1 国際調査

参考資料8-1 ネパール政府による包括的な最初の報告に対する事前質問事項(抜粋)

A. Purpose and general obligations (arts. 1-4)

 1. Please inform the Committee when the State party envisages adopting and fully implementing the draft bill aimed at replacing the Disabled Persons Protection and Welfare Act (1982) and at eliminating derogatory terms such as “dull”, “crippled”, “lame”, “handicapped with one leg broken”, “handicapped with one hand broken” or “feeble minded”, which continue to be used in the existing definitions of disability. Please explain if the draft bill intends to modify the definition of disability in accordance with the human rights model of disability enshrined in the Convention (para. 18).
 1. 障害者保護福祉法(1982年)の改正を目的とし、既存の障害の定義で使われ続けている「鈍い」、「手足の不自由な」、「正常に歩けない」、「片足を骨折している障害」、「片手を骨折している障害」、「知的障害」といった軽蔑的な言葉をなくすことを目的とする草案を採択及び完全実施することを締約国が予想している場合、委員会に通知してください。草案が、条約(第18項)に盛り込まれた障害者の人権モデルに従って障害の定義を変更しようとしているかどうか、説明してください。

 2. Please specify the “domestic legislation” that is being revised in the State party in order to ensure that it fully complies with the Convention (para. 17), and provide information on the progress that has been made so far. Please explain the mechanisms and systems that have been put in place in order to address the challenges that the State party faces in enforcing legal provisions in favour of persons with disabilities (para. 31).
 2. 締約国が条約(第17項)を完全に遵守することを保証するために、改正された「国内法」を特定し、これまでの進捗について情報を提供してください。障害者のために法的規定を実施する際に締約国が直面する課題に対処するために実施された仕組みと制度について説明してください。(第31項)

 3. With regard to the issuing of disability identity cards (para. 21), please explain how the four different categories of disabilities are assessed and how they comply with the human rights model of disability enshrined in the Convention.
 3. 障害者身分証明書の発行(第21項)に関して、障害の4つの異なる種類がどのように評価され、それらが条約に盛り込まれた障害者の人権モデルをどのように遵守しているかを説明してください。

 4. Please inform the Committee of the measures taken to ensure that the denial of reasonable accommodation is acknowledged as a form of discrimination. Please provide information on the legal avenues and remedies that are available to persons with disabilities to challenge discriminatory laws and practices. Please indicate the percentage of successful claims and provide information on the nature of such remedies. Please provide information on the percentage of the overall number of human rights cases adjudicated by national courts that involve violations of the rights guaranteed under the Convention.
 4. 合理的配慮の否定が差別の1つの形態として認識されるようにするためにとる措置を委員会に報告してください。差別的な法律や慣行に立ち向かうために、障害者に利用可能な法的手段と救済に関する情報を提供してください。成功した申立ての割合を示し、そのような救済の性質についての情報を提供してください。条約に基づいて保証されている権利の侵害を含めて、国の裁判所によって裁かれた人権事件の全体数の割合に関する情報を提供してください。

 5. Please inform the Committee of the measures that the State party has taken to ensure the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities, in particular the most underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities, in decision-making processes, including in legislative processes.
 5. 立法の過程を含めた意思決定過程において、特に障害者の中でも最も取り上げられることの少ないグループに属する障害者の完全かつ平等な参加を保証するために締約国が行った措置について委員会に通知してください。

B. Specific rights (arts. 5-30)
B. 特定の権利(第5条-第30条)

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

 6. Please inform the Committee of the measures taken to establish a comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation framework, which includes disability as a prohibited ground for discrimination, and an independent anti-discrimination monitoring body. Please inform the Committee of the measures that have been adopted to address the multiple and intersectional discrimination faced by persons with disabilities, including on the basis of caste, ethnicity, and indigenous identity.
 6. 差別禁止の根拠となる障害を含んだ包括的差別禁止法の枠組みと、独立した差別禁止監視機関を設立するための措置について、委員会に報告してください。カースト、民族性や先住民のアイデンティティに基づくものを含めて障害者が直面している複合的、横断的差別に対処するために採択された措置について委員会に報告してください。

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

 7. Please describe the impact of the measures taken under the three-year interim plan (2010-2013) to ensure the full inclusion of women with disabilities in public policies and programmes, especially those designed to combat physical and sexual violence, abuse and exploitation of women and girls with disabilities. Please inform the Committee if a new action plan has been adopted to combat violence against women with disabilities, following the expiry of the interim plan.

 8. Please provide information on the measures taken to support women and girls with disabilities, especially in the fields of education, employment and other areas of public life, and, in particular, to address intersectional discrimination, especially with reference to girls and women with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities and those from the Dalit, Madhesi, Muslim and other ethnic communities.

Accessibility (art. 9)

 12. Please provide information on the impact of the measures adopted to implement the thirteenth plan (2013-2016) to enhance accessibility for persons with disabilities and of the measures adopted to ensure that public and private sector providers offering facilities and services to the public take into account all aspects of accessibility. Specifically, please inform the Committee of the progress achieved in implementing the National Building Code, which was approved in 2005, to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities (para. 91). Please indicate the extent to which persons with disabilities, through their representative organizations, have been involved in the monitoring and assessment of accessibility measures and plans.
 12. 障害者のアクセシビリティを高めるための第13次計画(2013-2016年)を実施するために採択された措置の影響に関する情報と、公衆に施設とサービスを提供する公共及び民間の部門が、アクセシビリティのすべての側面を確実に考慮に入れるために採択された措置の影響に関する情報を提供してください。具体的にいうと、障害者のアクセシビリティを保障するために2005年に承認された国家建築基準の実施の進捗達成状況について委員会に報告してください(第91項)。アクセシビリティの対策と計画に関する監視と評価について、代表組織を通じて障害者が関わった程度について示してください。

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

 14. Please inform the Committee of the legal and other measures that have been adopted to ensure that supported decision-making schemes are in place for persons with disabilities and eradicate any substituted decision-making regimes.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

 19. Please provide information on the impact of the National Policy and Plan of Action on Disability on ensuring the effective deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities. Please provide information, disaggregated by disability, sex and age, on the number of persons with disabilities who have been deinstitutionalized. Please inform the Committee of the measures that have been adopted to provide support services in the community to prevent reinstitutionalization.

Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information (art. 21)

 20. Please provide information on the measures, including policies, that have been adopted to ensure the access of persons with disabilities, particularly persons with visual impairment and deaf persons, to public information, including access to the Internet, in accessible formats, such as signage, tactile, plain language and Easyread, and in other augmentative and alternative means and modes of communication.

Education (art. 24)

 21. Please inform the Committee of the measures that the State party envisages adopting in order to improve the overall enrolment of students with disabilities, particularly in primary (1.1 per cent) and early secondary education (1 per cent).

 22. Please provide information on the number and percentage of children with disabilities who have access to education, disaggregated by mainstream education, special classes, special schools and resource centres.
 22. 教育へアクセスする障害のある児童の数と割合について、通常学級の教育、特別支援学級、特別支援学校及びリソースセンターごとに情報を提供してください。

 23. Please provide information on the steps that the State party has taken in order to introduce inclusive education for students with disabilities (para. 76).
 23. 障害のある児童のためのインクルーシブ教育を導入するために締約国が採用した措置に関する情報を提供してください。

C. Specific obligations (arts. 31-33)
C. 特定の義務(第31条-第33条)

Statistics and data collection (art. 31)

 33. According to information before the Committee, the Nepal Living Standards Survey 2010/11 showed that 3.6 per cent of all people in the State party had some kind of disability, while the National Population and Housing Census 2011 reported a figure of about two per cent (1.94 per cent or 513,321). Please provide information on the methodology used to collect data on persons with disabilities and to ensure appropriate disaggregation of data on the basis of sex, age, ethnicity, indigenous identity and location. Please inform the Committee of the extent to which such data is used to formulate disability policies in the State party. Please also inform the Committee of the measures envisaged to enable use of the Washington Group Short Set of Questions on Disability in censuses and household surveys.
 33. 委員会に先立つ情報によると、国民生活基準調査(2010/2011年)によれば、締約国における全国民の3.6%が何らかの障害を有していたが、全国人口住宅調査(2011年)では約2%(1.94%または51万3,321人)という数値を報告していた。障害者のデータを収集し、性別、年齢、民族性、先住民のアイデンティティや場所に基づいて、適切にデータを分類するために使用される方法論に関する情報を提供してください。そのようなデータが締約国の障害者政策の策定にどの程度使用されているのかを委員会に報告してください。また、国勢調査や世帯調査におけるワシントン・グループの障害についての短い質問集を使用可能にするために想定された措置について委員会に報告してください。

National implementation and monitoring (art. 33)

 35. Please specify which entity has been appointed as the focal point for the implementation of the Convention and whether there is a coordination mechanism in the State party. Please inform the Committee of the measures taken to ensure the monitoring of the Convention by an independent monitoring mechanism established in accordance with the principles relating to the status of national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights (the Paris Principles) as adopted by the General Assembly in its resolution 48/134.
 35. 条約の実施のための中央連絡先として指名されている団体がどこかということと、締約国における調整のための仕組みがあるかどうかを明記してください。国連総会の決議48/134で採択された人権の促進と保護(パリ原則)のための国内機構の地位に関する原則に従って、条約の監視を保証するために採られた措置について委員会に報告してください。

5 訳者注:Dalit(ダリット)とはマラティ語で「砕かれた者」、「抑圧された者」という意味で、カースト制度における「不可触民」たちによる、自らの呼称。不可触民とは、カースト制度の外側にあって、インドのヒンドゥー教社会において差別されてきた人。Madhesi(マデシ)は、ネパール南部に東西に広がる細長い平原地帯、「マデス」、「タライ」または「テライ」ともいわれる地域に住む人。
