1 国際調査

参考資料9-2 グレート・ブリテン及び北アイルランド連合王国の最初の報告に対する最終見解(抜粋)

A. General principles and obligations (arts. 1-4)

 6. The Committee welcomes the information about the support of the Government of the State party to the Crown Dependencies48 and Overseas Territories49 for the extension of the Convention. However, it observes with concern:

 (a) The insufficient incorporation and uneven implementation of the Convention across all policy areas and levels within all regions, devolved governments and territories under its jurisdiction and/or control;

 (b) The lack of consistency across the State party in the understanding of, adapting to and applying the human rights model of disability and its evolving concept of disability;

 (c) The absence of a comprehensive and cross-cutting review of the State party’s legislation and policies, including within the devolved governments, in order to harmonize legal content and practice with the Convention;

 (d) The existing laws, regulations and practices that discriminate against persons with disabilities;

 (e) The lack of information on policies, programmes and measures that will be put in place by the State party to protect persons with disabilities from being negatively affected when article 50 of the Treaty on European Union is triggered.

7. The Committee recommends that the State party:

 (a) Incorporate the Convention into its legislation, recognizing access to domestic remedies for breaches of the Convention, and adopt an appropriate and comprehensive response to the obligations enshrined in the Convention in its policies and programmes across the State party, including all devolved governments;

 (b) Strengthen its efforts to extend the Convention and support its implementation in the Overseas Territories;

 (c) Adopt legally binding instruments to implement the concept of disability, in line with article 1 of the Convention, and ensure that new and existing legislation incorporates the human rights model of disability across all policy areas and all levels and regions of all devolved governments and jurisdictions and/or territories under its control;

 (d) Undertake a comprehensive cross-cutting review of its legislation and policies to bring them into line with article 1 of the Convention, and ensure that the legal framework protects persons with disabilities against discrimination on the grounds of disability. The State party should involve organizations of persons with disabilities and national human rights institutions in this process;

 (e) Expedite the process to develop a measurable strategic framework and plan of action, with sufficient financial resources, aimed at abolishing laws, regulations, customs and practices that constitute discrimination against persons with disabilities and ensuring the equal protection of persons with disabilities;

 (f) Prevent any negative consequences for persons with disabilities resulting from the decision to trigger article 50 of the Treaty on European Union, in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities.

 8. The Committee is concerned at the lack of State party-led initiatives aimed at assessing and sufficiently addressing the inclusion of and living conditions for persons with disabilities, particularly in Northern Ireland and the territories under its jurisdiction and/or control.

 9. The Committee recommends that the State party collect information and adopt a strategic and measurable plan of action for improving the living conditions of all persons with disabilities, including in close cooperation with the authorities in Northern Ireland and the territories under its jurisdiction and/or control.

 10. The Committee is concerned about:
 (a) The challenges facing organizations of persons with disabilities, including organizations representing women, children and intersex persons with disabilities, in accessing support and being consulted and actively involved in the implementation of the Convention;


 (b) The lack of sufficient mechanisms to ensure the effective participation of all organizations of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes concerning policies and legislation in all areas of the Convention, such as the strategy entitled “Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen”.
 (b)すべての障害者団体が、「Fulfilling Potential: Making It Happen」と題した戦略のような、条約のすべての分野における政策及び法律に関する意思決定過程に効果的に参加するための十分な仕組みの欠如。

 11. The Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Allocate financial resources to support organizations representing persons with disabilities, including women and children with disabilities, and develop mechanisms to ensure the inclusive, strategic and active involvement of organizations of persons with disabilities, including women, children and intersex persons, in the planning and implementation of all legislation and measures that affect the lives of persons with disabilities;


 (b) Establish mechanisms to secure the full participation of organizations of persons with disabilities in the design and implementation of strategic policies aimed at implementing the Convention across the State party, through objective, measurable, financed and monitored strategic action plans.

B. Specific rights (arts. 5-30)

Equality and non-discrimination (art. 5)

 12. The Committee is concerned about perceptions in society that stigmatize persons with disabilities as living a life of less value than that of others and about the termination of pregnancy at any stage on the basis of fetal impairment.

 13. The Committee recommends that the State party amend its abortion law accordingly. Women’s rights to reproductive and sexual autonomy should be respected without legalizing selective abortion on the ground of fetal deficiency.

 14. The Committee is concerned that the State party’s anti-discrimination legislation does not provide comprehensive and appropriate protection, particularly against multiple and intersectional discrimination, including in access to housing. It is also concerned about the low level of redress in rulings adopted by the judiciary when adjudicating cases of discrimination against persons with disabilities.

 15. The Committee recommends that the State party, in line with Goal 10 and targets 10.2 and 10.3 of the Sustainable Development Goals, explicitly incorporate in its national legislation protection from multiple and intersectional discrimination on the basis of gender, age, race, disability, migrant, refugee and/or other status, and provide appropriate compensation and redress for victims, and sanctions proportional with the severity of the violation.

 16. The Committee is concerned that the duty to make reasonable adjustments to the common parts of residential properties in the Equality Act 2010 is not yet in force, and that persons with disabilities living in Northern Ireland are not adequately protected against direct and indirect disability-based discrimination and against discrimination by association.

 17. The Committee recommends that the State party:
 (a) Bring its anti-discrimination legislation into accordance with the Convention and speed up the process to bring into force all legislative provisions in the Equality Act 2010, including those concerning reasonable accommodation in the housing sector;


 (b) Take the necessary measures through the appropriate authorities, once the Northern Ireland government is in place, to ensure that the Northern Ireland Executive reform on disability rights law reflects the recommendations made by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland in its 2012 Strengthening Protection for Disabled People report to protect persons with disabilities in Northern Ireland from direct and indirect disability-based discrimination and discrimination through association.

Women with disabilities (art. 6)

 18. The Committee is concerned that the rights of women and girls with disabilities have not been systematically mainstreamed into both the gender equality and disability agendas. The Committee is also concerned at the lack of measures and available data concerning the impact of multiple and intersectional discrimination against women and girls with disabilities.

 19. The Committee recommends that the State party, in close consultation with organizations of women and girls with disabilities, mainstream the rights of women and girls with disabilities into disability and gender equality policies. It also recommends that the State party, in line with the Committee’s general comment No. 3 (2016) on women and girls with disabilities and targets 5.1, 5.2 and 5.5 of the Sustainable Development Goals, adopt inclusive and targeted measures, including the collection of disaggregated data, to prevent multiple and intersectional discrimination against women and girls with disabilities, particularly those with intellectual and/or psychosocial disabilities, in education, employment, health and access to justice and in terms of poverty and violence.

Accessibility (art. 9)

 24. The Committee is concerned by the insufficient scope, content and number of obligatory and implemented accessible standards relating to, among others, the physical environment, affordable housing, information and communications technology (ICT), transport and information in urban and rural areas. It is also concerned that austerity measures have hindered the advancement of accessibility for persons with disabilities.

 25. The Committee recommends that the State party, in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities:
 25. 委員会は、締約国が、障害者団体と密接に協力して、以下のことをするよう勧告する。

 (a) Identify outstanding gaps across the State party in terms of obligatory accessibility standards in all areas of the Convention, among others, the design of affordable and accessible physical environments, housing, ICT, information formats and transport infrastructure, including emergency services and green and public spaces in both urban and rural areas, and ensure that the standards are met;

 (b) Pay attention to the links between article 9 of the Convention and the Committee’s general comment No. 2 (2014) on accessibility, and targets 9, 11.2 and 11.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals;

 (c) Monitor the development towards full inclusion through accessibility and sanction violations of accessibility regulations.

Equal recognition before the law (art. 12)

 30. The Committee is concerned about:

 (a) The legislation in the State party that restricts the legal capacity of persons with disabilities on the basis of actual or perceived impairment;

 (b) The prevalence of substituted decision-making in legislation and in practice, and the lack of full recognition of the right to individualized supported decision-making that fully respects the autonomy, will and preferences of persons with disabilities;

 (c) The insufficient support to all asylum seekers and refugees with psychosocial and/or intellectual disabilities in exercising their legal capacity;

 (d) The high number of black people with disabilities who are compulsorily detained and treated against their will.

 31. The Committee recommends that the State party, in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, including those representing persons from black and minority ethnic groups and in line with the Committee’s general comment No. 1 (2014) on equal recognition before the law, abolish all forms of substituted decision-making concerning all spheres and areas of life by reviewing and adopting new legislation in accordance with the Convention to initiate new policies in both mental capacity and mental health laws. It urges the State party to step up efforts to foster research, data and good practices in the area of, and speed up the development of, supported decision-making regimes. It recommends that the State party ensure that asylum seekers and refugees with disabilities can exercise all rights enshrined in the Convention.

Living independently and being included in the community (art. 19)

 44. The Committee is concerned about:

 (a) The fact that the State party’s legislation fails to recognize living independently and being included in the community as a human right that enshrines individual autonomy, control and choice as intrinsic aspects of that right;

 (b) Policies and measures that affect the ability to live independently in the community, such as the reduction in social protection schemes related to housing, household income and budgets for independent living, as well as the closure of the Independent Living Fund;

 (c) The fact that responsibility for supporting independent living has been transferred to the devolved administrations and local authorities without providing appropriate and earmarked budget allocation;

 (d) The fact that many persons with disabilities are still institutionalized and deprived of the right to live independently and be included within the community, when: (i) they lack the financial resources to afford personal assistance; (ii) local authorities are of the opinion that they can provide assistance within care homes; and (iii) the cost rationale constitutes the main parameter of an assessment;
 (d)以下のような場合、多くの障害者が依然として施設に入れられ、自立して地域社会に包含された生活をする権利を剥奪されるという事実がある。(i)パーソナルアシスタンスのための財源が不足している場合。 (ii)地方自治体が、介護施設内で援助を提供できるという意見を持っている場合。 (iii)費用の合理化が評価の主なパラメーターを構成している場合。

 (e) The lack of support services and accessible public facilities, including personal assistance, for persons with disabilities, regardless of sex, gender, age and other status, to live independently and be included in the community.

 45. The Committee recommends that the State party, in line with the Committee’s general comment No. 5 (2017) on living independently and being included in the community and the Committee’s report on its inquiry concerning the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland carried out under article 6 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention:

 (a) Recognize the right to living independently and being included in the community as a subjective right, recognize the enforceability of all its elements, and adopt rights-based policies, regulations and guidelines to ensure implementation;

 (b) Conduct periodic assessments in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities to address and prevent the negative effects of policy reforms through sufficiently funded and appropriate strategies in the area of social support and living independently;

 (c) Provide adequate, sufficient earmarked funding to local authorities and administrations, including the devolved governments, to be able to continuously allocate adequate resources allowing persons with disabilities to live independently and be included in the community and to exercise their right to choose their place of residence and where and with whom to live;

 (d) Set up a comprehensive plan, developed in close collaboration with organizations of persons with disabilities, aimed at the deinstitutionalization of persons with disabilities, and develop community-based independent living schemes through a holistic and cross-cutting approach, including education, childcare, transport, housing, employment and social security;

 (e) Allocate sufficient resources to ensure that support services are available, accessible, affordable, acceptable, adaptable and are sensitive to different living conditions for all persons with disabilities in urban and rural areas.

Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information (art. 21)

 46. The Committee notes with concern:
 46. 委員会は、以下のことを懸念している。

 (a) The limited provision of accessible information from public services and authorities and the insufficient obligatory standards for making websites accessible and for monitoring ICT-accessibility;

 (b) The insufficient resources for the education and training of sign language interpreters and the insufficient availability of and access to high-quality educated sign language interpreters, especially in relation to education, employment, health and leisure activities;

 (c) The lack of training and education for families, classmates and co-workers in high-quality sign language communication in order to better provide for the inclusion within the community of deaf persons and hard of hearing persons.

 47. The Committee recommends that the State party, in consultation with organizations representing persons with disabilities:

 (a) Identify outstanding gaps in the implementation of obligatory accessibility standards on information channels based on ICT;

 (b) Ensure that legislation provides for the right to high-quality sign language interpretation and other forms of alternative communication in all spheres of life for deaf persons and hard of hearing persons, in accordance with the Convention;

 (c) Allocate resources for the education of children with hearing impairments, their families and others, such as classmates and co-workers, in British Sign Language and tactile language.

Education (art. 24)

 50. The Committee takes note of the information provided by the State party about its reservation to article 24 (2) (a) and (b) of the Convention in relation to new evidence or research findings.
 50. 委員会は、新たな証拠又は研究成果に関する条約第24条(2)(a)及び(b)の留保について締約国が提供する情報に注目する。

 51. The Committee recommends that the State party withdraw its reservation to article 24 (2) (a) and (b) of the Convention without further delay.
 51. 委員会は、締約国が、遅滞なく、条約第24条(2)(a)及び(b)の留保を取り下げることを勧告する。

 52. The Committee is concerned at:
 52. 委員会は、以下の点を懸念している。

 (a) The persistence of a dual education system that segregates children with disabilities in special schools, including based on parental choice;

 (b) The increasing number of children with disabilities in segregated education environments;

 (c) The fact that the education system is not equipped to respond to the requirements for high-quality inclusive education, particularly reports of school authorities refusing to enrol a student with disabilities who is deemed to be “disruptive to other classmates”;

 (d) The fact that the education and training of teachers in inclusion competences does not reflect the requirements of inclusive education.

 53. The Committee recommends that the State party, in close consultation with organizations of persons with disabilities, especially organizations representing children and young persons with disabilities, and in line with the Committee’s general comment No. 4 (2014) on the right to inclusive education and targets 4.5 and 4.8 of the Sustainable Development Goals:
 53. 委員会は、締約国が、障害者団体、特に障害のある児童や若者を代表する団体と密接に協議し、インクルーシブ教育と持続可能な開発目標4.5と4.8の権利について委員会の一般的意見第4号(2014年)に沿って、以下のことをするよう勧告する。

 (a) Develop a comprehensive and coordinated legislative and policy framework for inclusive education and a timeframe to ensure that mainstream schools foster real inclusion of children with disabilities in the school environment and that teachers and all other professionals and persons in contact with children understand the concept of inclusion and are able to enhance inclusive education;

 (b) Strengthen measures to monitor school practices concerning enrolment of children with disabilities and offer appropriate remedies in cases of disability-related discrimination and/or harassment, including deciding upon schemes for compensation;

 (c) Adopt and implement a coherent and adequately financed strategy, with concrete timelines and measurable goals, on increasing and improving inclusive education. The strategy must:

 (i) Ensure the implementation of laws, decrees and regulations on improving the extent and quality of inclusive education in classrooms, support provisions and teacher training, including pedagogical capabilities, across all levels providing for high-quality inclusive environments, including within breaks between lessons and through socialization outside “education time”;

 (ii) Set up awareness-raising and support initiatives about inclusive education among parents of children with disabilities;

 (iii) Provide sufficient, relevant data on the number of students both in inclusive and segregated education, disaggregated by impairment, age, sex and ethnic background, and on the outcome of the education, reflecting the capabilities of the students.

C. Specific obligations
Statistics and data collection (art. 31)

 64. The Committee is concerned at the lack of a unified data-collection system and indicators across the State party concerning the situation of persons with disabilities. It notes the limited collection of disaggregated data in surveys and censuses on the general population.

 65. The Committee recommends that the State party, in line with Sustainable Development Goal 17, significantly increase the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data disaggregated by, among others, income, sex, age, gender, race, ethnic origin, migratory, asylum-seeking and refugee status, disability, geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts, including in all general population surveys and censuses. It also recommends that the State party use the sets of questions and tools developed by the Washington Group on Disability Statistics for the collection of comparable disability statistics.
 65. 委員会は、締約国が、持続可能な開発目標の目標17に沿って、すべての一般人口調査や国勢調査を含めて、収入、性別、年齢、ジェンダー、人種、民族、移民、亡命希望や難民の状態、障害、地理的な場所及び国の状況に関連したその他の特性によって、細分化された質の高いで、適宜な信頼性の高いデータの利用可能性を高めることを勧告する。また、比較可能な障害統計の収集のために、ワシントン・グループが作成した一連の質問集とツールを、締約国が障害者統計で使用することも勧告する。

National implementation and monitoring (art. 33)

 68. The Committee notes with concern the lack of comprehensive mechanisms and sufficient resources, which limit the Office for Disability Issues in its mandate to coordinate the implementation of the Convention across the State party, as provided in article 33 (1) of the Convention.
 68. 委員会は、包括的な仕組みと十分な資源が不足している結果、障害問題担当室が、条約第33条(1)に規定されているような、締約国全体で条約の実施を調整する権限を制限されていることに懸念を表明している。

 69. The Committee recommends that the State party set up an appropriate coordinating structure of focal points with sufficient funding to strengthen the implementation of the Convention under all devolved governments and territories under its jurisdiction and/or control.
 69. 委員会は、締約国が、管轄権または支配下にあるすべての地方分権政府及び領土の下で、条約の実施を強化するための十分な資金とともに、中心となる適切な調整機構を設定することを勧告する。

 70. The Committee is concerned about the lack of resources available for the effective and comprehensive monitoring conducted by the independent monitoring framework established in accordance with article 33 (2) of the Convention, which limits the support provided to organizations of persons with disabilities to participate in the monitoring process.
 70. 委員会は、条約第33条(2)に従って設立された独立した監視の枠組みによって実施される効果的で包括的な監視のための利用可能な資源が不足していることから、監視の手続に参加するために障害者団体に提供される支援が制限されてしまうことを懸念している。

 71. The Committee recommends that the State party ensure in all its entities the independence of, and provide sufficient funding for, both established monitoring frameworks and organizations of persons with disabilities to enable them to monitor the implementation of the Convention across the State party, taking into account the guidelines on independent monitoring frameworks and their participation in the work of the Committee (see CRPD/C/1/Rev.1, annex).

48 訳者注:王室属領[直轄領]は、チャンネル諸島のガーンジー管区とジャージー管区、およびマン島の三つの地区から構成される。独立した行政機構を持ち、英連邦にもEUにも加盟しないが、主権国家ではない。
49 訳者注:イギリスでは、海外領土法が2002年に制定され、属領(British Dependent Territory)を海外領土(British Overseas Territory)に改め、全住民にイギリスの完全な市民権を与えた。
50 訳者注:devolvedは、権限を委譲された、分離された、分離地域のという意味。英のスコットランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドは大幅な自治権を持っており、(イングランドは、“いわゆる英国”からこれらの3地域を除いた地域)、devolvedはこれらの地域を指す時に使われる。
