial of reasonable accommodation and multiple and intersectional discrimination;

 (c) Explicitly incorporate in its anti-discrimination legislation, policies and strategies, the recognition of multiple and intersectional discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, age, disability, migrant, asylum seeking, refugee, ethnic background, sexual orientation and any other status. The Committee also recommends that the State party provides for judicial and quasi-judicial remedies in cases of discrimination from public and/or private actors, disseminate information among persons with disabilities about such remedies, provide redress and adequate compensation, and establish sanctions for perpetrators;

 (d) Take into account article 5 of the Convention in implementing targets 10.2 and 10.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

 8. The Committee is concerned about:
 (a) The lack of specific legislation and policies regarding the rights of women and girls with disabilities, as well as insufficient measures addressing their multiple and intersectional discrimination;


 (b) The lack of specific measures to protect women and girls with disabilities, especially those with psychosocial and/or intellectual disabilities and those living in institutions from gender-based violence;

 (c) The fact that poverty disproportionately affects women with disabilities, especially older women, and the negative impact of the economic crisis and subsequent austerity measures on them;

 (d) The underrepresentation of women with disabilities in decision-making processes related to legislation and public policies on disability;

 (e) The lack of specific and up-to-date information and data on the situation of women and girls with disabilities.

 9. With reference to its general comment No. 3 (2016) on women and girls with disabilities, and taking into account targets 5.1, 5.2 and 5.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Adopt a twin-track approach by mainstreaming the rights of women with disabilities across all national action plans and strategies concerning women’s rights in general and equality between women and men, as well as on sectorial plans, concerning access to justice, combating violence, education, health, political participation, employment, and social protection; and by adopting targeted and monitored measures aimed specifically at supporting and empowering women with disabilities;


 (b) Provide women and girls with disabilities, especially women and girls with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities with specific protection measures and redress in cases of gender-based violence against them, ensuring dissemination of information in accessible formats about available remedies, and effective prosecution and sanctions of perpetrators;

 (c) Redress the consequences of austerity measures for women with disabilities, and adopt measures to address the root causes of exclusion and poverty affecting women with disabilities, paying particular attention to older women with disabilities;

 (d) Adopt measures to ensure the participation of women with disabilities in decision-making processes at the local and national levels, including by facilitating the establishment and functioning of organizations of women with disabilities and their access to financial resources, and adopting legislation requiring authorities to consult with representative organizations of women with disabilities;

 (e) Allocate sufficient resources to conduct research and collect statistical data on the situation of women and girls with disabilities, disaggregated by age, geographical area, type of impairment, family situation, and place of residence.

Accessibility (art. 9)

 14. The Committee is concerned at:
 (a) Delays in the implementation of legislation about accessibility, such as the ‘Accessible Slovenia Strategy’ and the Act on equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities, as well as delays in implementing the minimum standards of accessibility of all goods and services available to the public and private services;


 (b) The fact that numerous public buildings as well as services, including public transport remain inaccessible, especially in non-capital areas;

 (c) The lack of implementation of digital accessibility and the lack of accessibility to information and communication technology products and services, as well as broadcasting services;

 (d) The insufficient measures for ensuring accessibility of information and communication for persons with psychosocial and/or intellectual disabilities, despite the obligations contained in inter alia the European Directive on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications.

 15. With reference to the Committee’s general comment No. 2 (2014) on Accessibility and Goal 9 and targets 11.2 and 11.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Ensure that the ‘Accessible Slovenia Strategy’ and the Act on equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities are fully operational and effective; it further recommends adopting clear accessibility standards and measures to ensure sanctions for lack of compliance with accessibility standards;


 (b) Develop the operational measures to implement accessibility of transport services, and accessibility to all buildings open to the public, increase budget allocations for such measures, especially in non-capital areas;

 (c) Adopt a strategy to ensure accessibility in the public procurement policy and require private actors to adhere to accessibility policies;

 (d) Ensure the full implementation of the European Directive on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications, especially in the education system;

 (e) Ensure the promotion and availability of alternative and augmentative modes of communication and Easy Read information.

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

 3. The Committee notes with concern the discriminatory legal provisions in the non-litigious civil procedure act and Family Code, and allowing for deprivation of legal capacity, including business and procedural capacity, of persons with psychosocial and/or intellectual disabilities. It is also concerned that the State party considers guardians as a form of support although they are appointed to substitute the decision-making power of persons with disabilities in various areas of life. It is also concerned about the absence of mechanisms to replace the substituted decision-making with a supported decision-making regime.

 4. The Committee recalls its general comment No. 1 (2014) on equal recognition before the law, and recommends that the State party repeal all discriminatory provisions allowing for deprivation of the legal capacity on the basis of impairment, and ensure that the amendment to the Family Code withdraws any form of substituted-decision-making for persons with disabilities, in any area of life. It also calls upon the State party to establish a procedure aimed at restoring full legal capacity of all persons with disabilities, and to develop and implement supported decision-making mechanisms that respect the autonomy, will and preferences of the person.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

 16. The Committee is concerned at the large number of persons with disabilities still residing in institutions because of the lack of an explicit policy, national and municipal capacity and measures for deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities, and the insufficient provision of independent living services in the community. The Committee is further concerned about trans-institutionalization of persons with disabilities into smaller institutions, as well as about plans to build new institutions.

 17. With reference to the Committee’s general comment No. 5 (2017) on living independently and being included in the community, the Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Adopt and implement a strategy and action plan, within a timeframe aimed at deinstitutionalization;


 (b) Prevent any form of trans- and re-institutionalisation, and provide sufficient funding for developing community-based independent living schemes;

 (c) Allocate sufficient resources to ensure that services in the community are available, accessible, affordable, acceptable and accommodating of persons with disabilities, so that they may exercise their right to live independently and be included in their communities in urban and rural areas;

 (d) Strengthen the national and municipal capacity to implement deinstitutionalization in close cooperation with organisations of persons with disabilities.

Education (art. 24)

 24. The Committee is concerned about:
 (a) The existing parallel education systems, special and mainstream, for children with disabilities;


 (b) The lack of concrete targets and provisions for implementing inclusive education in existing policies and legislation providing for inclusive education;

 (c) The insufficient capacities of regular schools when providing for curriculum accommodation and inclusive learning environments, in particular the lack of skills and knowledge among teachers about inclusive teaching methodologies, and the low expectations regarding capacities of children with disabilities;

 (d) The absence of accessibility and reasonable accommodation for persons with disabilities at tertiary education, including higher education institutions and vocational schools;

 (e) Physical barriers to access transport by students with disabilities, from their place of residence to school facilities.

 25. Recalling its general comment No. 4 (2016) on the right to inclusive education and the Sustainable Development Goal 4, targets 4.5 and 4(a), the Committee recommends that the State party:

 (a) Recognise the right of all children with disabilities to inclusive education and abandon segregated education schemes;

 (b) Adopt a strategy and action plan with a clear timeframe for implementation of inclusive education at all levels, for all children with disabilities; further, establish a comprehensive monitoring system to assess progress of inclusive education;

 (c) Strengthen the capacities of inclusive schools in providing teachers with trainings on inclusive education, curriculum accommodation and teaching methods. The State party should enhance quality of educational support when ensuring individualized approach to children with disabilities and their capacity-building;

 (d) Ensure lifelong learning for persons with disabilities while providing accessibility and reasonable accommodation to all tertiary education institutions, including vocational and higher education schools;

 (e) Ensure transport services for students with disabilities, from their place of residence to the education facilities.
